Section 33 - 366, Wyoming Statutes 1 957, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 196, Session Laws of Wyoming 1971; and Section 41 - 121, 1, Chapter 171, Session Laws of Wyoming 1973, provide tor the filing of applications with the State Engineer for facilities meeting the following limitations:
a. Stock reservoirs not to exceed 20 acre-feet in capacity or 20 feet In fill height.
b. Fishing preserve reservoirs not to exceed 20 acre-feet in capacity or 20 feet in fill height.
c. Floodwater detention reservoirs not to exceed 50 acre-feet in capacity, 20 feet in fill height, or 20 acre-feet of inactive capacity; and providing said dam has a minimum outlet of 18 inches in diameter.
d. Facilities diverting from springs where the yield does not exceed 25 g.p.m. (0.056 CPS) for stock or domestic purposes only, shall be considered as ground water and the ground water application procedure must be used.
Facilities diverting from springs where the yield exceeds 25 g.p.m,, (0.Q56 CFS) for stock purposes only, must follow the filing procedure outlined by this Chapter, and will be limited to 25 g.p.m. (0.056 CFS).
037-6 Wyo. Code R. § 6-1