020-25 Wyo. Code R. § 25-17
Greywater systems that meet the requirements of this section are permitted by rule. A permit by rule requires the owner to submit the information contained in paragraph (e) of this section to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division prior to constructing, modifying, or installing the system. By submission of the required information, the owner acknowledges and certifies they will comply with the requirements contained in this section.
(a) Greywater Operation and Requirements
- (i) Restrictions
- (A) Greywater shall not leave the property on which it is generated. Ponding or runoff is prohibited.
- (B) Greywater systems shall not be installed in a delineated floodplain.
- (C) The volume of greywater shall not exceed an average of 2000 gallons per day.
- (D) Greywater shall not come in direct contact with or adversely impact surface or groundwater.
- (E) Food crops for direct human consumption should not be harvested for 30 days after application of greywater.
- (ii) Odor control of the greywater system shall meet the requirement of Wyoming DEQ Air Quality Regulations Chapter 2, Section 11.
- (iii) If the greywater system is to be used during the winter, the greywater system shall be designed to prevent freezing.
(b) Estimating Greywater Discharge
- (i) The greywater discharge for single family and multi-family dwellings shall be calculated by estimates of greywater use based on water use records, or the following procedure:
- (A) The number of occupants of each dwelling unit shall be calculated as 2 occupants per bedroom.
- (B) The estimated greywater flows of each occupant shall be calculated in gallons per day (gpd) as follows:
Showers, bathtubs and wash basins - 25 gpd/occupant
Laundry - 15 gpd/occupant
- (ii) The total number of occupants shall be multiplied by the applicable estimated greywater discharge as provided above and the type of fixtures connected to the greywater system.
(c) Greywater System Configurations
- (i) All greywater systems shall have means to direct greywater to either the blackwater system or the greywater system.
- (ii) Diverter valves shall not have the potential to allow backflow from the blackwater system into the greywater system.
- (iii) Greywater used for surface irrigation should be disinfected. The disinfection should achieve a fecal coliform level of 200 cfu/100 mL or less.
(d) Setbacks
- (i) A 30 foot buffer zone is required between the greywater application site and adjacent property lines and any public right-of-way.
- (ii) A 30 foot separation distance is required between greywater application sites and all surface waters.
- (iii) A 100 foot separation distance is required between greywater application sites and all potable water supply wells.
(e) Owner's name, address, phone number, legal description of greywater system (address, latitude/longitude, or ¼¼ section), and the date construction or installation will begin.
020-25 Wyo. Code R. § 25-17
Adopted, Eff. 7/27/2016.
Amended, Eff. 6/29/2018.