(a) Au application shall be deemed incomplete for any one of the following reasons: - (i) Failure to provide information requested on the application form;
- (ii) Lack of supporting documents;
- (iii) Lack of or improper signature;
- (iv) Lack of Wyoming residency documentation;
- (v) Lack of financial documentation.
(b) An incomplete application will be returned to the applicant for corrections, with deficiencies noted. - (i) If the application is incomplete, benefit eligibihty will not be determined.
- (ii) The benefit eligibility date will be established when a properly completed and signed application is received and eligibility is determined.
- (iii) Payment of claims will not be made until an eligibility date has been established and any required Acknowledgements have been received by the Program.
(c) A recipient must reapply for benefits in cases where Ms eligibility has lapsed in order to regain Program benefits.