020-10 Wyo. Code R. § 10-3

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 10-3 - Permit Application Requirements

(a) Description of waste stream sampling: The Chapter 6 permit application for each facility shall include a description of the proposed methodology for periodic monitoring and sampling of incoming wastes for the purpose of determining the weight of material in representative samples of unprocessed wastes. This weight, designated as UP in Section 7(c) of this chapter, shall be determined initially for purposes of compliance with the test demonstration requirements of Section 4 of this chapter. For operating facilities, this weight shall be monitored by sampling representative wastes at least once per month.

(b) Other descriptions required: The Chapter 6 permit application for each facility shall include detailed descriptions of the systems, processes, equipment, personnel, and procedures to be used to comply with the waste screening, waste processing, and waste recovery requirements of this chapter. The descriptions shall include:

  • (i) Narrative discussions of the waste flows and routings including but not limited to procedures used to receive wastes, locations and routes for transfer of wastes from initial receipt of wastes to ultimate disposition of treatment residues, locations and methods for storage and removal of useful components of the waste stream, and other applicable waste handling practices or procedures planned for use at the facility.
  • (ii) Detailed design drawings of facility structures, roads, loading and unloading structures, environmental monitoring systems, and any other improvements associated with the facility.
  • (iii) Detailed design drawings, process flow information, and any available test results for equipment or systems used for waste screening, waste processing, and recovery of useful components of the waste stream. Information shall be of sufficient detail to allow department evaluation of the ability of the equipment or systems to perform as represented, and to comply with the standards of Sections 5, 6 and 7 of this chapter.
  • (iv) A description of the equipment used to sample in- coming wastes, sampling procedure(s) to be used, the frequency of sampling or inspecting incoming wastes and a discussion of how such frequency will adequately detect prohibited wastes.
  • (v) Narrative plan describing the facility compliance monitoring systems used by the operator to continuously monitor, record, and report to the department the facility's compliance with the rules and regulations.
  • (vi) A description of the proposed test demonstration, which shall be conducted to comply with the requirements of Section 4 of this chapter. The test demonstration description shall address sampling and analysis protocols for wastes to be used in the demonstration, describe how the demonstration wastes are representative of wastes to be received at the facility when full-scale operations commence, and include an evaluation of the facility's ability to screen incoming waste shipments to detect prohibited wastes.
  • (vii) Procedures used to manage prohibited wastes removed from the wastes received at the facility. The application shall include documentation that the planned management methods for such prohibited wastes comply with applicable state and federal requirements.
  • (viii) Any other information needed by the department to evaluate compliance with the requirements of this chapter.

020-10 Wyo. Code R. § 10-3