024-4 Wyo. Code R. § 4-3

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 4-3 - Legal Descriptions of State Historic Sites

(a) Ames Monument State Historic Site: The lands in Albany County managed as Ames Monument State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T13NR71W Northwest ¼ of Sec. 6 more particularly described as: Beginning at a point on the North line of Sec. 6, which point bears South 8 9° 59' East 1667.29 ft from the Northwest corner of said Sec.; thence along said North line, South 89° 59' East 625.63 ft to a point on the centerline of Albany County Hwy No. 234 as described in perpetual easement deed from Union Pacific Railroad Company to County of Albany, State of Wyoming (12/13/1960, UPRRCo. Deed No. 6221); thence along said centerline, South 15° 47' East 272.22 ft; thence continuing along said centerline, South 11° 09' East 272.57 ft; thence North 89° 59' West 752.55 ft; thence North 00° 01' East 529.34 ft to the Point of Beginning. Parcel contains an area of 367,759 sq ft (8.443 acres), more or less .

(b) Conner Battlefield State Historic Site: The lands in Sheridan County managed as Conner Battlefield State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T57NR85W, Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Sec. 19 more particularly described as: Beginning at a point located on the West line of said Sec. 19, said point being located South 620 ft from the North ¼ corner of said Sec. 19; thence South along the West line of said Sec. 19, to the Southwest corner of said Sec. 19, said point being located in Tongue River ; thence East along the South line of said Sec. 19 763.5 ft, to a point located in Tongue River; thence North 38° West 106 ft to a point in Tongue River; thence North 20° 30' West 163 ft to a point in Tongue River; thence North 467.5 ft to a point in Tongue River; thence North 47° 05' West 97.5 ft to a point in Tongue River; thence North 75° West 186 ft to a point on the North bank of Tongue River; thence North 32 ft to a point, said point also being located on the South boundary of the Town of Ranchester, WY; thence West along said boundary 259.5 ft to a point; thence South 31.6 ft to a point; thence in a Southwesterly direction to the point of beginning, said tract contains 12 acres, more or less.
  • (ii) T57NR85W Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Sec. 19 more particularly described as: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Sec. 19, said point being a distance of 659 ft South of the North ¼ corner of Sec. 19, and being about the center of Tongue River, thence South along the East line of said Sec. 19 to the Southeast corner of said Northeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼, which said corner is situated in the center of Tongue River, thence Northwesterly, Northerly and Northeasterly, along the center line of Tongue River, to the point of beginning, comprising 1.2 acres, more or less.

(c) Fetterman Battlefield State Historic Site: The lands in Sheridan County managed as Fetterman Battlefield State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T53NR83W Sec. 15; more particularly described as: Beginning at a point 428 ft South of the 1/2 section corner between Sec. 10 and Sec. 15; thence East 330 ft; thence South 100 ft; thence West 330 ft; thence North 100 ft to the place of beginning, containing .75 acre, more or less.
  • (ii) T53NR83W, in part of Sec. 10 and part of Sec. 15, Township 53 North, Range 83 West, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the East ¼ corner of said Sec. 15 monumented by a 1 1/2" aluminum cap; thence North 02° 35' 37" East, 2648.54 ft along the East line of said Sec. 15 to the Northeast corner of said Sec. 15 monumented by a 1 1/2" aluminum cap; thence along the East line of said Sec. 10, North 00° 04' 22" East, 2646.13 ft to the East ¼ corner of said Sec. 10, monumented by a 4" brass cap; thence along said East line of Sec. 10, North 00° 09' 47" West, 1214.01 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 2615; thence North 89° 37' 57" West, 4325.79 ft to a point on the East line of said "old U.S. hwy 87", monumented by a 2" aluminum cap stamped PLS 2615; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of said Hwy 87, South 24° 05' 11" East, 1457.27 ft to a WYDOT ROW monument; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of Hwy 87, North 67° 09' 17" East, 25.09 ft to ROW monument; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of Hwy 87, South 24° 03' 12" East, 798.19 ft to ROW monument; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of Hwy 87, South 66° 57' 04" West, 25.50 ft to ROW monument; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of Hwy 87, South 23° 58' 44" East, 541.70 ft ROW monument; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of Hwy 87 following a curve to the right having the following curve data: Length=868.70 ft, Radius=5,804.58 ft, Delta Angle=8°34'29"; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of Hwy 87, South 15° 26' 44" East, 383.90 ft; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of Hwy 87, North 74° 33' 16" East, 25.00 ft; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of Hwy 87, South 15° 26' 44" East, 402.36 ft to a point on the West line of the Northwest ¼ Northeast ¼ of Sec. 15; thence along the said West line of said Sec. 15, North 01° 36' 39" East, 327.93 ft to the North ¼ corner of said Sec. 15 monumented by a 1 1/2" aluminum cap; thence along the North line of said Sec. 15, South 87° 59' 37" East, 1326.19 ft to the east 1/ 16 corner of said Sec. 10 and Sec. 15; thence along the East line of said Sec. 15, South 02° 02' 26" West, 1325.01 ft; thence along the South line of said Sec. 15, North 88° 01' 44" West, 1007.31 ft to a point on the Easterly right-of-way of said Hwy 87; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of said Hwy 87 following a spiral curve to the left being 100 ft offset and parallel to the following centerline spiral curve data: Is=6° 18', Ts=20 9.9, O=3.85, Ls=420, Chord=321.97 ft, Bearing=South 18° 17' 08" East; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of said Hwy 87 following a curve to the left having the following curve data: Length=670.19, Radius=1,809.86 ft, Delta Angle=21° 13'; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of said Hwy 87 following a spiral curve to the left being 100 ft offset and parallel to the following centerline spiral curve data: Is=6° 18', Ts=20 9.9, O=3.85, Ls=420, Chord=408.79 ft, Bearing=South 47° 19' 37" East; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of said Hwy 87, South 49° 24' 23" East, 243.11 ft; thence along said Easterly right-of-way of Hwy 87 following a spiral curve to the right being 100 ft offset and parallel to the following centerline spiral curve data: Is=2° 48', Ts=140, O=1.14, Ls=280, Chord=8 9.11 ft, Bearing=South 49° 16' 27" East; thence along the East-West mid-section line of said Sec. 15, South 88° 05' 34" East, 1,248.47 ft to the East ¼ corner of said Sec. 15 and being the point of beginning of said description monumented by a 1 1/2" aluminum cap; excepting there from a tract of land containing .75 acres, more or less, conveyed to the Wyoming recreation commission in quitclaim deed dated 4/14/1981, recorded in book 259 at pg. 571 of the Sheridan County, Wyoming records; a tract of land containing 444.32 acres, more or less.

