As used in these regulations, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth unless the context or subject matter clearly requires a different interpretation.
(a) "ARRT" means the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.
(b) "Body Area" means a specific portion of the human anatomy.
(c) "Contrast Media" means material intentionally administered to the human body to define parts which are not normally visualized radiographically.
(d) "CBRPA" means the Certification Board for Radiology Practitioner Assistant.
(e) "DEXA" means Dual Energy X-ray Absorption (Bone Densitometry)
(f) "Direct Supervision" means the licensed physician must be present on the premises and immediately available to furnish assistance and direction throughout the performance of the procedure.
(g) "Fluoroscopic procedures" means continuous or real time x-ray imaging.
(h) "JRCERT" means Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.
(i) "Limited Scope Examination" means an examination administered by ARRT.
(j) "NMTCB" means the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board.
(k) "Nuclear Medicine" means the specialized use of radioisotopes for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
(l) "Nuclear Medicine Technologist" means an individual, who may or may not be a radiologic technologist, with specialized training in the application of ionizing radiation and radiopharmaceuticals for therapeutic and/or diagnostic purposes.
(m) "Proficiency" means performing a given art, skill or branch of learning with expert correctness and facility.
(n) "Radiation Therapy" means the specialized use of ionizing radiation for therapeutic purposes.
(o) "Radiologic Technician" means a person who has met minimum requirements for a restricted license and works under the direct supervision of a licensed practitioner.
(p) "Radiologic Technologist" means a person who has met minimum requirements for a general license to apply ionizing radiation or radiopharmaceutical agents to humans for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
(q) "Radiologist" means a medical practitioner licensed in the State of Wyoming specializing in the practice of radiology, nuclear medicine or radiation therapy.
(r) "Special Procedures" means a minimally invasive image guided procedure for diagnosis and treatment.
(s) "Technique" means any adjustment of radiation producing equipment.
017-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-5