048-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-6

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 8-6 - Department Responsibilities

(a) The Department shall develop an application form, process and timeline. The Department shall make the application form available in electronic format accessible by the public.

(b) The Department will accept applications during an application period as determined and announced by the Department, and will make determinations of grant awards within sixty (60) days of the close of the designated application period. The Department may extend this period to ninety (90) days and if the Department does so, the Department will notify the applicant(s) in writing prior to the end of the initial sixty (60) days.

  • (i) If the Department requires an applicant to clarify information submitted on the application or attachments, the Department will determine the timeline the applicant has to submit the written clarification response. The Department will set a reasonable timeline based on the complexity of the clarification needed.
  • (ii) The Department may declare an application invalid if multiple clarifications are needed.

(c) The Department will accept applications for funds to facilitate capital construction and stait-up costs for Community Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics. Eligible applicants can apply for items identified in Section 2(a) of these Rules.

  • (i) The Department will determine if the application meets statutory and rule requirements prior to considering the applicant for a grant award.
  • (ii) Applications that do not meet the statutory mandates or requirements in these Rules will be returned to the applicant with a written explanation.

(d) The Department shall determine the total amount of the gi-ant authorized for each approved application. The grant amoimt shall not exceed the amount authorized by law regardless of the amount of grant funds requested in the approved application.

(e) The Department shall notify the selected applicants and coordinate the Grant Award Agreement between the grantee and the Department. The Agreement shall set forth the terms of the grant, including, but not limited to, the grant amount, grant term, approved project, and payment terms.

(f) The Department shall make grant payments in the following manner:

  • (i) An initial, up-front grant payment may be made at the time the Grant Award Agreement is finalized. This initial payment shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total grant award amount.
    • (A) The applicant may submit a request for an initial payment amount over ten percent (10%) of the total grant amount at the time the Grant Award Agreement is finalized. The decision to approve or deny such requests is at the sole discretion of the Department.
  • (ii) The Department will make the remaining payments based upon invoice from the grantee for completed work as identified in the Grant Award Agreement. Payments, based on the invoices, will be made quarterly.
  • (iii) The Department will verify that giantees have supplied all required documentation as required under the Grant Award Agreement prior to making payments under the Grant Award Agreement.

(g) In addition to general funds appropriated by the legislature for this Program, the Department may accept gifts, grants, contributions, bequests, and donations to find this Program. The Department may not use such funds for any other purpose or program.

(h) The Department shall verify grantee's compliance with the Program requirements by reviewing reports supplied by the grantee and information from other entities, together with information from, but not limited to, the federal Health Resources and Services Administration and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Wyoming Department of Health Division of Healthcare Financing and Aging Division, Healthcare Licensing and Surveys Section, and community members.

(i) Collect, compile, and maintain the grantees' reports on the grants' effect on improvements to access to care in the community and surrounding rural areas.

(j) Require non-compliant grantees to repay one hundred percent (100%) of grant funds paid by the Department, in addition to all expenses incured in collection. This repayment shall be completed in a timely mainer, pursuant to a written Repayment Agreement and schedule.

  • (i) Failure to comply with the terms of the written Repayment Agreement and schedule will result in legal action against the grantee.

048-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-6