(d) Fort Bonneville State Historic Site: The lands in Sublette County managed as Fort Bonneville State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T34NR111W Sec. 30, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point 1900 ft North and 70.6 ft West of the East ¼ corner of thence North 208.7 ft; thence West 208.7 ft; thence South 208.7 ft; thence East 208.7 ft, to the point of beginning, containing 1 acres, more or less, known as the site of "Old Fort Bonneville".

(e) Fort Bridger State Historic Site: The lands in Uinta County managed as Fort Bridger State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T16NR115W Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Sec. 33, more particularly described as: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Sec. 33 and running North 0° 29' 30" West on Sec. line 1321 ft to 1/4 1/4 corner, thence at an angle of 90° 39' 30" to the right on a bearing of South 89° 50' East 1323.5 ft to 1/4 1/4 corner thence at an angle of 89° 40' right on a bearing of South 0° 10' East 5 92.17 ft, thence at an angle of 92° 10' on a bearing of North 88° West 546.4 ft, thence at an angle of 89° 15' to left on a bearing of South 2° 45' West 743.05 ft and thence at an angle of 87° 07' to right on a bearing of South 89° 52' West along township boundary a distance of 732.2 ft, to the point of beginning. This parcel of land contains 30.532 acres.
  • (ii) T 16NR115W Southwest corner of Sec. 33, more particularly described as: Beginning said Southwest corner North 0° 29' 30" on Sec. Line 771 ft, thence at an angle of 92° 29' 30" to right on a bearing of South 88° East 977.9 ft, thence at an angle of 90° to right on a bearing of South 2° West 12.5 ft to the point of beginning. Thence running from said point of beginning South 2° West 69 ft, thence at a right angle to left on a bearing of South 88° East 73 ft, thence at right angle to left on a bearing of North 2° East 69 ft, and thence at a right angle left on a bearing of North 88° West 73 ft to the point of beginning. This parcel includes a Log Officers Quarters along with .1156 acres.
  • (iii) T16NR115W Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Sec. 33, more particularly described as: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Sec. 33 North 89° 52' East on the township boundary 732.2 ft to the point of beginning, thence running at an angle of 87° 07' to the left on a bearing of North 2° 45' East 743.05 ft, thence at an angle of 89° 15' to the right on a bearing of South 88° East 482.5 ft, thence at an angle of 102° 54' to the right on a bearing of South 14° 54' West 749.9 ft, thence at an angle of 74° 58' to the right on a bearing of south 89° 52' West along township boundary 325 ft to the point of beginning. This parcel of land contains 6.8177 acres.
  • (iv) T16NR115W Sec. 33 Lots 6-7 Block 6 of the Carter's Addition.
  • (v) T16NR115W The Northerly 347 ft of Block 15 of Carter's Addition. Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Sec. 33, more particularly described as: Beginning at the Northwest Corner of Block 15, thence South along the Westerly boundary of said Block 15, 347 ft, thence West 6.1 ft more or less to the 1/4 1/4 Section boundary separating the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 from the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Sec. 33, thence North along the said 1/4 1/4 section boundary 347 ft more or less to a point which point is 11.8 ft from the Northwest corner of said Block 15, and thence East 11.8 ft to the point of beginning. Being a strip of land lying between the Northerly 347 ft of Block 15 in said Carter's Addition to Ft. Bridger and the West line of the said Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Sec. 33.
  • (vi) T16NR115W Sec. 33, the North 30' of Carter Ave, between Block 15 and Block 6 of the Carter's Addition to Fort Bridger as said plat is recorded in the Uinta County Records office.
  • (vii) T16NR115W Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Sec. 33, more particularly described as: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Said Sec. 33 and running thence East, as near as may be along the South side of said Sec. 1067.1 ft, thence North 14° 54' East 280.5 ft to the point of beginning, the Southwest corner of the land herein conveyed, thence due East 187.5 ft to the East line of said 1/4 1/4 Sections, thence North 0° 39' West along the East line of said 1/41/4 Sec. 439.5 ft, thence North 88° West 63.9 ft, and thence South 14° 54' West 456.1 ft to the point of beginning.

