The owner of the well is responsible for submitting Parts I and II of Form U.W. 8 - "Proof of Appropriation and Beneficial Use of Ground Water" and a Certificate of Ownership. Part II consists of the linen plat prepared by a licensed engineer or land surveyor or the quadrangle map, if it is appropriate. Part III will be prepared by a State Engineer representative at the time of field inspection. On Part I, the Water Division, U.W. District, Permit No., Date of Priority, Name (s) and address (es) of the applicant (s), and Name of Well will be entered in the State Engineer's Office before the Form U.W. 8 is sent to the well owner. Other items in Part I should be completed as follows:
a. ITEMS 1 and 2 - These items should be as shown on the original permit and Form U.W. 6. If ownership has changed, an explanation should be provided.
b. ITEM 3 -- "For What Purpose(s) is Water Used?...." - Each use, and the date that the water was first used for that purpose, should be noted in the proper blank space. If the use is irrigation, give the date that irrigation was completed on all lands under the permit.
c. SIGNATURE - This form must be signed and dated by the owner or his agent. If the well is owned by more than one individual, only one need sign. If a company, corporation, agency, or municipality, is named as owner, a designated official must sign. The official's title or agent's title should be noted under the signature.
d. PART II - Part II of Form U.W. 8 is a linen plat or in some instances, a quadrangle map, which has been certified by a licensed professional engineer or land surveyor. Instructions for preparing the linen plat or quadrangle map and examples are given in Chapters V and VI of this Manual.
037-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-5