(a) The Board shall meet quarterly at a date, place and time established by the Chair with special meetings held as requested by the Chair or by a majority of the members.
(b) Notice of Board meetings shall be given to any person who requests such notice as specified by the Wyoming Administrative Procedures Act. The notice shall specify the time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted.
(c) All meetings shall be open to the public and held in accordance with W.S. 16-4-401 through 408. The Board may conduct executive sessions in accordance with W.S. § 16-4-405(a).
(d) A majority of the Board members constitutes a quorum. The act of the majority of the quorum shall be the act of the Board of Radiologic Technologist Examiners.
(e) A written record shall be kept of all meetings and such records shall be retained as the permanent record of the transactions of the Board.
(f) The Chair may conduct meetings and Board business electronically as a means of conserving funds and expediting appropriate business.
(g) Board Members may be designated and empowered to conduct complaint investigations, and make recommendations on complaints.
017-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-2