(f) Fort Fetterman State Historic Site: The lands in Converse County managed as Fort Fetterman State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T33NR72W Sec. 10, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point known as Corner No. 1, which point bears North 71° 59' West 1870.9 ft from the Southeast corner of Sec. 10, and which point of beginning also bears N 55° 14' East 1089.7 ft from the South Quarter corner of Sec. 10; thence South 89° 05' West 1407.5 ft to Corner No. 2 at the East right-of-way line of present State Hwy; thence with said right-of-way line North 3° 57' West 1143.5 ft to Corner No. 3; thence North 25° 33' East 840.9 ft to Corner No. 4; thence North 41° 42' East 279.3 ft to Corner No. 5; thence North 71° 29' East 180.4 ft to Corner No. 6; thence South 76° 25' East 285.1 ft to Corner No. 7; thence South 28° 35' East 976.9 ft to Corner No. 8; thence South 1° 2' East 1 218.5 ft to Corner No. 1, the point of beginning; said tract of land containing 60 acres, more or less.
  • (ii) T33NR72W Sec. 15 Northeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point known as Corner No. 1, which bears South 69° 49' West 760.5 ft from the Northeast Corner of Sec. 15; thence South 56° 25' East 100 ft to Corner No. 2; thence South 33° 35' West 200 ft to Corner No. 3; thence North 56° 25' West 100 ft to Corner No. 4; thence North 33° 35' East 200 ft to Corner No. 1, the point of beginning; said tract of land containing .46, more or less.

(g) Fort Fred Steele State Historic Site: The lands in Carbon County managed as Fort Fred Steele State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T21NR85W Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 including all that part of Lot 5 of Sec. 23 lying West of a line more particularly described as: Beginning at a point that is West 470 ft of the Southeast corner of Lot 5, thence North 760 ft to a point, thence North 16° 30' East 300 ft to a point, thence North 26° 15' East 303 ft, more or less, to a point on the North line of said Lot 5, said point is East 253 ft, and North 1320 ft of the aforesaid Southeast corner of Sec. 23. Said parcel contains 26.50 acres, more or less.
  • (ii) T21NR85W East 1/2 of Sec. 23, more particularly described as: All that portion of Lot 3 lying South of the South Right of Way line of the Union Pacific RR, all of Lot 4; the East ½ of the Northwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼; and all that portion of the East ½ of the Southwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼ lying South of the South Right of Way line of the Union Pacific RR, containing approximately 62.2 acres, more or less. T21NR85W all that portion of Lots 2 and 3, together with all that land lying between said Lots 2 and 3 and the West bank of the North Platte River which has been added to said lots 2 and 3 by natural accretion, in Sec. 23 and Sec. 24 and that portion of the East1/2 of the Southwest1/4 of the Northeast1/4 of Sec. 23, more particularly described as: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the East1/2 of the Southwest1/4 of the Northeast1/4 of said Sec.; thence North 71° 16' 55" East 2150 ft, to the middle of the North Platte River; thence in a Southerly direction along the middle of the North Platte River to an intersection with a line coinciding with the North Right of Way line of the Union Pacific RR to a point on the West boundary line of the East1/2 of the Southwest1/4 of the Northeast1/4 of said Sec.; thence North 0° 46' 55" West along said West boundary line to the point of beginning, containing approximately 50.3 acres.

(h) Fort Phil Kearny State Historic Site: The lands in Johnson County managed as Fort Phil Kearny State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T53NR83W Southwest 1/4 of Sec. 26, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point, said point being West 4252 ft and North 1160 ft from the Southeast corner of said Sec. 26, also said point being the Northwest corner of the stockade around the original Ft. Phil Kearny, thence North 21° 43' West, 450 ft, thence North 68° 17' East 200 ft, thence South 21° 43' East 375 ft, thence South 12° 52' East 157.2 ft, thence South 2° 58' West 129.4 ft, thence South 14° 30' East 227 ft, thence South 59° 16' West 26 ft, thence North 30° 44' West 433 ft, more or less to the point of beginning. The above described tract of land contains 3.03 acres, more or less.
  • (ii) T53NR83W South 1/2, Sec. 26; Southeast ¼, Sec. 27; East 1/2 of the Southeast¼, East 1/2 of the Northeast ¼, Northwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼, Sec. 34; part of Sec. 35, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point monumented by a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663, located South 88° 08' 53" East 156.83 ft from the North ¼ corner of said Sec. 35 monumented by a 3 1/2" aluminum cap and being on a line common to the Northeast corner of said Sec. 35 monumented by a GLO brass cap North 89° 27' 13" East 2639.01 ft and being the basis of bearing of said description; thence South 62° 25' 04" West 407.84 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence South 36° 09' 18" East 245.05 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence South 47° 56' 30" East 1193.40 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence South 14° 54' 35" East 2128.65 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence South 39° 31' 51" West 609.92 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence South 86° 52' 54" West 3116.95 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence North 62° 43' 54" West 2034.02 ft to a point on the West line of said East 1/2 of the Southeast ¼ of Sec. 34 monumented by a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence North 00° 33' 07" West 380.20 ft along said West line of East 1/2 of the Southeast ¼ of Sec. 34 of the center-East 1/16 corner of said Sec. 34 monumented by a 2 1/2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence along the West line of the Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of said Sec. 34, North 00° 33' 05" West 1300.45 ft to the Northeast 1/16 corner monumented by a 2 1/2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence along the South line of said Northwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of Sec. 34, South 89° 45' 23" West 1322.27 ft to the center-North 1/16 corner of said Sec. 34 monumented by a 2 1/2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence along the North-South mid-Section line of said Sec. 34, North 00° 39' 57" West 1297.75 ft to the North ¼ corner of said Sec. 34 monumented by a 1 1/2" aluminum cap; thence along the North-South mid-Section line of said Sec. 27, North 00° 59' 03" East 2351.28 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence North 89° 49' 43" East 330 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence North 00° 59' 03" East 264 ft to a point on the East-West mid-Section line of said Sec. 27 monumented by a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence along said mid-Section line North 89° 49' 43" East 2317.41ft to the true position of the East ¼ corner of said Sec. 27 monumented by a witness corner located North 00° 42' 59" East 52 ft and being a 1 1/2" aluminum cap; thence South 74° 25' 44" East 695.40 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence South 61° 33' 50" East 145.42 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence South 25° 54' 51" East 662.63 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence North 65° 58' 23" East 731.13 ft to a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; thence South 25° 31' 12" East 2315.96 ft to the point of beginning monumented by a 2" aluminum cap stamped PELS 8663; excepting there from a tract of land in the Southwest ¼, Sec. 26 as conveyed to Sheridan County in instrument recorded 11/12/1935 in book 61 of deeds, pg. 53; excepting there from a tract of land in the Southwest ¼, Sec. 26, Township 53 North, Range 83 West as conveyed to the Historical Landmark Commission of Wyoming in instrument recorded 12/19/1955 in book 87A-1 of deeds, pg. 167, a tract of land containing 710.602 acres, more or less.

