020-11 Wyo. Code R. § 11-7

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 11-7 - Plans and Specifications Content

(a) All plans for sewerage works shall have a suitable title showing the following:

  • (i) Name of owner and location of project.
  • (ii) North arrow and drawing scale.
  • (iii) Name and seal or signature of the engineer.

    Datum used shall be indicated. Plans shall contain a site plan of the proposed project with topography and boundaries of the project.

(b) Sewers. Plans for interceptor sewers, outfall sewers, new collector systems, force mains, sewer extensions, or any combination shall include:

  • (i) A detailed plan view at a legible scale of each sewer line showing all existing and proposed streets, adjacent structures, physical features, existing and proposed locations of utilities and a North arrow. The location and size of all sewer lines, manholes, cleanouts, and other appurtenances shall be indicated. Pertinent elevations shall be indicated on all appurtenances.
  • (ii) Profiles of all sewer lines shall be shown on the same sheet as the plan view at legible horizontal and vertical scales, with a profile of existing and finished surfaces, elevations of the sewer inverts at all manholes, and the slope of the sewer inverts at all manholes, pipe size and material, and the slope of the sewer line. The location of all special features such as inverted siphons, concrete encasements, casing pipes, elevated sewers, etc., shall be shown.
  • (iii) Special detail drawings, scaled and dimensioned to show the following:
    • (A) Details of all sewer appurtenances such as manholes, cleanouts, inverted siphons, elevated sewers, encasements, casing pipes, force main thrust blocks, outfall structures, etc.
    • (B) The approximate bottom of the stream, the approximate elevation of the low and high-water levels, and other topographic features at all locations where the project is at streams or lakes.
    • (C) Cross section drawing of the sewer's bedding.
    • (D) Additional features not otherwise covered by specifications.
  • (iv) Location of waterlines within thirty (30) feet (9m) horizontally shall be shown on the plan. Water lines that intersect sewers shall be shown on the profile drawings. Public and/or private water wells within thirty (30) feet (9m) of sewer lines shall be indicated on the plans.

(c) Pumping stations, treatment works and disposal systems. Plans shall be submitted showing the relation of the proposed project to the remainder of the system. Layouts and detail plans shall show the following:

  • (i) Site location and layout including topographic and physical features, proposed arrangement of pumping or treatment units, existing facilities, existing and proposed piping arrangements, access drive, power supply, fencing, embankments, outfall sewer, outfall structure, and receiving stream with direction of flow.
  • (ii) Schematic flow diagram(s) and hydraulic profile(s) for treatment works wastewater, sludge and effluent flows.
  • (iii) Plan and section view(s) of the wetwell and drywell of the pumping station with specific construction details, features and pertinent elevations.
  • (iv) Plan and section view(s) of each treatment facility process unit with specific construction details, features and pertinent elevations. Details of each unit should include, but are not limited to, inlet and outlet devices, baffles, valves, arrangement of automatic control devices, aeration equipment, motors, sludge scrapers, sludge disposal, electrical devices or other mechanical devices.

(d) Specifications. Technical specifications shall accompany the plans for new sewers, pump stations, treatment works, disposal systems, or additions/modifications to existing systems or facilities. Where plans are for extensions to sewer systems, the specifications may be omitted, provided it is stated that the work is to be constructed under specifications authorized by the Water Quality Division office. Specifications on file must conform to these regulations.

The specifications accompanying construction drawings shall include:

  • (i) Identification of construction materials.
  • (ii) The type, size, strength, operating characteristics, rating or requirements for all mechanical and electrical equipment, including machinery, valves, piping, electrical apparatus, wiring and meters; laboratory fixtures and equipment; operating tools; special appurtenances; and chemicals where applicable.
  • (iii) Construction and installation procedure for materials and equipment.
  • (iv) Requirements and tests of materials and equipment to meet design standards.
  • (v) Performance tests for operation of completed works and component units.

020-11 Wyo. Code R. § 11-7

Amended, Eff. 6/29/2018.