(a) Parallel encroachments shall be as close to the highway R/W line as possible.
(b) Crossings shall be as close to perpendicular to the roadway centerline as practical.
(c) Casing pipe for pushed or bored crossings shall be of sufficient strength to withstand highway loadings and of sufficient size to allow for future installations.
(d) Parallel encroachments of direct buried cable underneath the traveled lanes is not allowed. When permitted elsewhere in the highway R/W, direct buried cable shall be a minimum of 36 inches below natural ground and a minimum of 36 inches below ditch flowline for crossings.
(e) Parallel encroachment of a multiple space duct transmission system and the associated manholes, splice pits, and/or vaults are not encouraged but may be approved for construction under the roadway and/or sidewalk section of urban roads provided the appurtenances are designed to withstand highway loading and allowances are made for future roadway gradeline changes. Distribution systems shall not be placed under the pavement section.
(f) The construction provisions of the National Electrical Safety Code and/or National Electrical Code shall apply with a minimum depth of cover of 36 inches below top of pavement for parallel construction, and a minimum of 36 inches below roadway ditch flow line for crossings.
(g) Joint occupancy of duct systems and trenches is encouraged provided the construction provisions of the NESC and/or NEC can be followed.
(h) The face of the bore pits or receiving pits shall be no closer than fifteen (15) feet to the roadway embankment slope or roadway ditch and in no case closer than 30 feet to the edge of the traveled way and the casing pipe shall at a minimum extend to the face of the pit.
(i) The diameter of the bore shall not exceed the outside diameter of the pipe being placed by more than five (5) percent.
(j) Trenching or plowing from the bore/receiving pit to the R/W line may be authorized at the discretion of the Department's engineer.
(k) Restoration of the R/W, compaction of trenches, repair of pavement, repair offences, etc. shall be as directed by the Department's engineer.
(l) Marker posts shall be placed as close to the R/W line as possible. For parallel encroachments they shall be at 1,000 feet intervals or line of sight and at crossings on both sides of the R/W.
(m) Parallel installation within the median strip of divided highways is not permitted.
(n) Deviation from the approved horizontal alignment in excess of two (2) feet shall have prior approval from the Department's engineer and amended exhibit's will be provided.
045-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-2