(i) Fort Reno State Historic Site: The lands in Johnson County managed as Fort Reno State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T45NR78W Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Sec. 33, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point on the North and South center line of Sec. 33 2605 ft distant from the North ¼ corner, thence North 0° 18' West along the North and South center line of said Sec. 33 800 ft to a point; thence North 89° 58' West, 800 ft to a point; thence South 0° 18' East 800 ft to the point of beginning, containing an area of 14.7 acres, more or less. Tract I, being site of Old Fort Reno.
  • (ii) T45NR78W East 1/2 of the Northwest ¼ of Sec. 33, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point in the East 1/2 of the Northwest ¼, which said point bears South 34° 30' West 1573 ft from the North ¼ corner; thence North 65° 00' West 42 ft to a point; thence South 19° 08' West 147 ft to a point; thence South 65° 00' East 42 ft to a point; thence North 19° 08' East 147 ft to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0.14 acres, more or less. Tract II, being site of Fort Reno Cemetery.

(j) Fort Supply State Historic Site: The lands in Uinta County managed as Fort Supply State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T14NR116W Sec. 25, more particularly described as: Running from the North ¼ corner of Sec. 25, South 0° 12' East along 1/4 Section Line 1,353.2 ft; thence at an angle to left of 90° 46' on the bearing of North 89° 0.2' East 952.65 ft to the point of beginning; thence running from said point of beginning at an angle of 90° to right on a bearing of South 0° 58' East 175 ft; thence at an angle of 90° to the left on a bearing of North 89° 02' East 95 ft; thence at an angle of 90° to left on a bearing of North 0° 58' West 175 ft; and thence at an angle of 90° to left on a bearing of South 89° 02' West 95 ft to point of beginning. Said described parcel containing 0.3816 acres, more or less, in Uinta County, WY.

(k) Granger Stage Station State Historic Site: The lands in Sweetwater County managed as Granger Stage Station State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T19NR111W of Sec. 32, more particularly described as: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Sec. 32, and running South 89° 57' West on line between Sec. 29 and 32 2172.7 ft; thence South 0° 03' East 234.5 ft to hub, the Northeast corner of a parcel of land totaling one acre on which sets a rock house of historical interest, the perpetuation of which is the purpose of this segregation; thence from the Northeast corner South 42° 25' East 208.7 ft to hub, the Southeast corner; thence again from the Northeast corner South 47° 35' West 208.7 ft to hub, the Northwest corner; thence from the Northwest corner South 42° 25' East 208.7 ft to hub and Southwest corner; thence from Southwest corner North 47° 35' East 208.7 ft to the hub on the Southeast corner. The Northeast and the Southeast corners are on a fence line and South boundary of road right of way known as the Oregon Trail, and are also equidistant from the rock house which face the road.

(l) Historic Governors' Mansion State Historic Site: The lands in Laramie County managed as Historic Governors' Mansion State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T14NR66W Sec. 31 SE SE SE SW NE Lots 5-6, Block 235, Original City of Cheyenne, WY.

