(a) Definitions. - (i) ACCREDITED means the process of certification by the state breed registrar recognized by the Commission.
- (ii) ACCREDITED WYOMING BRED RACING STOCK means any horse used for racing purposes foaled in the state of Wyoming and out of an accredited Wyoming broodmare and is registered pursuant to W.S. § 11-25-106(a).
- (iii) ACCREDITED WYOMING BROODMARE is a female horse (mare) used for breeding purposes and permanently domiciled in the state of Wyoming, and is registered pursuant to W.S. § 11-25-106(a).
- (iv) ACCREDITED WYOMING STALLION means a male horse (stallion) used for breeding purposes and permanently domiciled in the state of Wyoming, and is registered pursuant to W.S. § 11-25-106(a).
- (v) BREEDER of a horse is the owner of its dam at the time of foaling.
- (vi) BREEDER AWARD means monies collected pursuant to W.S. § 11-25-105(j) and distributed by the Commission to promote the improved breeding and development of the horse industry in Wyoming. Breeder awards may include purse enhancement of Wyoming bred races.
- (vii) BREEDING SEASON is from January 1 through December 31.
- (viii) PERMANENTLY DOMICILED, once an accredited Wyoming broodmare or accredited Wyoming stallion is accredited by the state breed registrar the horse shall be permanently domiciled within the borders of the State of Wyoming pursuant to Chapter 8 Section 6(a)(iii) & (iv).
- (ix) STATE BREED REGISTRAR means the accrediting body, organization, or other entity approved by the Commission. The purpose of the registrar is to facilitate the accreditation process of Wyoming bred horses.
(b) The following one time fees shall be assessed when accrediting and transferring ownership of a Wyoming Bred Horse: - (i) Accredited Wyoming Bred Racing Stock - birth to January 1st of the two year old year; seventy five dollars ($75.00).
- (ii) Accredited Wyoming Bred Racing Stock - after January 1st of the two year old year; two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00).
- (iii) Accredited Wyoming Broodmare; two hundred dollars ($200.00).
- (iv) Accredited Wyoming Stallion; three hundred dollars ($300.00).
- (v) Ownership transfers of Accredited Wyoming Bred Horses; fifteen dollars ($15.00).
(c) Eligibility to receive breeder award funding. - (i) An accredited Wyoming breed racing stock horse shall be accredited prior to participation in races to receive breeder award fund monies.
- (ii) For an embryo transfer or oocyte process foal to be eligible as an accredited Wyoming bred racing stock horse, it must be a genetic offspring of an accredited Wyoming broodmare.
- (iii) Multiple foals, foals conceived in the same season by a single broodmare are eligible for accreditation.
- (A) An accredited Wyoming broodmare that produces multiple foals in a single season using the transferred embryo or oocyte process must submit a multiple embryo transfer report. The report must be submitted on or before December 1st of the year of conception. The report shall be submitted to the state breed registrar.
- (B) The recipient mare must be permanently identified; papered, branded or tattooed and permanently domiciled in the state of Wyoming.
- (iv) Any horse accredited as racing stock must be re-accredited as an accredited Wyoming broodmare or an accredited Wyoming stallion.
- (v) A mare shall be accredited as an accredited Wyoming broodmare by August 15 of the year in which an eligible foal is conceived.
- (A) The mare owner shall certify the location where the mare is permanently domiciled and where the mare is going to foal. The certification shall be submitted to the state bred registrar.
- (B) A mare may leave the state of Wyoming for breeding, medical, sale, or racing purposes without losing its accreditation provided the mare returns to the state of Wyoming each year before August 15. If an accredited Wyoming broodmare permanently moves out of state or fails to properly notify the state bred registrar when leaving, she will lose her accreditation and must be re-accredited to return to the program.
- (vi) An accredited Wyoming stallion must be accredited by December 1st of the breeding season to receive stallion award funds from the resulting accredited Wyoming bred racing stock foal(s).
- (A) The stallion owner shall give written notice when the accredited Wyoming stallion leaves and returns to Wyoming. Notification shall be given to the state breed registrar.
- (B) An accredited Wyoming stallion must stand the entire season in the state of Wyoming. A stallion may leave the state for racing, medical or sale purposes as long as he returns to the state of Wyoming each year before December 1. A stallion may not be accredited for a particular foal unless all foals conceived in that season, other than foals conceived by shipping semen process, were conceived in the state of Wyoming.
(d) Every Permittee licensed by the Commission shall offer at least one Wyoming-Bred quarter horse race and one Wyoming-Bred thoroughbred race each day during its meeting. If sufficient competition cannot be had among this class of horses on any day, another race for said day may be substituted. A Wyoming-Bred race is considered filled when at least six Wyoming-Breds are entered.
(e) The Commission may approve breeder award funds to be distributed to owners of accredited Wyoming bred racing stock horses winning non Wyoming-Bred races run at a Wyoming permitted track. The Commission shall distribute the remainder of breeder award funds on a calendar year basis using the following formulae: - (i) Forty percent (40%) to breeders of accredited Wyoming-bred racing stock horses.
- (ii) Forty percent (40%) to owners of accredited Wyoming-bred racing stock horses.
- (iii) Twenty percent (20%) to owners of accredited Wyoming stallions standing in the state of Wyoming at time of service to mares producing Wyoming-bred racing stock horses.
(f) The Wyoming-Bred funds shall be distributed on a point basis. The formula to determine points is as follows: - (i) The number of points for a race is determined by the numbers of starters. The winner shall receive a number of points equivalent to the number of starters in a race. The second place horse in a race shall receive one less point than the winner and so on, until the last place horse, which shall receive one point.
- (ii) A horse which starts in a race but does not finish shall not be awarded points.
(g) Trophies or other awards must be approved by the commission and may not exceed the amount of interest on the Breeders Award fund.
(h) These Rules shall not affect the status of any horse recognized as a Wyoming bred horse prior to the 2016 breeding season.