As nearly as may be practicable, contested case hearings shall be conducted as outlined below:
a. The hearing officer will announce that the hearing is called to order and state the case docket number, nature of the proceedings, and official title of the action.
b. The appearance of all parties appearing at the hearing will be taken and recorded.
c. The hearing officer will briefly review the allegations in any pleadings, state the position of the parties, and describe any evidence which has previously been presented.
d. All pending motions will be disposed of then or later.
e. Opening statements may be made in the following order by each party for the purpose of explaining their position and the evidence they intend to offer:
f. Each party will then present its evidence in the order stated in subsection "e" above. Cross examination will be allowed to every other party. The hearing officer, Board members, or the Board's legal advisor may also examine any witness. Exhibits will be marked as directed by the hearing officer. A party may appear as his or her own witness and give evidence in the form of testimony provided that they are sworn to tell the truth and may be cross examined by the other parties.
g. The petitioning party may then offer rebuttal evidence, and the other parties may cross examine.
h. The hearing officer will recall any witness which he or she or a Board member wishes to examine further.
i. Closing statements will then be allowed to each party in the order stated in subsection "e" above.
j. At appropriate times throughout the hearing, or at its conclusion, the hearing officer will announce any intentions on the part of the Board to take official notice.
k. The hearing officer may recess or continue the hearing as he deems appropriate to the circumstances.
l. The hearing officer may allow testimony and evidence to be presented out of order.
m. Witnesses will be excused when their testimony has been concluded and there is no reason for them to remain present.
n. The parties may provide written briefs or memoranda at any time, or the hearing officer may call for whatever briefs he or she believes may be desirable.
o. After all interested parties have been offered an opportunity to be heard, the hearing officer will declare the evidence closed and excuse all witnesses not previously excused.
p. When the taking of evidence is closed, the hearing officer will allow the parties an opportunity to check that the reporter has in his or her possession or control all exhibits, reports, and other items of evidence accepted as part of the record.
q. At the conclusion of a contested case hearing, the hearing officer will announce that the evidence is being taken under advisement by the State Board of Control and that its findings of fact, conclusions of law and order will be released at its next regularly scheduled meeting or as soon thereafter as may be possible. A further announcement will be made that the Board's decision shall be recorded in the Board's Order Record kept in its office in Cheyenne, and that a copy shall be sent to each party of record by certified mail as soon as it can be put into written form.
r. It should be noted that before a final order has been entered in the Order Record, the evidence in a contested case proceeding may be reopened for good cause shown upon order of the State Board of Control.
037-6 Wyo. Code R. § 6-17