048-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-3

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 1-3 - Definitions

The following defmitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of these rules. Where the context in which words are used in these rules indicates that such is the intent, words in the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa. Throughout these rules gender pronouns are used interchangeably except where the context dictates otherwise. The drafters have attempted to utilize each gender pronoun in equal numbers in random distribution. Words in each gender shall include individuals of the other gender.

(a) "Alcohol" means any substance containing any form of alcohol, including but not limited to, ethanol, methanol, propanol, and isopropanol.

(b) "Alcohol concentration" in percent (%) means:

  • (i) The number of grams of alcohol per one hundred (100) milliliters of blood;
  • (ii) The number of grams of alcohol per seventy-five (75) milliliters of urine;
  • (iii) The number of grams of alcohol per two hundred ten (210) liters of breath;
  • (iv) The number of grams of alcohol per eighty-six and two tenths (86.2) milliliters of serum or plasma;
  • (v) The number of grams of alcohol per seventy-eight and seven-tenths (78.7) milliliters of vitreous fluid.

(c) "Analyst" is an individual holding a permit as an alcohol analyst as described in Chapter 4 of these rules.

(d) "Blank sample" means a sample of blood, urine, water or air known to be free of alcohol. Blanks are used for calibrating instruments or documenting that a test procedure will not indicate the presence of alcohol when none is present.

(e) "Certification" or "certification process" means the process the individual must complete in order to obtain a permit.

(f) "Chemical analysis" means a test to determine the presence and/or amount of certain chemicals based on their chemical and/or physical properties. Example - a chemical analysis for alcohol may be done by gas chromatography, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, infrared absorption or electrochemical.

(g) "Operator" is an individual holding a permit as an operator or senior operator as described in Chapter 4 of these rules.

(h) "Permit" means documentation that an individual has met the prescribed qualifications during the certification process and thus, has a permit to perform alcohol analyses to be used in enforcement of W.S. 10-6-103, 31-5-233, 31-6-102, 31-17-111 & 113, and 41-13-206.

(i) "Proficiency sample" means a sample of blood, urine or water prepared to contain a specified quantity of alcohol for use in determining the competency of analytical personnel or of a procedure.

(j) "Reference sample" means a sample of blood, urine, water or air prepared to contain a specified amount of alcohol, or a mechanical device designed to give a specified value, for use in calibrating or verifying the calibrafion of a test procedure or instrument.

(k) "State agency" refers to the Chemical Testing Program of the Department of Health, Public Health Laboratory, Preventive Health and Safety Division.

048-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-3