Current through April 27, 2019

In applying the Rules and all amendments the following definitions, constructions and interpretations shall apply, except where otherwise indicated in the Rules:

(a) AGE of a horse is designated as beginning on the first of January in the year in which it is foaled.

(b) ARREARS include all monies due for entrance forfeits, fees (including jockey fees), forfeitures, subscriptions, stake and also any default in money incident to the Rules.

(c) ARCI means the Association of Racing Commissioners International Inc.

(d) AUTHORIZED AGENT is a person appointed by a written instrument signed and acknowledged before a notary public, by the owner and filed with the Commission in accordance with the Rules.

(e) BOOKMAKER is a person in the business of taking bets on pari-mutuel events other than through the totalisator equipment approved by the Commission.

(f) BREAKAGE is the odd cents on any sum otherwise distributable in a pari-mutuel pool. Also the difference between the amount contributed to the pari-mutuel pool and the total of the commissions (takeouts) and the sums redistributed to the contributors.

(g) BRED - A horse is "bred" at the place of its birth.

(h) BREEDER of a horse is the owner of its dam at the time of foaling.

(i) BREED AWARD means monies collected pursuant to W.S. § 11-25-105(j) and distributed by the Commission to promote the improved breeding and development of the horse industry in Wyoming. Breeder awards may include purse enhancement of Wyoming Bred races.

(j) CALENDAR DAY is twenty-four hours ending at midnight.

(k) CONCESSION OPERATOR means a person or entity performing a service or selling any articles under a license issued by the Commission.

(l) COMMISSION shall mean the Wyoming Pari-Mutuel Commission.

(m) DECLARATION shall mean the act of withdrawing an entered horse from a race before the closing of overnight entries.

(n) DIRECTLY INVOLVED pertains to live racing or pari-mutuel events and means a person who, due to his or her employment or status, has access to restricted areas or animals housed on permitted event grounds for racing or use in pari-mutuel events.

(o) DRUG means any narcotic, sedative, anesthetic, analgesic, drug or medication of any kind intended for the use in any manner for the treatment or prevention of a condition which could affect the racing condition or performance of an animal. Also included is any substance which, can affect or interfere with the true and accurate testing and analysis of blood, urine, saliva, or other samples taken from animals.

(p) ENGAGEMENT is the obligation of a Jockey or a horse to participate in a race.

  • (i) ENGAGEMENT BOOK is a record of engagements kept by a Jockey Agent.


  • (i) A horse eligible and entered in a race.
  • (ii) COUPLED ENTRY means two or more horses which are entered in a race and are owned in whole or in part by the same owner, or are trained by a trainer who owns any interest in any of the other horses in the race and appear on the program as a single betting interest, (often referred to as "an entry").

(r) EQUIPMENT, as applied to a horse, shall mean whips, spurs, blinkers, tongue straps, muzzles, hoods, nosebands, bits, shadow rolls, martingales, breast plates, bandages, boots, plates and all other paraphernalia which is used on a horse while racing.

(s) EVENT means a pari-mutuel event per W.S. § 11-25-102(a)(iv).

(t) EXOTIC WAGERING shall mean a bet, which is comprised of three or more wagering interests.

(u) FIELD means

  • (i) The entire group of horses in a race.
  • (ii) The highest numbered horse within the capacity of the tote and all other horses of a higher number grouped together in wagering.

(v) FORFEIT shall mean money due because of an error, fault, neglect of duty, breach of contract or a penalty.

(w) GROUNDS means the entire area used by the Permittee to conduct pari-mutuel events including but not limited to the grandstand, parking lot, concession area, and stables.

(x) HANDBOOK is a bookmakers book of bets or a place where bookmaking is carried on.

(y) HORSE includes colt, filly, gelding, mare, and ridgling. For racing purposes and programming a horse shall be designated as follows:

  • (i) Male: horse, colt, gelding or ridgling. (A horse is an entire male five years old or older.)
  • (ii) Female: filly or mare. (A filly becomes a mare when five years old.)

(z) HOST FACILITY OWNER is a person that leases or rents its facility located in Wyoming to a Permittee to host pari-mutuel events as approved by the Commission.

(aa) HISTORIC HORSE RACING means a race which has previously occurred and is electronically transmitted for wagering purposes and approved by the Commission.

(bb) IN TODAY HORSE is any horse which, has drawn a position in a race and enters again on the next day that entries are taken.

(cc) JOCKEY is a race rider, whether a licensed jockey, an apprentice or an amateur.

(dd) JOURNEYMAN JOCKEY is a licensed jockey.

(ee) LICENSEE means a person issued a license by the Commission.

(ff) MAIDEN is a horse that has never won a race on the flat in a state or country where racing is supervised by a legalized racing commission or board and where the races are covered by the Racing Form or other similar authorized publication. A maiden which has been disqualified after finishing first is still to be considered a maiden.

(gg) MEETING - Entire period for which a permit to hold pari-mutuel events has been granted to any one Permittee by the Commission.

(hh) MINOR is any person under the age of 18.

  • (i) BETTING AGE is any person that is 18 years of age or older.

(ii) MONTH is a calendar month.

(jj) MUTUEL DEPARTMENT consists of the equipment and personnel necessary to conduct pari-mutuel wagering and the department is under the supervision of the mutuel manager.


(ll) NOMINATOR is the person in whose name a horse is entered for a race.

