(a) No mediator may provide legal, financial or therapeutic advice to the Parties in a Mediation proceeding. A mediator may not solicit or accept any payment or item of value, either directly or indirectly, in return for making a referral.
(b) In addition to W.S. 11-41-106, Mediators shall keep confidential all information and records obtained in connection with a Mediation proceeding.
(c) With respect to the Parties to the Mediation, no mediator shall:
(d) A mediator shall disclose to the Board and to the Parties to a Mediation proceeding, every potential conflict of interest and every other matter which may affect the mediator's ability to act in a fair, diligent and impartial manner in the proceeding. A mediator shall withdraw from the proceeding if the mediator is unable to act in a fair and impartial manner.
010-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-12