(m) Independence Rock State Historic Site: The lands in Natrona County managed as Independence Rock State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T29NR86W Northeast 1/4 of Sec. 16, more particularly described as: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Sec. 16, thence South 0° 03' East, along the East boundary of said Sec. 16, to the point of intersection with the middle of the Sweetwater River, thence Westerly on a meander line through the Northeast 1/4 of said Sec. 16, following the middle of the Sweetwater River to the point of intersection with the Easterly right of way line of WY State Hwy 220, as said hwy is now laid down and recorded, thence North 18° 15' East along the Easterly right of way line of said hwy, to the point of intersection with the North boundary of said Sec. 16, thence North 89° 58' East, along the North boundary of said Sec. 16 1794.27 ft, to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 28.8 acres, more or less.
  • (ii) T29NR86W South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Sec. 9, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point on the South boundary of said Sec. 9 from which the Southeast corner thereof lies on an azimuth of 89° 58' 44" 1289.52 ft, said point of beginning also being the Northeast corner of Centennial Acre, thence on an azimuth of 269° 58' 44", along the South boundary of said Sec. 9, also being the North boundary of Centennial Acre, 197.96 ft to the Northwest corner of Centennial Acre, thence continuing on an azimuth of 269° 58' 44" along the South boundary of said Sec. 9 306.76 ft to a point on the Easterly boundary of WY State Hwy 220, thence on an azimuth of 18° 18' 30" along said Easterly boundary 1106.74 ft, thence on an azimuth of 108° 18' 30" 479.11 ft, thence on an azimuth of 198° 18' 30" 948.02 ft to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 6.30 acres, more or less.
  • (iii) T29NR86W SE¼ of Section 9 and the SW¼ of Section 10. Starting at the Section corner common to Sections 9, 10, 15, and 16, thence S. 89º58' W., 275.48 feet to a point in the Section line common to Sections 9 and 10; said point being the Point of Beginning of the tract being described; thence N. 19º41'49" E., 154.82 feet to a point; thence N. 44º23'56" W., 164.43 feet to a point; thence N. 71º27'04" W., 183.00 feet to a point; thence N. 51º59'30" W., 119.48 feet to a point; thence N. 53º38'29" W., 194.18 feet to a point; thence N. 29º57'09" W., 152.22 feet to a point; thence N. 19º09'19" W., 132.18 feet to a point; thence N. 8º58'48" E., 159.01 feet to a point; thence N. 31º27'44" E., 105.64 feet to a point; thence N. 52º30'17" E., 97.75 feet to a point; thence N. 50º48'33" E., 198.58 feet to a point; thence N. 67º07'22" E., 143.47 feet to a point; thence N. 77º28'26" E., 201.25 feet to a point; thence S. 87º44'49" E., 153.42 feet to a point; thence S. 48º00'20" E., 110.33 feet to a point in the Section line common to Sections 9 and 10; thence N. 0º17'38" W. along said common line a distance of 109.16 feet to a point; thence S. 89º44' E., 1315.4 feet to a point; thence N. 0º 22' W., 662.82 feet to a point; thence N. 89º 42' W., 1314.90 feet to a point in the Section line common to Sections 9 and 10; thence N. 89º47' W., 1125.00 feet to a point in the East right-of-way line of the Wyoming State Highway No. 220; thence S. 18º15' W. along said right-of-way 1554.23 feet to a point; thence N. 89º57'16" E., 332.54 feet to a point; thence S. 0º02' E., 520.00 feet to the point in the Section line common to Sections 9 and 16; thence N. 89º58' E., along said section line a distance of 1014.04 feet to the Point of Beginning, said tract containing 63.482 Acres, more or less.
  • (iv) T29NR86W East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Sec. 9, more particularly described as: Beginning in the corner common to Sec. 9, 10, 15, and 16 of said Township, said point and corner making the Southerly corner of the parcel being described and the point of beginning: thence along the Southerly line of said Sec. 9, South 89° 58' West 275.45 ft to point 1; thence leaving South line of Sec. 9 and parallel to the base of Independence Rock as now exposed and as measured 200 ft radially and Westerly there from, North 19° 41' 49" East 154.82 ft to point 2; thence North 44° 23' 56" West 164.43 ft to point 3; thence North 71° 27' 04" West 183 ft to point 4; thence North 51° 59' 30" West 119.48 ft to point 5; thence North 53° 38' 29" West 194.18 ft to point 6; thence North 29° 57' 09" West 152.22 ft to point 7; thence North 19° 09' 19" West 132.18 ft to point 8; thence North 8° 58' 48" East 159.01 ft to point 9; thence North 31° 27' 44" East 105.64 ft to point 10; thence North 52° 30' 17" East 97.75 ft to point 11; thence North 50° 48' 33" East 198.58 ft to Point 12; thence North 67° 07' 22" East 143.47 ft to point 13; thence North 77° 28' 26" East 201.25 ft to point 14; thence South 87° 44' 49" East 153.42 ft to point 15; thence South 48° 00' 20" East 110.33 ft to point 16 and the intersection with the Easterly line of Sec. 9; thence along the easterly line of said Sec. 9, South 0° 17' 38" East 1 218.09 ft to the point of beginning and containing 779,368 sq ft or 18.351 acres more of less.
  • (v) T29NR86W Sec. 10: SW¼SW¼; Sec. 15: NW¼NW¼
  • (vi) T29NR86W Northeast 1/4 of Sec. 16, more particularly described as: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Sec. 16, thence South 89° 58' West, along the North line of said Sec. 16 1289.52 ft to the point of beginning of the tract to be described, thence continuing South 89° 58' West, along the North said line 198 ft, thence South 00° 92' East 220 ft, thence North 89° 58' East 198 ft, thence North 00° 02' West 220 ft to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 1 acre, more or less.

