048-16 Wyo. Code R. § 16-6

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 16-6 - Organization and Management

(a) Governing Body. The rehabilitation program shall have a governing body which has the legal authority and responsibility to operate the rehabilitation program. The governing body shall:

  • (i) Obtain a fidelity bond for client protection arising from the want of honesty, integrity or fidelity of an employee. The bond shall consist of no less than $2500 and shall be augmented in relation to the number of employees.

    Central registry information can be obtained by contacting Department of Family Services at307-777-5366. (This number may be subject to change.)

    Adopt, revise, and approve personnel policies; including:

    Frequency of evaluations;

    Insuring confidentiality of central registry information checks;

    Prepare an organizational chart that reflects the administrative control and lines of authority for the delegation of responsibility from management down to the client care level.

    The governing body shall ensure that all services provided are consistent with accepted standards of practice.

    The governing body shall ensure adequate staffing to provide quality rehabilitation care.

    There must be policies and procedures for services offered, which shall be reviewed annually by the governing body.

    Ensure in accordance with the State Statute 25-2-910, there is an effective, ongoing, agency wide written quality improvement program which ensures and evaluates quality of care provided to all clients.

    Personnel Records.

    There shall be one person designated responsible for maintaining the confidentiality.

    Employee Health. The rehabilitation program shall:

    Develop policies and procedures for employee health, including a policy identifying communicable diseases that could put the client population at risk.

    Advanced Directives.

    The rehabilitation program shall adopt policies which assure that they provide information on advanced directives to clients. If the clients advanced directives are known they shall be followed by the rehabilitation facility.

    Notification. Prior to admission all perspective clients shall be notified if the rehabilitation program is not Medicare/Medicaid certified.

048-16 Wyo. Code R. § 16-6