048-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 1-4 - Definitions

The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of these rules. Where the context in which words are used in these rules indicates that such is the intent, words in the singular number shall include the plural and vice-versa. Throughout these rules gender pronouns are used interchangeably, except where the context dictates otherwise. The drafters have attempted to utilize each gender pronoun in equal numbers in random distribution. Words in each gender shall include individuals of the other gender.

(a) "Acknowledgment" - written verification of receipt of information provided to the applicant/recipient by the Program.

(b) "Applicant" - a person whose written application for the Wyoming End Stage Renal Disease Program has been submitted to the Program, but who has not yet received final action.

(c) "Approved Facility" - a facility approved to participate in the Program, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • (i) Hospital outpatient dialysis facilities;
  • (ii) Free-standing ESRD clinics or centers;
  • (iii) In-state or ont-of-state facilities, including firee-standing facilities;
  • (iv) Medicare approved hospitals and transplant centers; and
  • (v) Veterans Administration and military hospitals which have Joint Commission, formerly known as Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), approved renal dialysis units.

(d) "Critical need" -Need for assistance based upon the applicant's certified diagnosis of and treatment for End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and honsehold income at or below 185% of Federal Poverty Guideline when adjusted by applicant specific ESRD related expenses.

(e) "Department" - the Wyoming Department of Health.

(f) "Director" - Director of the Wyoming Department of Health.

(g) "End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)" - chronic, irreversible renal (kidney) failure which requires dialysis or kidney transplantation to maintain life.

(h) "Hearing" - a contested case hearing before a designated hearing officer.

(i) "Trogram" - the Wyoming End Stage Renal Disease Program.

(j) "Provider" - any party who has ESRD Program approval and provides related services to Program recipients.

(k) "Recipiait" - an ESRD patient that has been determined eligible for and is receiving Program benefits.

(l) "Residency" - proof by documentation acceptable to the Program that an individual meets the Program definition of "resident".

(m) "Resident" - an individual who can document his residence in Wyoming exclusively for sixty (60) continuous days immediately preceding the date he applies for Program assistance.

048-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-4