048-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 8-4 - Definitions

The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of these Rules. Where the context in which words are used in these Rules indicates that such is the intent, words in the singular number shaii inciude the plural and visa-versa. Throughout these Rules gender pronouns are used interchangeably, except where the context dictates otherwise. The drafters have attempted to utilize each gender pronoun in equal numbers in random distribution. Words in each gender shall include individuals of the other gender.

For the purpose of tlrese Rules, the following shall apply:

(a) "Access to care programs" means Wyoming funded programs designed to increase the number of healthcare professionals working in areas of greatest need for primary care access in Wyoming as determined by the Department.

(b) "Applicant" means an existing or new Community Health Center or Rural Health Clinic applying for this grant program.

(c) "Area of greatest need" means an area identified by the Department as not having sufficient primary care providers to satisfactorily meet medical care demand for the area's population. Areas of greatest need will change regularly and be determined by the Department.

(d) "Cash" means an unobligated liquid asset.

(e) "Certified Electronic Health Record" means an electronic health record that has been certified under the Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL). The CHPL is available at http://onc-chpl.force.com/ehrcert.

(f) "Community Health Center" means a health center receiving federal funding pursuant to Public Health Service Act Section 330 (PHS 330). This does not include other Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) including, but not limited to, migrant and homeless clinics.

(g) "Department" means the Wyoming Department of Health, Public Health Division, Rural and Frontier Health Section, Office of Rural Health or the contractor/entity utilized to administer the Program.

(h) "Electronic Health Record" means an electronic version of a patient's medical history that is maintained by the provider over time, and may include all of the key administrative clinical data relevant to the patient's care under a particular provider, including demographics, progress notes, problems, medications, vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data, and radiology reports.

(i) "Federally Qualified Health Center Look-Alike (FQHC-LA)" means an organization that meets all of the eligibility requirements of an organization that receives a Pubhc Health Service Act Section 330 (PHS 330) grant, but does not receive the PHS 330 grant funding. FQHC Look-Alikes receive many of the same benefits as FQHCs, including but not limited to, enhanced Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, access to the Pubic Health Service Act Section 340 B Drug Pricing Program, and automatic designation as a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA).

(j) "Grant" means an award of state funds to an applicant through a written Grant Award Agreement.

(k) "Grant Amount" means the Program funds identified in the Grant Award Agreement.

(l) "Grant Award Agreement" means a legally enforceable and binding agreement describing the terms of the commitment between the Department and the grantee.

(m) "Grantee" means an applicant approved for a grant file:///mder the Program.

(n) "Grant Term" means a three (3) year Grant Award Agreement and timeframe under which a grantee must adhere to Program requirements.

(o) "HIPAA" means the Health hisurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.

(p) "In-kind" means real property, goods, or services with documented equity equal to or greater than the amount provided as the in-kind local match.

(q) "Integrated care" means the clinic's coordination with other local healthcare professionals, home health agencies, and the patient's hospital, to enhance care, improve access to care, reduce emergency room visits and re-hospitalizations for all patients in the clinic's service area. The clinic uses patient data and best practice guidelines to be proactive in providing quality care to improve patient outcomes, or be recognized as a "patient centered medical home" by a national program.

(r) "Key performance indicators" means quantifiable measurements, agreed to between the Department and grantee prior to executing the Grant Award Agreement, that reflect the critical success factors of the project.

(s) "Local match" means the local funding source, in cash, in-kind, or both, the applicant receives from the local community to apply toward the proposed project and must be no less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total grant amount.

(t) ''new Access Point Grant Application" means the formal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) application process required to become a Community Health Center.

(u) "Operational expenses" means expenses such as, but not limited to, rent, utilities, and salaries.

(v) "PHS 330 funding" means 42 U.S.C. § 254 b of the federal Public Health Service Act that provides grants to Federally Qualified Health Centers, including Community Health Centers. This is commonly referred to as PHS 330 funding or 330 funding.

(w) "Program" means the Wyoming Primary Care Support Grant Program.

(x) "Rural Health Clinic" means a certified R.ural Health Clinic, as documented by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

(y) "Service Area" means the geographic vicinity a clinic draws the bulk of patients from. This may be a town, city, county, or a combination thereof.

(z) "Sliding fee scale" means a scale to determine whether a patient receives services free of charge, for a nominal fee, or at a discounted rate based upon income and current federal poverty guidelines.

(aa) "Treat without reservation" means to not limit the number or type of care for patients qualified under the Medical Assistance and Services Act (Medicaid), Title XVIII of the federal Social Security Act (Medicare), and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) who seek medical care which the healtlicare provider is qualified to provide in the grantee's clinic.

(bb) "This Act" means W.S. § 9-2-127, the Wyoming Primary Care Support Act.

(cc) "Quality Indicators" means financial and clinical quality measures including, but not limited to, those found in the Consolidated List of Performance Measures published by the Bureau of Primary Healthcare (BPHC).

048-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-4