020-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-17

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 3-17 - Environmental Monitoring Program for Protection of Waters of the State; Permit Application Requirements

Sedimentation ponds, sedimentation control structures, small wastewater systems, sewerage systems, reuse of treated wastewater, land application or surface disposal of biosolids, land application of domestic septage and public water supplies are specifically exempt from the requirements of Section 17. All other applications for a permit to construct a treatment works, disposal systems or other facility capable of causing or contributing to pollution shall contain the following:

(a) Documentation that the facility poses no threat of discharge to groundwater. If an applicant proposes a facility of this nature and can provide the documentation, a subsurface investigation is not required. The documentation shall consist of data that demonstrates that:

  • (i) Facility construction will not allow a discharge to groundwater by direct or indirect discharge, percolation or filtration; or
  • (ii) The quality of wastewater will not cause any violation of groundwater standards; or
  • (iii) Existing soils or geology will not allow a discharge to groundwater.

(b) If the documentation required above cannot be provided, a subsurface study shall be provided as part of the application to demonstrate the groundwater standards contained in applicable Wyoming Water Quality Rules and Regulations are adhered to. The application shall contain the following information:

  • (i) Type, quantity, source and chemical, physical, radiological and toxic characteristics of fluids, wastes or other materials to be held, treated or disposed;
  • (ii) The name, description, depth, geology, and hydrology of any receiver that may be affected by the proposed facility;
  • (iii) A map indicating existing well locations, topography, proposed facility locations and surface water features. The map shall also include proposed monitoring wells if required by subsection (c);
  • (iv) Types of soils, soil permeability and soil assimilation capabilities at the site;
  • (v) Information on existing water wells, including well completion, yield, water use, water quality and other relevant data. This information shall be required for wells within ¼ mile radius of the proposed facility. The above information shall be obtained for all domestic and public water supplies located in a one (1) mile radius of the proposed facility. In aquifers where groundwater movement is rapid, the Administrator may require the above information on wells within a three (3) mile radius based on geohydrology;
  • (vi) The study shall contain pre-operational monitoring wells located to accurately characterize the subsurface environment and shall include the following items:
    • (A) Well locations;
    • (B) Well completion information;
    • (C) Depth to groundwater;
    • (D) Background water quality;
    • (E) Direction of groundwater movement;
    • (F) Hydraulic conductivity;
    • (G) Geology and types of soils;
    • (H) Depth to base of the water zone.
  • (vii) Hydraulic information that may need to be submitted in the application include:
    • (A) Potentiometric surface (water table) map;
    • (B) Identification of aquifers:
      • (I) Distribution and depth range;
      • (II) Aquifer characteristics;
      • (III) Aquifer test data.
    • (C) Water quality variations.
  • (viii) The following information shall be furnished if available:
    • (A) General geology:
      • (I) Surface geology maps:
        • (1.) Area distribution of formations or units;
        • (2.) Dip and strike;
        • (3.) Faults, dikes, sills and other intrusives or extrusives.
      • (II) Area geologic reports.
      • (III) Stratigraphic information:
        • (1.) Columnar or stratigraphic section;
        • (2.) Lithologies of rock units;
        • (3.) Thickness of rock units.

          If any of the above information is unavailable, the Administrator may request the permittee to produce any information deemed necessary.

(c) Whenever the discharge of any pollution or wastes into Waters of the State may be caused, threatened or allowed, or the physical, chemical, radiological, biological or bacteriological properties of any Waters of the State may be altered, by a facility, a monitoring program shall be required and shall be adequate to insure knowledge of migration and behavior of the pollution or wastes. Such programs shall be described and contained in a submitted application for a permit to construct. The extent and design of a monitoring system will be influenced by the pollution potential of the proposed facility or modification.

(d) A monitoring program, as determined by the Administrator to carry out the provisions of the Act, shall consist of any or all of the following:

  • (i) Operational monitoring;
  • (ii) Post-discharge or post-operational monitoring;
  • (iii) Record keeping and reporting.

(e) A monitoring program shall include plans for monitoring the quality of affected or potentially affected surface water and groundwater. The plans shall include the following as determined appropriate by the Administrator to carry out the provisions of the act:

  • (i) Stratigraphic and depth interval to be monitored by each well;
  • (ii) Details of monitor well(s) construction;
  • (iii) Details of how the monitoring program will be carried out, from preparation to site abandonment;
  • (iv) Background water quality obtained from representative samples that characterize water quality and water quality variability for each monitor well;
  • (v) Background water quality for wells and surface water that might be impacted. This information will vary depending on site specifics based on geohydrology;
  • (vi) A description of how representative sampling will be accomplished;
  • (vii) Parameter list(s) and frequency of sampling after operation begins.

(f) The permittee is responsible for properly installing, operating, maintaining and removing all necessary monitoring equipment.

020-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-17

Amended, Eff. 6/29/2018.