021-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-6

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 1-6 - Service; Use of Overnight Couriers

(a) The Board by resolution shall designate an employee of the Division to serve as its secretary or shall instruct the Commissioner to make such designation. The secretary shall be the agent of the Board and of the Chairman for service of process and delivery of all other materials to the Board or to the Chairman. All matters to be served on or delivered to the Board or the Chairman shall be served on or delivered to the secretary and shall not require service or delivery on the Chairman personally or on any other member of the Board. The secretary shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and shall have such other duties as the Board shall by resolution designate. Should no person at a given time be serving as secretary, service and delivery shall be on the Commissioner.

(b) Should an applicant under Chapter 3 be comprised of a group of incorporators, the application shall be accompanied with a designation by all incorporators of one of them to serve as agent for service of process and delivery of materials. All matters to be served on or delivered to the applicant shall be served on or delivered to the designated agent and shall not require service or delivery on all incorporators. Should the applicant be a single individual, service and delivery shall be made upon him.

(c) Service upon or delivery to any party shall be made on the counsel for the party and not on the party itself, if but only if the party is represented by counsel who has filed a notice of appearance in accordance with .

(d) Service on the Commissioner shall be made upon him personally.

(e) Unless expressly provided otherwise in the Banking Statutes, these Regulations or the Banking Regulations, any notice or other written communication may be delivered by special mail or by any reputable, nationwide overnight courier service that obtains the signature of the person to whom delivery is made and that retains records of delivery.

021-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-6