048-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-5
Current through April 27, 2019
Any person, or his representative, may make a request to the Department, either orally or in writing, for a hearing in a contested case. Any hearing request made orally shall be reduced to writing by the Department and entered in the Contestant's record.
a. The request shall contain at least:
- (1) Name, -address, and telephone number of the person requesting the hearing; and
- (2) The reason for the request, including the nature of - the departmental action, order,- or determination being contested.
b. The request shall be directed to the Department within twenty- (20) days of the date of the action that is the basis of the contested case.
- (1) The Department shall evaluate the request and, within 20 days of receipt of the-request:
- (a) Notify the requesting party that a determination in his or her favor has been made and specify the action to be taken by the agency; or
- (b) Give notice to the requesting party that a hearing will be held; or
- (c) Notify the requesting party of the denial of a hearing as requested and the reasons for the denial. A hearing may be denied if the request for a hearing does not meet the definition of a contested case. A denial of a request for a hearing is a final decision of the Department which may be appealed to the district court pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act.
048-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-5