Appendix A - Wyoming Surface Water Classifications

Current through April 27, 2019
Appendix A - Wyoming Surface Water Classifications

All surface waters in Wyoming are classified as follows:

(a) Class 1 Waters. The following waters are designated Class 1:

(i) All surface waters located within the boundaries of national parks and congressionally designated wilderness areas as of January 1, 1999;

(ii) The main stem of the Snake River through its entire length above the U.S. Highway 22 Bridge (Wilson Bridge);

(iii) The main stem of the Green River, including the Green River Lakes from the mouth of the New Fork River upstream to the wilderness boundary;

(iv) The main stem of the Wind River from the Wedding of the Waters upstream to Boysen Dam;

(v) The main stem of the North Platte River from the mouth of Sage Creek (approximately 15 stream miles downstream of Saratoga, Wyoming) upstream to the Colorado state line;

(vi) The main stem of the North Platte River from the headwaters of Pathfinder Reservoir upstream to Kortes Dam (Miracle Mile segment);

(vii) The main stem of the North Platte River from the Natrona County Road 309 bridge (Goose Egg bridge) upstream to Alcova Reservoir;

(viii) The main stem of Sand Creek above the U.S. Highway 14 bridge;

(ix) The main stem of the Middle Fork of the Powder River through its entire length above the mouth of Buffalo Creek;

(x) The main stem of the North Fork of the Tongue River, the main stem of the South Fork of the Tongue River and the main stem of the Tongue River above the U.S. Forest Service boundary;

(xi) The main stem of the Sweetwater River above the mouth of Alkali Creek;

(xii) The main stem of the Encampment River from the northern U.S. Forest Service boundary upstream to the Colorado state line;

(xiii) The main stem of the Clarks Fork River from the U.S. Forest Service boundary upstream to the Montana state line;

(xiv) All waters within the Fish Creek (near Wilson, Wyoming) drainage;

(xv) The main stem of Granite Creek (tributary of the Hoback River) through its entire length;

(xvi) Fremont Lake;

(xvii) Wetlands adjacent to the above listed Class 1 waters.

(b) Individual water classifications for major water bodies and recreational use designations are listed in the most current version of the Wyoming Surface Water Classification List. The list is published by the department and periodically revised and updated according to the provisions of Sections 4, 33, 34 and 35. In addition to the listings contained in that document, the following provisions apply:

(i) National Parks and Wilderness Areas. All surface waters located within the boundaries of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks and congressionally designated wilderness areas as of January 1, 1999 are Class 1 waters. A Class 1 designation always takes precedence over the classification given in the listing. For example, Dinwoody Creek is shown as a Class 2 water; however, the upper portions are within a wilderness area and those portions are Class 1. The portion below the wilderness boundary is Class 2.

(ii) Unlisted Waters. The waters contained in the Wyoming Surface Water Classification List are all waters which are named on the USGS 1:500,000 hydrologic map of Wyoming and those otherwise classified by the department. The classification list does not contain an exhaustive listing of all the surface waters in the state. Waters which are not listed are classified as follows:

(A) All waters shown as having any species of game fish present in the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's Streams and Lakes Database as submitted to the department in June 2000 are classified as 2AB;

(B) All waters shown as having only nongame fish species present in the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's Streams and Lakes Database as submitted to the department in June 2000 are classified as 2C;

(C) All other waters shall be classified as follows:

(I) Those waters supported by an approved UAA containing defensible reasons for not protecting aquatic life uses shall be 4A, 4B or 4C. This category includes isolated, effluent dependent waters;

(II) Effluent dependent waters that support resident fish populations shall be 2D;

(III) Effluent dependent waters that do not support resident fish populations shall be 3D;

(IV) The remaining waters shall be 3A, 3B or 3C.

(iii) Wetlands. All adjacent wetlands shall have the same classification as the water to which they are adjacent.

Amended, Eff. 4/24/2018.