(a) An expedition is described as a journey or excursion away from the base camp undertaken for a specific purpose.
(b) There shall be a written description and schedule of every expedition activity.
(c) The program director, field supervisor, field staff or designee shall brief staff prior to any expedition. The briefing at a minimum shall include:
(d) Evaluations of the children and staff shall be conducted as follows:
(e) The field supervisor shall debrief staff after returning from any expedition, at time of staff changes, or both.
(f) The field supervisor shall debrief children after returning from any expedition. The debriefing shall at a minimum:
(g) The program shall document results of the evaluation of the conditions of the child, interactions of child and staff, briefings, de-briefings, and compliance with program policies and procedures.
(h) The program shall retain evaluations of the child in the child's record.
049-12 Wyo. Code R. § 12-12