020-16 Wyo. Code R. § 16-11

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 16-11 - Environmental Monitoring Program

(a) The monitoring program shall be adequate to ensure knowledge of migration and behavior of the discharge in the receiver.

  • (i) Monitoring may be required for any circumstance where groundwaters of the state could be affected by a Class V facility.
  • (ii) The extent and design of a monitoring system shall be sufficient to deal with the pollution potential of the proposed discharge.
  • (iii) Before construction or installation of a Class V facility, a monitoring program, when required, shall be adequate to establish baseline conditions of the receiver.

(b) The monitoring program shall consist of any or all of the following:

  • (i) Pre-discharge or pre-operational monitoring;
  • (ii) Operational monitoring;
  • (iii) Post-discharge or post-operational monitoring;
  • (iv) Record keeping and reporting;
  • (v) Such additional requirements established by the administrator to meet the purposes of the Environmental Quality Act and these regulations.

(c) Each monitoring program shall include maps and cross-sections, where appropriate, showing the location, lithology, and screening interval of each monitoring site.

(d) The operator is responsible for properly installing, operating, maintaining and removing all necessary monitoring equipment.

(e) The operator shall develop and follow a written waste analysis plan that describes the procedures to be carried out to obtain detailed chemical and physical analyses of a representative samples of the waste, including quality assurance procedures to be used. Once approved by the department, the operator shall not deviate from the plan without filing an amended plan and obtaining department approval for that amended plan. At a minimum, any plan shall include:

  • (i) The parameters for which the waste will be analyzed, the rationale for the selection of these parameters, and the test methods to be used to test for these parameters; and
  • (ii) The sampling method that will be used to obtain a representative sample of the waste.
  • (iii) The operator shall repeat the analysis of the injected wastes in the manner and on the schedule described in the waste analysis plan or when operating changes occur that may significantly alter the characteristics of the waste stream.

(f) All Class V permits shall contain a point of compliance. The point of compliance shall be the point of injection or specific monitor wells located down gradient of the injection facilities.

  • (i) For facilities where the point of compliance is the point of injection, the fluid to be injected shall be limited to the class of use standards for the receiver as found in Chapter 8 of these regulations or any primary drinking water standard found in 40 CFR 141, (as of June 6, 2001) whichever is more stringent. The permittee may be required to maintain monitor wells in the vicinity of the discharge for the purpose of monitoring flow direction and monitoring groundwater quality in the event of non-compliance with the permit.
  • (ii) For facilities where the point of compliance is at one or more down gradient monitor wells, the department shall establish permit limitations at the monitor well(s) consistent with the class of use of the receiver or any secondarily affected aquifer or surface water. Where necessary to protect existing or future uses, permit limitations may be established at the point of compliance which are more stringent than the class of use standard.
  • (iii) Facilities where subsurface treatment is anticipated may be required to monitor the injected fluid at the point of injection. Permit limits may be established at the point of injection which exceed the class of use standard for the affected aquifer, provided that a demonstration is made showing that a class of use standards violation will not occur at a point of compliance downgradient from the point of injection. Permit limits of this nature are intended to provide early warning of possible non-compliance at the point of compliance.

(g) Procedures and methods for sample collection and analyses shall be implemented by the permittee to ensure that the samples are representative of the groundwater, water, or wastes being sampled.

(h) Sample collection of groundwater shall be of such frequency and of such variety (season, time, location, depth, etc.) to properly describe the groundwater, and shall be accomplished by the methods and procedures described in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency manual RCRA Groundwater Monitoring Technical Enforcement Guidance Document, September, 1986, unless alternate methods and procedures are approved by the administrator.

(i) Analysis of all samples shall be accomplished pursuant to Chapter 8, Water Quality Rules and Regulations, Sections 7 and 8.

020-16 Wyo. Code R. § 16-11