a. GENERAL INFORMATION - (1) If a right is to be acquired by submitting an application and map for a permit to the State Engineer, the procedure followed is generally the same as for filing applications for permits for other uses.
- (2) The priority of a right filed for these temporary purposes is the date the application for a permit is accepted in the State Engineer's Office.
- (3) Such a right is issued only for a limited time, generally only for long enough to complete the temporary use, or for a 2-year period from the time of approval, whichever comes first; after which the permit is automatically cancelled.
b. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FORM - S.W. 1. - (1) Items i through 4 are self-explanatory.
- (2) ITEM 5. The point of diversion of the temporary water right must be located in the proper 40-acre subdivision. A bearing and distance corner tie to the point of diversion is desirable but not mandatory.
- (3) ITEM 6. This should be completed showing the ownership of the land, if Federal or State land is involved. This item is required since the State Engineer must notify the proper State or Federal offices of proposed water use.
- (4) ITEM 7. This Item should give the maximum rate at which the water will be diverted from the stream. If the water is to be hauled by truck, the capacity of the pump loading the trucks could be used.
- (5) ITEM 9. The time that the water right will be required should be shown here. This can be done by giving the total number of days required to accomplish the desired use in very temporary uses. In applications requiring up to 2 years, this item should be filled out in more detail.
- (6) ITEM 10. All points of use must be shown under this item. In highway and railroad use, each subdivision crossed by the right-of-way should be marked. In oil and gas well drilling, the location of the well should be marked in the proper subdivision and the oil or gas well should be identified.
- (7) The "REMARKS" section of the application should be used freely to supply additional information chat is not covered by Items 1 through 10 of the application. If the rate of diversion, gallons per day and total number of gallons are shown in "REMARKS", it is not necessary to duplicate this information on the required map.
- (8) Each application for a temporary use must be accompanied by a map. The required map may be a U.S.C.S. Quadrangle or a County map with the required information added to it* The certification by a licensed engineer or land surveyor is desirable but not mandatary* A sample map is shown on page 27.
- (9) Maps for highway or railroad construction must conform to the standards developed with the highway department and must generally follow the requirements for maps filed for permanent water rights.