(n) Lander Cemetery State Historic Site: The lands in Fremont County managed as Lander Cemetery State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T33NR100W Southeast ¼ of Sec. 12, more particularly described as: beginning at point No. 1, which point bears North 36° 36' 16" West 1,368.19 ft from the Southwest corner of said Sec. 12; thence proceed North 0° 45' West 445.28 ft to point No. 2; thence South 85° 01' 24" East 14.18 ft to point No. 3; thence North 60° 01' 36" East 247.94 ft to point No. 4; thence South 26° 29' 16" East 245.46 ft to point No. 5; thence North 63° 30' 44" East 19.68 ft to point No. 6; thence South 26° 29' 16" East 402.11 ft to point No. 7; thence North 89° 40' 16" West 529.53 ft to the point of beginning. Described area contains 4.65 acres.

(o) Names Hill State Historic Site: The Lands in Lincoln County managed as Names Hill State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T25NR112W Sec. 5 Lots 5 & 11, more particularly described as: Commencing at a point, from which the West 1/4 corner of the said Sec. 5 bears North 50° 20' W 518 ft, said point being the Northerly corner of the Midwest Refining Company's heating plant site, thence 50° 32' East 233.9 ft along the Northeasterly line and the Northeasterly line prolonged of the said heating plant site, to a point intended to be on the Westerly line of the right of way of the State Hwy; thence along the intended Westerly line of the said right of way North 29° 00' East 220 ft; thence North 13° 15' East 800 ft; thence, leaving the intended Westerly line of the said right of way, North 76° 45' West 230 ft; thence along a line intended to be parallel to and 230 ft Westerly from the Westerly line of the said right of way, South 13° 15' West 768.2 feet; thence South 29° 00' West 145.7 ft to the point of beginning, expecting the right of way of the 4 in. oil pipe line of The Midwest Refining Company. Said described tract of land containing 4.25 acres, excepting and reserving there from, however, a strip of land 80 ft in width and extending Westerly from the State Hwy through the 'Gap' and along the course of the old wagon road, for highway purposes.

(p) Oregon Trail Ruts State Historic Site: The lands in Platte County managed as Oregon Trail Ruts State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T26NR66W: Includes portions of land South and West of the oxbow of the North Platte River in S ½ NW ¼, and SW ¼ NW ¼ NW ¼ Sec. 2, managed by Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Division of State Parks, Historic Sites, and Trails

(q) Piedmont Kilns State Historic Site: The lands in Uinta County managed as Piedmont Kilns State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T14NR117W Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Sec. 4, more particularly described as: Beginning at the West 1/4 corner of said Sec. 4, running South 45° 41' East 853 ft to a point of beginning, the West corner of land herein conveyed, and running thence North 50° 36' East, along the Southern boundary of County Rd No. 106 250 ft, thence South 39° 24' East 150 ft, thence South 50° 36' West 250 ft and thence North 39° 24' West 150 ft to the point of beginning, together with the Charcoal Kilns thereon located.

(r) Platte River Stage Crossing State Historic Site: The lands in Carbon County managed as Platte River Stage Crossing State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T19NR85W Northwest ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ and all that portion of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼, East ½ of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of the Southeast 1/4, and Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of the Southeast 1/4 of Sec. 33, lying South and East of the North Platte River.

(s) Point of Rocks Stage Station State Historic Site: The lands in Sweetwater County managed as Point of Rocks Stage Station State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T20NR101W Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Sec. 27 more particularly described as: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Sec. 27 that is 695 ft North from the Southwest corner thereof, measured along said West line; thence Easterly along a straight line at right angles to said West line of Sec. a distance of 120 ft to the point of beginning of the parcel of land; thence Southeasterly along a straight line forming an angle from East to Southeast of 17° with the last described line produced Easterly a distance of 242 ft to a point; thence Southwesterly along a straight line at right angles to the last described course a distance of 180 ft to a point; thence Northwesterly along a straight line at right angles to the last described course a distance 242 ft to a point; thence Northeasterly along a straight line at right angles to the last described course a distance of 180 ft to the point of beginning; containing an area of 1.0 acre, more or less.

(t) Red Buttes Battle and Cemetery State Historic Site: The lands in Natrona County managed as Red Buttes Battle and Cemetery State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T33NR80W South 1/2 of Sec. 16, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point North 62° 50' West 890 ft from the South 1/4 corner of said Sec. 16; thence North 48° 40' East 1990.4 ft; thence South 41° 20' East 620 ft; thence North 48° 40' East 1009.6 ft; thence North 41° 20' West 900 ft; thence South 48° 40' West 1009.6 ft; thence South 41° 20' East 80 ft; thence South 48° 40' West 1990.4 ft; thence South 41° 20' East 200 ft to the place of beginning, said described tract of land containing 30 acres, more or less.

(u) Register Cliff State Historic Site: The lands in Platte County managed as Register Cliff State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T26NR65W Sec. 7, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point which is South 20° 45' East 6 21.5 ft from the Southwest corner of Sec. 6; thence North 29° 46' East 100 ft; thence South 60° 14' East 40 ft; thence South 29° 46' West 100 ft; thence North 60° 14' West to the point of beginning. This parcel of land is situated upon the Pioneer Graves, the area of which is .09 of an acre.
  • (ii) T26NR65W Sec. 7, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point which is South 80° 00' East 603.5 ft from the Southwest corner of Sec. 6; thence North 44° 32' East 153 ft; thence North 65° 56' East 55 ft; thence North 63° 16' East 69 feet; thence South 81° 34' East 62 ft; thence South 8° 26' West 10 ft; thence North 81° 34' West 59.8 ft; thence South 63° 16' West a distance of 66 feet; thence South 65° 56' West 53.5 ft; thence South 44° 32' West 151.1 ft; thence North 45° 28' West to the point of beginning. This parcel of land is contiguous to and including all or nearly all or the perpendicular face of a chalk bluff commonly known as "Register Cliff", the area of which is .07 acres.

