048-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-8

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 8-8 - Residents Rights

(a) Every resident in a boarding home shall have the right to:

  • (i) Private and unrestricted communication. This right shall include, but is not limited to:
    • (A) Receive, send and mail sealed, unopened correspondence. No resident's incoming or outgoing correspondence shall be opened, delayed, held or censored;
    • (B) Reasonable access to a telephone for private communications; and
    • (C) An opportunity for private visits.
  • (ii) Present grievances on his/her own behalf or others to the staff or public officials or to any other person without justifiable fear of reprisal and to join with other residents or individuals within or outside of the facility to work for improvements in resident care.
  • (iii) Manage his/her own financial affairs, unless the resident delegates, in writing, someone else of the resident's choosing and that person accepts the responsibility.
  • (iv) Be fully informed, prior to or at the time of admission, and during stay, of services available in the boarding home and of related charges including any charges for services not covered by the boarding homes's basic per diem rate.
  • (v) Physical and emotional privacy in treatment, living arrangements and in caring for personal needs, including, but not limited to:
    • (A) Privacy for visits by spouse. If both spouses are residents of the boarding home, they shall be permitted to share a room unless medically contraindicated as documented by the resident's physician in the resident's record.
    • (B) Privacy concerning health care. Persons not directly involved in the resident's care shall require the resident's permission to authorize their presence.
    • (C) Confidentiality of health and personal records, and the right to approve or refuse their release to any individual outside the boarding home except in the case of the resident's transfer to another facility or as required by law.
  • (vi) Not be required to perform services for the boarding home except for therapeutic purposes.
  • (vii) Meet with, and participate in activities of social, religious and community groups at the resident's discretion.
  • (viii) Retain and use personal clothing and effects and to retain, as space permits, other personal possessions in a reasonably secure manner.
  • (ix) Be transferred or discharged, and be given reasonable advance notice of any planned transfer or discharge, and an explanation of the need for and alternatives to such transfer or discharge. The facility to which the resident is to be transferred must have accepted the resident for transfer, except in a medical emergency.
  • (x) Be free from mental and physical abuse.
  • (xi) Receive adequate and appropriate care within the capacity of the boarding home.

(b) The manager shall give every resident a copy of his or her rights upon admission.

(c) The rights shall be read to those residents who are unable to read, and any questions a resident may have shall be answered.

(d) A copy of the resident's rights shall be kept in the residents record, signed and dated by the resident.

(e) Each boarding home shall establish a system of reviewing complaints and allegations of violations of residents rights. The boarding home shall designate a specific individual who, for the purpose of effectuating this system shall report to the manager.

(f) In order to ensure that residents continue to be aware of these rights and responsibilities outlined in this Section, a written copy shall be prominently posted in a location that is available to all residents.

048-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-8