048-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-1

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 3-1 - Designation

The Division shall divide the state into planning and service areas in the following manner:

(a) Applications for designation as a planning and service area shall be submitted to the Division only by officials of an eligible entity.

(b) The application must include a description of the following:

  • (i) The geographical region, population and number of elderly persons in the geographical region proposed for designation as a planning and service area;
  • (ii) How the administration of the proposed planning and service area will be more efficient and cost effective than the present single planning and service area administered by the Division;
  • (iii) The system by which services will be delivered in the proposed planning and service area; and
  • (iv) The budget for the administration of the proposed planning and service area.

(c) Such applications will be reviewed as follows:

  • (i) At the first quarterly meeting of the Advisory Council all applications will be considered.
  • (ii) Each application will be assigned to a subcommittee of council members, which shall evaluate the application by:
    • (A) Conducting an on-site evaluation/assessment of the management capabilities of the applicant, based upon an evaluation report submitted by the Division staff which includes fiscal and program performance reports of the applicant; and
    • (B) Formulating results of the on-site assessments into a written report of the subcommittee findings.
  • (iii) Copies of the subcommittee's written report and the original application will be disseminated to the full Council at the second quarter meeting.
  • (iv) The application will be considered for approval at the Advisory Council meeting during the third quarter.
    • (A) If approved, the report and application will be forwarded to the Division Administrator, the Director of th e Department of Health, and the Governor for final approval.
    • (B) The applicant shall be notified within 30 days after the third quarter meeting of the Council, by certified mail, of the recommendation and/or approval.
    • (C) If the application is not approved by the Advisory Council at the third quarter meeting, the applicant will be notified of denial by certified mail within 30 days of the meeting.
  • (v) If the recommendation is to approve the application, legislation will be drafted, and the state plan will be amended, to provide for multiple planning and service areas in the state.
  • (vi) If the application is denied, the applicant may request an administrative hearing under Chapter 2, Section 4.

048-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-1