049-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 1-4 - Definitions

(a) At-risk youth means a child under the age of majority, who presently has a high risk of contact with the criminal justice system or has had contact with the criminal justice system.

(b) Community Assessment is a comprehensive process of identifying community assets and needs to effectively plan and develop a community based service system for at-risk youth. This process must involve key population groups and constituencies.

(c) Community Juvenile Services Board (CJSB) means a community based board which may receive funding, employ staff and expend resources to provide or contract for the provision of juvenile services for at-risk youth. The Community Juvenile Services Board must enter into Joint Powers Agreements, pursuant to W.S. 16-1-105, if applying for State funding.

(d) Criminal Justice System means a system of practices and organizations directed at maintaining social control, deterring and controlling crime, and sanctioning those who violate laws with penalties/sanctions, consisting of law enforcement, courts (municipal, circuit, and juvenile), and corrections.

(e) Criminogenic needs mean dynamic risk factors (those risk factors that can potentially change) that have been clinically proven to be predictive of future criminal behavior.

(f) Graduated interventions are evidence-based services, programs and procedures intended to protect the community, hold at-risk youth accountable for their behavior and address their assessed criminogenic needs in the area of education, mental health, substance abuse, attitudes, peers, family and social needs without the need for formal juvenile court petitions, municipal citations or prosecution in criminal court when possible. Interventions are intended to divert at-risk youth from a formal court process when appropriate or provide evidence-based habilitation for youth under court jurisdiction.

(g) Graduated sanctions for the purposes of W.S. W.S. W.S. 14-9-107(b)(v) are court ordered sanctions imposed as part of a sentence or disposition. Referral for court involvement shall be based on objective criteria outlined in the Community Juvenile Services Board's strategic plan. All recommendations for court ordered sanctions shall be consistent with W.S. W.S. W.S. 14-6-245 through 14-6-252, progressive sanctions guidelines.

(h) Joint Powers Agreements are agreements between any two (2) or more agencies for joint cooperative action under W.S. W.S. W.S. 16-1-105.

(i) Juvenile Services means programs or services provided to children at-risk of coming under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court, which include youth at-risk of coming under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice system. Programs or services shall be provided based on assessed need and shall be evidence-based or approved by the Department of Family Services. Programs and services may include:

  • (i) Needs screening and evaluation;
  • (ii) Case planning and follow-up;
  • (iii) Case management;
  • (iv) Family preservation services;
  • (v) Mental health treatment;
  • (vi) Substance abuse treatment;
  • (vii) Mentor services;
  • (viii) Tracker services;
  • (ix) Community service and restitution programs;
  • (x) Out-of-home placement;
  • (xi) Education services including special education and remediation; and
  • (xii) Pretrial diversion programs and graduated sanctions.

(j) Strategic Planning is a long-term, future-oriented process of assessment, goal setting, and decision making that maps an explicit path between the present criminal justice system and a vision for the future, which relies on careful consideration of an organization's capabilities and environment, and leads to priority-based resource allocation.

(k) Mission identifies what the Community Juvenile Services Board does, why and for whom. A mission states the unique purposes promoted and served by the Community Juvenile Services Board.

(l) Goals are broad statements of intended accomplishment or results.

(m) Objectives are clear targets for specific action. An objective is specific, pertinent, attainable, and measurable; it sets the direction for strategies.

(n) Strategies are methods to achieve goals and objectives.

(o) Outcomes are quantified results or impacts of action. Outcomes are the effects, the results, or impact of the output.

(p) Outcome Measures are tools, or indicators, to assess the actual impact of the entity's actions. An outcome measure is a means for quantified comparison between the actual result and the intended result.

(q) Outputs are the goods and services produced.

(r) Output Measures are tools, or indicators, to count the services and goods produced. The number of children and families receiving services or the number of services delivered are often used as measures of output.

(s) Transition means the process in which community partnerships are utilized to improve youth transition from the school/family/community to out of home placement and back into the school/family/community. Transition includes essential treatment and services for youth and family such as housing, treatment, medication, transportation and educational services and requires communication between relevant parties.

049-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-4