Appendix I - SUPPLEMENT - Number 1

Current through April 27, 2019
Appendix I - SUPPLEMENT - Number 1

TITLE: Inspection procedure required for detection of organisms inducing Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD)

INTRODUCTION: Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD) is included as a prohibited disease.

Clinical signs include:

1) dark body color;

2) abdominal distention;

3) pale gills;

4) pronounced lateral body swelling;

5) bilateral exophthalmia;

6) swollen kidneys;

7) enlarged spleen;

8) grayish discoloration of kidneys; and

9) folded or corrugated appearing kidneys.

Fishes being transported into Wyoming from PKD/PKX occurring sources or areas in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, British Columbia (or any other areas where occurrence becomes documented) shall be inspected and found free of PKD and the PKX pathogen by appropriate source inspection.

Inspecting agents performing inspections or routine diagnostic evaluations of fishes within Wyoming or inspections on fishes outside Wyoming and outside of the area listed in the above paragraph shall perform PKD/PKX testing on any fish which exhibit clinical signs of PKD.