Driver's license records include only those records as defined in Section 3 of these rules.
(b) Unless otherwise provided by statute, the Department shall make available a 3/10 year driving record in accordance with the provisions of W.S. 31-5-1214(f), W.S. 31-7-120, W.S. 16-4-202(a), and the Driver's Privacy Protection Act (DPPA). The driving history record shall reflect at least the following actions:
(c) No "Driving History Record," as defined under "Driver License Records" in Section 3 of these rules, shall be released except upon expressed written request by the individual record holder; or to a third party except upon presentation of a signed release from the record holder; or upon written request by law enforcement, or government agency, or court to carry out their official functions, or those permitted disclosures allowed in Wyoming Department of Transportation Rules & Regulations, Motor Vehicles and Licensing, Chapter 7.
(d) A record defined in these rules as "Verification record" under Driver License Records in Section 3 of these rules, shall not be released as part of any other record request, except upon expressed written consent of the record holder as allowed in Wyoming Department of Transportation Rules & Regulations, Motor Vehicles and Licensing, Chapter 7.
(e) A record defined in these rules as a "Medical Record" under Driver License Records in Section 3 of these rules, shall not be released as part of any other record request, except upon expressed written consent of the record holder as allowed in Wyoming Department of Transportation Rules & Regulations, Motor Vehicles and Licensing, Chapter 7.
045-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-23
Amended, Eff. 12/5/2016.