(v) South Pass City State Historic Site: The lands in Fremont County managed as South Pass City State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) Portions of land contained within sections 20 and 21 of t. 29 n., r. 100 w., of the sixth principal meridian, Fremont county, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows: The following land description basis of bearings and distances are based upon the Wyoming state plane coordinate system, west central zone (4903). Bearings and distances are grid and ground distances can be derived by utilizing the grid distance stated herein and dividing by a factor of .999560. M.S. in the following description is the abbreviation for the approved official U.S. government mineral survey with corresponding number. Commencing at the found BLM brass cap monument common to sections 16, 17, 20 and 21 of t.29n., r.100w., thence s0102'55"e, along the section line common to sections 20 and 21, a distance of 515.50 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking the intersection of sections 20 and 21 with the north line of the Oro Fino Lode of M.S. 509 and said monument being the point of beginning of this description; thence n6557'13"e, along the northerly line of the M.S. 509 Oro Fino Lode, a distance of 796.65 feet to a found BLM brass cap marking corner no. 1 of M.S. 509 Oro Fino Lode; thence s2404'24"e, along the easterly line of the Oro Fino Lode, a distance of 599.82 feet to corner no. 2 of M.S. 509 Oro Fino Lode, said corner being identical with corner no. 1 of M.S. 40 Mono Lode and being calculated from found record accessories; thence s2354'46"e, along the easterly line of M.S. 40 Mono Lode, a distance of 598.81 feet to corner no. 4 of M.S. 40 Mono Lode, which is identical with corner no. 5 of M.S. 510 Homestake Lode and said corner being calculated from found record accessories; thence n7812'08"e, along the northerly line of M.S. 510 Homestake Lode, a distance of 789.03 feet to a well set marked sandstone, said stone being corner no. 4 of M.S. 510 Homestake Lode; thence s1254'17"e, along the easterly line of M.S. 510 Homestake Lode, a distance of 600.22 feet to a well set marked sandstone, said stone being corner no. 3 of M.S. 510 Homestake Lode; thence s7831'50"w, along the southeasterly line of M.S. 510 Homestake Lode, a distance of 123.12 feet to the intersection of the southeasterly line of the M.S. Homestake Lode and the east line of the Lucky Strike claim comprising of the w1/2 se1/4 nw1/4 of said section 21; thence along the east line of the Lucky Strike claim, s047'01"e a distance of 885.33 feet to a found 2 1/2 ins. Diam. Aluminum cap marked "1/256 sec 21 p.e. & l.s. 5011"; thence s8940'33"w a distance of 657.95 feet to a found 2 1/2 ins. Diam. Aluminum cap marked "w1/16 c-c s21 p.e. & l.s. 5011"; thence n014'13"w a distance of 15.61 feet to corner no. 2 of M.S. 331 Hermit Placer, said corner being calculated from supplemental survey records; thence s8903'47"w, along the southerly line of M.S. 331 Hermit Placer a distance of 658.24 feet to the well set broken off remains of a schist stone, said stone being corner no. 1 of M.S. 331 Hermit Placer and being identical with corner no. 2 of M.S. 331 tract a Mono placer; thence s8856'28"w, along the southerly line of M.S. 331 of tract a Mono placer, a distance of 657.55 feet to a found BLM brass cap marking the 1/4 corner of sections 20 and 21, being identical to corner no. 1 M.S. 331 tract a Mono placer and M.S. 331 corner no. 1 of the Carissa placer; thence s040'05"e, along the east line of section 20, a distance of 654.10 feet to a found BLM brass cap marking corner no. 2 of M.S. 331 Carissa placer; thence continuing along the east line of section 20, s038'48"e, a distance of 653.80 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 1 of lot 24 being identical with the south 1/16 corner of sections 20 and 21; thence continuing along the east line of section 20, s042'23"e, a distance of 234.92 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 4 of lot 24; thence s8926'38"w, along the south line of lot 24, a distance of 2647.68 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 3 of lot 24, being identical with corner no. 8 of lot 19; thence n5153'30"w, along the southwesterly line of lot 19, a distance of 2700.85 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 7 of lot 19, being identical with corner no. 5 of lot 16; thence n7226'39"w, a distance of 144.03 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 4 of lot 16; thence n0946'19"e, a distance of 339.00 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 3 of lot 16; thence n3518'26"e, a distance of 173.03 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 2 of lot 16; thence n7716'42"e a distance of 866.34 feet to a found BLM brass cap marking corner no. 1 of lot 16 being identical with corner no. 4 of M.S. 80 Ben Hur Lode; thence n7418'06"e, along the northerly line of M.S. 80 Ben Hur Lode, a distance of 1438.21 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 1 of M.S. 80 Ben Hur Lode; thence s1535'50"e, along the easterly line of M.S. 80 Ben Hur Lode, a distance of 299.25 feet to a BLM brass cap monument marking the point of intersection of the easterly line of the Ben Hur Lode with the westerly line of the M.S. 80 Charles Dickens Lode; thence n0748'53"e, along the westerly line of the Charles Dickens Lode, a distance of 46.06 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 1 of the Charles Dickens Lode; thence s8148'46"e, along the north line of the Charles Dickens Lode, a distance of 600.89 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 2 of the Charles Dickens Lode; thence s807'49"w, along the easterly line of the Charles Dickens Lode, a distance of 42.28 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking the intersection of the easterly line of M.S. 80 Charles Dickens Lode with the northerly line of M.S. 183 Jeanette Lode; thence n7418'07"e, along the northerly line of the Jeanette Lode, a distance of 1059.36 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking the intersection of the northerly line of M.S. 183 Jeanette Lode and the northerly line of M.S. 89 Mono no. 2 Lode; thence n6545'44"e, along the northerly line of the Mono no. 2 Lode, a distance of 410.34 feet to found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 1 of the Mono no. 2 Lode, being identical with corner no. 2 of M.S. 40 Mono Lode and corner no. 3 of M.S. 509 Oro Fino Lode; thence n2402'02"w, along the westerly line of the Oro Fino Lode, a distance of 599.17 feet to a found BLM brass cap monument marking corner no. 4 of the Oro Fino Lode; thence n6557'45"e, along the northerly line the Oro Fino Lode to a found BLM brass cap as noted herein and being the point of beginning of this land description. The above described land encompasses 330.09 acres more or less.

