027-11 Wyo. Code R. § 11-3
(a) "Educational specifications" or "Ed-specs" means those specifications used to define the programmatic, educational and functional goals of the educational facility. Draft educational specifications for elementary, middle and high schools may be found on the Commission website at http://sfc.state.wy.us/Forms, and can be used as a starting point for development of project-specific specifications.
(b) "Design Charrette" means a facilitated interactive process used by the Commission, the districts, and their architects and designers to better understand the educational requirements, needs, concerns, trade-offs and unacceptable solutions so that there is a much higher chance the criteria and concept for the design is closer to what best fulfills the district's educational needs within the project budget when the initial design is done.
(c) "Kick-off Meeting" means a meeting between personnel of the Commission and personnel of the District, in addition to such other persons as may be necessary to accomplish the goals of Section 4(p) of this Chapter.
(d) "Facility plan" means the long range, comprehensive plan developed by the Commission in consultation with each district in accordance with W.S. 21-15-116 and Chapter 4 of these Rules and Regulations.
(e) "Needs Index prioritization", "NI prioritization", "Prioritized Needs Index", "Needs Index" or "NI" is that index, periodically adopted by the Commission that identifies needs throughout the state based upon capacity, condition, and educational suitability. The index shall be used in conjunction with each district's facility plan to create a statewide prioritized schedule for building and remediation.
(f) "Project budget" means the amount of Commission funding allocated to a specific remedy, calculated according to Chapter 3, Section 6(c)(iv) and Section 7 of this Chapter of these Rules and Regulations. The project budget for any specific remedy shall be an amount determined by the Commission to be sufficient to fund the total project cost of the remedy. Funds allocated to a specific remedy remain Commission funds and are not an entitlement of any district. Such funds may be reallocated by the Commission in accordance with these Rules and Regulations.
(g) "Design professionals" means the architect or other professional contracted with the Commission and/or the District to design the remedy.
(h) "Delivery method" means "Design-bid-build" in addition to those alternate design and construction delivery methods described in W.S. W.S. 16-6-701.
(i) "Commission funding", "Project funding" or "funding" means those revenues approved by the Commission that are dedicated to the remedy, or any particular aspect of the remedy.
(j) "Contractor" means any person who is a party to a contract with the Commission or a District to design, construct, erect, alter, install or repair any Commission approved remedy.
(k) "Construction Manager" or "Construction Manager Agent" means a type of construction management delivery where the professional service is procured under existing statutes for professional services. The construction manager agent is a construction consultant providing administrative and management services to the Commission and/or district throughout the design and construction phases of a project. Under this delivery method, the construction manager is not responsible for purchase orders.
(l) "Construction Manager At-Risk" means a type of construction management delivery in which the construction manager at-risk is an advocate for the Commission and/or district as determined by the contracts throughout the preconstruction phase of a project. In the construction phase of a project, the construction manager at-risk is responsible for all project subcontracts and purchase orders and may conduct all or a portion of the construction project work. Under this delivery method, the construction manager at-risk is responsible for providing a guaranteed maximum price for the project to the Commission and/or district prior to commencing the construction project and the construction manager at-risk shall be required to bond any project with a guaranteed maximum price in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) in accordance with W.S. W.S. 16-6-112.
(m) "Design-Build" means a type of construction delivery method in which there is a single contract between the public entity and a design-builder who furnishes architectural, engineering and other related design services as required for the Commission and/or district project, as well as labor, materials and other construction services necessary to construct the project. The selection of a design-builder shall comply with W.S. W.S. 16-6-701(a)(ix).
(n) "Decision-making matrix" means that matrix adopted by the Commission, to be utilized when hiring a Contractor for any Commission-funded remedy.
(o) "Commission-funded remedies" or "capital construction remedies" are remedies for those projects identified on the Prioritized Needs Index, approved by the Commission and for which funding is in place.
(p) "Total project cost" means all project costs, including but not limited to: land acquisition, site preparation, design, construction, contingencies, FF&E, special studies (e.g. traffic, lighting), surveys, environmental assessments, geotechnical investigations, demolition, commissioning, owner's representative fees, testing and inspections, plan review, and building permit/occupancy fees.
027-11 Wyo. Code R. § 11-3