(mm) OFF-TIME is the instant the stall doors of the starting gate open in front of the horses at the start of a race.

(nn) OWNER includes sole owner, part owner or lessee of a horse. An interest in the winnings of a horse does not constitute part ownership.

(oo) PARI-MUTUEL TICKET is a document printed or record produced by a pari-mutuel system device on which is represented a pari-mutuel wager or wagers that have been authorized and accepted for purposes of participation in a pari-mutuel pool.

(pp) PATRON is a member of the public present on the grounds of a Permittee during a meeting for the purpose of wagering or to observe racing.

(qq) PERMITTEE means any person or entity granted a permit by the Commission to conduct pari-mutuel events within the State of Wyoming.

(rr) PLACE in racing shall mean first, second, third or fourth and in that order is called "Win", "Place", "Show", and "Fourth".

(ss) POST POSITION means the pre-assigned position from which a horse will leave the starting gate.

(tt) POST TIME is the time set for the arrival of the horses in a race at the starting point and must be shown a reasonable time prior to the race on a clock device provided for that purpose, prominently displayed and clearly readable from the grandstand.

(uu) RACE is a contest between horses for purse, stakes, premium, wager for money or entrance fees on any permitted course and in the presence of the stewards.


  • (i) CLAIMING RACE is a race in which any horse entered may be claimed in conformity with the rules.
  • (ii) OPTIONAL CLAIMING RACE is a race restricted to horses entered to be claimed for a stated claiming price and to those which have previously started for that claiming price or less. In the case of horses entered to be claimed in such a race, the race will be considered, for the purpose of these rules, a claiming race.
  • (iii) HANDICAP is a race in which the weights to be carried by the entered horses are adjusted by a handicapper.
  • (iv) MATCH is a private sweepstakes between two horses which, are the property of two different owners. If prior to the running of the race either of the horses entered in the match dies or if either owner dies, the match is void. It remains a match even if money or other award is added to the stakes. (Not allowed in Wyoming unless by special permission of the Commission.)
  • (v) OVERNIGHT RACE is one for which entries close seventy-two (72) hours or less before the time set for the first race of the day on which the race is to be run.
  • (vi) PRIVATE SWEEPSTAKES is a stakes race in which the participating nominators have engaged their respective entries and which, previous to closing has not been advertised for entries in any manner whatsoever. It remains a private sweepstakes even if money or any other award is added to the stakes.
  • (vii) PRODUCE RACE is a race in which the produce of horses named or described at the time of entry are contestants.
  • (viii) PURSE RACE is a race for money or any other prize to which the owners of the horses engaged do not contribute.
  • (ix) STAKES RACE OR SWEEPSTAKES is a race to which nominators of the engaged entries contribute to a purse to which money or any other award may be added, but no overnight race regardless of its conditions shall be deemed a stakes race.
  • (x) WALK OVER means a race in which only one horse starts or in which all the starters are owned by the same interest. To claim the purse the horses(s) must start and go the distance of the race.
  • (xi) WYOMING BRED RACE is a race in which all entries are Wyoming Bred horses.

(ww) RACE DAY means any period of twenty-four (24) hours beginning at midnight and included in the period of a race meeting on which flat track horse racing is held. In the matter of penalties the word "Day" means a "Race Day".

(xx) RECOGNIZED MEETING shall be any meeting wherever held under the sanction of a turf authority having reciprocal relations with the Commission and other turf authorities approved by the Commission for the mutual enforcement of rulings imposed on persons guilty of fraudulent turf practices of any kind.

(yy) RESTRICTED AREA is an enclosed portion of a Permittee's grounds or wagering site with access limited to licensees who require access due to their occupation or participation.

(zz) RESIDENT - A Wyoming resident is one who maintains a fixed, customary habitation (residence) within the borders of the State of Wyoming and to which, whenever he or she is absent, and intends to return.

(aaa) ROPER is a contestant in a pari-mutuel roping event.

(bbb) ROPING EVENT is a professional roping contest permitted by the Commission.

(ccc) RULES shall mean the Rules and Regulations herein prescribed and any amendments or additions.

(ddd) SCRATCH shall mean the act of withdrawing an entered horse from the race after the closing of overnight entries.

(eee) SCRATCH TIME shall mean the time set by the stewards for the closing of applications for permission to withdraw from races of that day.

(fff) SIMULCAST means the sale of pari-mutuel pools electronically transmitted live or historic on interstate or intrastate pari-mutuel events as prescribed by the Commission.

(ggg) STARTER - A horse is a "Starter" for a race when the stall doors of the starting gate open in front of it at the time the Starter dispatches the horses. STARTER is also the name used to designate the official whose duty it is to give the starting signal at the beginning of the race.

(hhh) STEWARDS shall mean the head racing or roping officials, or their duly appointed deputies, charged with the duty of making sure races and roping go-rounds are carried out in conformance with rules of the Commission.

(iii) SUBSCRIPTION shall mean the act of nominating to a stakes race.

(jjj) TRA means Thoroughbred Racing Associations of North America.

(kkk) TRPB means Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau.

(lll) UNTRIED HORSE is one whose produce are maidens.

(mmm) WEIGHT FOR AGE is the standard weight assigned by these rules to horses according to their ages.

(nnn) YEAR shall mean a calendar year.

Effective 12/18/2013