(w) Trail End State Historic Site: The lands in Sheridan County managed as Trail End State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T56NR84W; Block 23; West 60 feet of Block 22, the North 10 ft of Lot 1 in Block 32; a tract of land 10 ft wide North and South and 60 ft long East and West in the Northwest corner of Block 33 adjoining Helena St on the North and Clarendon Ave on the West; also the alley in Block 23, also that portion of Clarendon Ave from the South line of Victoria St to a line drawn at right angles to the line of Clarendon Ave 10 ft South of the South line of Helena St, and that portion of Helena St from the East line of Delphi Ave to a line drawn at right angles to the line of Helena St 60 ft East of the East line of Clarendon Ave; all of said above property being in Nielsen Heights Addition to the Town, not City of Sheridan, WY, and containing approximately 3.755 acres, and constituting the grounds of the premises known and described as "Trail End".

(x) Wagon Box Fight State Historic Site: The lands in Sheridan County managed as Wagon Box Fight State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T53NR83W Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Sec. 18, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point which is 1557 ft West and 254 ft North from the Southeast corner of said Sec. 18, running thence West 200 ft to a point, thence North 217.8 ft to a point, thence East 200 ft to a point, thence South 217.8 ft to the point of beginning, said tract containing one acre.

(y) Wyoming Pioneer Museum State Historic Site: The lands in Platte County managed as Wyoming Pioneer Museum State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) T 32 NR71W Sec. 8, located in the State Fair Grounds of Douglas, WY.

(z) Wyoming Territorial Prison State Historic Site: The lands in Albany County managed as Wyoming Territorial Prison State Historic Site are described as follows:

  • (i) That portion of the West ½ of Section 32, Township 16 North, Range 73 West of the 6th P.M., Albany County, Wyoming, excluding that portion of the operating right-of-way of the Union Pacific Railroad Company lying therein and excluding all lands called for and described in the following deeds and description:
    • (A) Quitclaim deed from the Trustees of the University of Wyoming to the Wyoming highway commission dated January 5, 1963 recorded as instrument no. 485190 in Book 125, Page 577, in the office of the county clerk of Albany County, Wyoming, containing approximately 59.60 acres;
    • (B) Quitclaim deed from the Trustees of the University of Wyoming to the Wyoming livestock board dated September 29, 1967, recorded as instrument no. 533736 in Book 168, Page 8, and later quitclaimed back to the University on April 12, 1985, recorded as instrument no. 756801 in Book 348, Page 882, in the office of the county clerk of Albany County, Wyoming, containing approximately 13.0 acres;
    • (C) Quitclaim deed from the Trustees of the University of Wyoming to the Wyoming highway commission dated September 23, 1974, recorded in Book 239, Pages 28 and 29, in the office of the county clerk of Albany County, Wyoming, containing approximately 7.9 acres and 1.10 acres;
    • (D) That portion of the South ½ of the West ½ of Section 32, Township 16 North, Range 73 West generally described as the property bounded on the west by the eastern property line described in the quitclaim described in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph; bounded on the north beginning at the intersection of the south right-of-way of highway 130-230 and the eastern property line of the quitclaim deed described in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, then easterly along the right-of-way of highway 130-230 to the right-of-way intersection of Garfield Street and highway 130-230 thence southeasterly along the Garfield Street right-of-way to the intersection of the Garfield Street right-of-way and the eastern boundary of the West ½ of Section 32, Township 16 North, Range 73 West, bounded on the east by the eastern boundary of the West ½ of Section 32, Township 16 North, Range 73 West extending from the intersection of the Garfield Street right-of-way on the north to the intersection of the south boundary of West ½ Section 32, Township 16 North, Range 73 West on the south, bounded on the south by the southern boundary of West ½ of Section 32, Township 16 North, Range 73 West from the intersection of the eastern boundary of the West ½ of Section 32, Township 16 North, Range 73 West on the east to the intersection of the eastern property line of the quitclaim deed described in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph on the west, containing approximately 41.00 acres.

024-4 Wyo. Code R. § 4-3