020-11 Wyo. Code R. § 11-5

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 11-5 - Application Content Requirements - Mine (Operations) Plan

(a) All applications for a mine permit and amendments must include, at a minimum, the information and materials related to mine plans required in: W.S. §§ 35-11-428 and 429; Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Section 1, and Chapter 3, Section 2 (excepting Subsections (b)(ii) and (iii), (c)(iv), and (h) and, with respect to subsection (k)(i), as modified in Section 6(a)(iv) of this Chapter); and

  • (i) Contour (topographic) map(s) which accurately locate and identify the permit area and show the location of any public highways, dwellings, utilities and easements within the permit area and adjacent lands in relation to all proposed affected lands and proposed activities associated with the operation including, but not limited to: plant site, chemical storage areas, wellfield areas, roads, temporary and permanent drainage diversions, impoundments, stockpiles for topsoil, ore product and waste, and all processing facilities. The map(s) shall also clearly illustrate the location of monitoring wells required by Section 16 of this Chapter.
  • (ii) Discussion and illustration of the proposed mining schedule, including:
    • (A) A list of the proposed wellfields;
    • (B) A map(s), which shows the proposed sequence for mining of the wellfields;
    • (C) A proposed time schedule for mining each wellfield; and
    • (D) The capacity of the water/waste water treatment systems and correlation of the capacity with the mining and restoration schedules.
  • (iii) The procedure(s) used to protect the topsoil and subsoil, as required in Chapter 3, Section 2(c)(i) through (iii), from excessive compaction, degradation, and wind and water erosion where stockpiling of topsoil and subsoil is necessary. The Administrator may authorize topsoil to remain on areas where minor disturbance will occur associated with construction and installation activities including but not limited to light-use roads, signs, wellfields, utility lines, fences, monitoring stations, and drilling provided that the minor disturbance will not destroy the protective vegetative cover, increase erosion, nor adversely affect the soil resource.
  • (iv) A description of and dimensions for all proposed impoundments, as defined by the State Engineer's Office (SEO). A leak detection plan may be required for impoundments that are not regulated by the NRC. For impoundments holding toxic or acid forming material, contingency plans to control unanticipated leakage shall be provided.
  • (v) A description of all temporary and permanent surface water diversions in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 3, Section 2(e) and (f).
  • (vi) The composition of all known and anticipated wastes and procedures for their disposal.
  • (vii) Procedures for ensuring that all acid-forming, or toxic, or other materials constituting a fire or health and safety hazard encountered during or created by the mining process are promptly treated, confined, or disposed of in a manner designed to prevent pollution of surface water or groundwater, degradation of soils, or vegetation, or threat to human or animal health and safety.
  • (viii) A description of the mitigating measures developed from the consultations with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as required per Chapter 2, Section 1(f).
  • (ix) A description of the location within the permit area where underground injection is authorized.
  • (x) A description of the proposed method of operation, including:
    • (A) Injection rate, with the average and maximum daily rate and the volume of fluid to be injected;
    • (B) Injection pressures, with average and maximum injection pressures, as required by Section 8 of this Chapter;
    • (C) Proposed stimulation program;
    • (D) Type of injection/recovery fluid to be used;
    • (E) Proposed injection procedure; and
    • (F) Expected changes in pressure, native groundwater displacement and direction of movement of injection fluid.
  • (xi) The following information concerning the production zone shall be determined or calculated and submitted for new Class III wells or projects:
    • (A) Where the production zone is in a receiving strata which is naturally water-bearing:
      • (I) Fluid pressure;
      • (II) Fracture pressure; and
      • (III) Physical and chemical characteristics of the receiving strata fluids.
    • (B) Where the receiving strata is not a water-bearing formation, the fracture pressure in the production zone.
  • (xii) The procedure(s) to assure that the installation of recovery, injection, and monitor wells will not result in hydraulic communication between the production zone and overlying or underlying stratigraphic horizons.
  • (xiii) The procedures utilized to verify that the injection and recovery wells are in communication with monitor wells completed in the receiving strata and employed for the purpose of detecting excursions.
  • (xiv) Descriptions of:
    • (A) The completion details for all monitor wells; and
    • (B) A detailed description of the typical proposed well completion for monitoring, injection and recovery wells, as required by Section 8 of this Chapter.
  • (xv) Details of a monitoring program and reporting schedule as required by Sections 16 and 15 of this Chapter, respectively.
  • (xvi) A schedule for and description of the procedures to demonstrate and maintain mechanical integrity of all monitoring, recovery, and Class III injection wells as required by Section 9 of this Chapter. Monitor wells need only be tested upon completion.
  • (xvii) A corrective action plan, for any wells which are improperly sealed, completed, or abandoned, consisting of such steps or modifications as are necessary to prevent movement of fluid into unauthorized zones as required by Section 20 of this Chapter.
  • (xviii) A description of chemical reactions that may occur during mining as a result of recovery fluid injection.
  • (xix) A subsidence analysis, using established geotechnical principles, which estimates, based upon the proposed mining operation, the effect of subsidence upon the land surface and overlying groundwater aquifers. Subsidence shall be planned and controlled to the extent that the values and uses of the surface land resources and the groundwater aquifers will not be degraded.
  • (xx) A description of measures employed to prevent an excursion, and contingency and corrective action plans to be implemented in the event of an excursion, in accordance with Sections 19 and 20 of this Chapter.
  • (xxi) An assessment of impacts that may reasonably be expected as a result of the mining operation to water resources and water rights inside the permit area and on adjacent lands, and the steps that will be taken to mitigate these impacts.
  • (xxii) A maintenance plan to ensure:
    • (A) Wells are sufficiently covered to protect against entrance of undesirable material into the well;
    • (B) The wells are marked and can be clearly seen;
    • (C) The area surrounding each well is kept clear of brush or debris;
    • (D) Monitoring equipment is appropriately serviced and maintained so the monitoring requirements in Section 16(a)(i) of this Chapter can be met; and
    • (E) Spill Response and Reporting plan.

020-11 Wyo. Code R. § 11-5

Amended, Eff. 11/13/2018.