020-10 Wyo. Code R. § 10-1

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 10-1 - In General

(a) Authority: The authority for the rules and regulations promulgated in this chapter is the Wyoming Environmental Quality Act, W.S. 35-11-101 et seq. Specific sections of the act that provide authority for this regulation include W.S. W.S. W.S. 35-11-102, 35-11-109, and Article 5, Solid Waste Management, 35-11-501 et seq.

(b) Applicability: The rules and regulations contained herein shall apply to any person who operates, or proposes to operate, any solid waste management facility receiving a monthly average greater than five hundred (500) short tons per day of unprocessed household refuse or mixed household and industrial refuse. The rules and regulations shall apply to any new facility, or to any existing facility seeking a permit amendment to allow any increase in capacity such that a monthly average greater than five hundred (500) short tons per day of unprocessed household refuse or mixed household and industrial refuse will be received for management or disposal. Facilities receiving a monthly average greater than five hundred (500) short tons per day shall be those facilities where the sum of the wastes received during any month, divided by the number of days wastes are received at the facility during that month, is greater than five hundred (500) short tons.

(c) Objectives: The objectives of these rules and regulations are to establish standards and requirements for commercial solid waste management facilities which minimize unnecessary use of the land for solid waste disposal, allow for effective state regulation, oversight, and inspection of solid wastes managed in the state, and conserve natural resources in accord with the policy and purpose of the Wyoming Environmental Quality Act, W.S. W.S. 35-11-102.

(d) Severability: If any section or provision of these regulations, or the application of that section or provision to any person, situation, or circumstance is adjudged invalid for any reason, the adjudication does not affect any other section or provision of these regulations or the application of the adjudicated section or provision to any other person, situation, or circumstance. The Environmental Quality Council declares that it would have adopted the valid portions and applications of these regulations without the invalid part, and to this end the provisions of these regulations are declared to be severable.

(e) Reserved

020-10 Wyo. Code R. § 10-1