Wis. Admin. Code State Fair Park Board SFP 7.02

Current through December 30, 2024
Section SFP 7.02 - State fair park bond deposit schedule

Unless penalties are otherwise specified within chs. SFP 1 to 6, the board has established the following bond deposit schedule for violating the provisions of chs. SFP 1 to 6, in accordance with s. 42.01, Stats.




s. SFP 2.01(1)

Disturbing the peace


s. SFP 2.01(2)

Disorderly conduct


s. SFP 2.01(3)



s. SFP 2.01(4) (a)



s. SFP 2.01(5)

Throwing missile


s. SFP 2.02(1)

Petty theft under $500


s. SFP 2.02(2)

Theft $500 to $1000


s. SFP 2.02(3)

Receiving stolen property


s. SFP 2.02(4)

Theft by fraud under $500


s. SFP 2.02(5)(a)

Retail theft


s. SFP 2.02(6)(a)

Fraud on eating places or lodging accommodations in the park.


s. SFP 2.02(7)(a)

Issuing worthless check under $500


s. SFP 2.02(8)(a)

Fraudulent use of credit card under $500


s. SFP 2.02(9)

Use of cheating tokens


s. SFP 2.02(10)

Unauthorized entry into locked vehicle


s. SFP 2.02(11)(a)

Unauthorized entry into a locked building, room or secured fenced in area, or onto a construction site


s. SFP 2.02(12)

Criminal damage to property


s. SFP 2.03(1)

Committing an act against sexual morality


s. SFP 2.03(2)

Fornicating in public


s. SFP 2.03(3)

Committing an indecent act of sexual gratification in public.


s. SFP 2.03(4)

Urinating in public


s. SFP 2.04

Improper pet control


s. SFP 2.05(1)

Cruelty to animals


s. SFP 2.05(2)

Harming a police horse


s. SFP 2.06

Soliciting orders for merchandise without required sales permit


s. SFP 2.07(1)

Destruction or defacing of property; signs


s. SFP 2.07(2)

Possession of spray paint by minor


s. SFP 2.07(3)

Unauthorized sale of spray paint to minors


s. SFP 2.08



s. SFP 2.09

Unauthorized carrying or improperly disposing of glass or metal beverage containers


s. SFP 2.10(1)

Unauthorized camping


s. SFP 2.10(2)

Having an RV permit revoked


s. SFP 2.10(3)

Parking more than one RV on a site


s. SFP 2.10(5)

Occupying a campsite other than an assigned site


s. SFP 2.11

Loitering or prowling


s. SFP 2.12

Holding a group picnic without obtaining a permit


s. SFP 2.13

Possessing or discharging fireworks without proper approvals


s. SFP 2.14(3)

Negligently operating or handling a firearm or other dangerous weapon


s. SFP 2.14(4)

Possessing a firearm while under the influence of an intoxicant


s. SFP 2.14(5)

Pointing a firearm at another person


s. SFP 2.14(6)

Unauthorized discharging of a firearm in the park


s. SFP 2.14(7)

Carrying a concealed weapon


s. SFP 2.14(8)

Unauthorized display, sale or distribution of knives or dangerous weapons


s. SFP 2.14(9)

Unauthorized carrying, possessing, or using of a dangerous weapon


s. SFP 2.15(1)

Intentionally giving a false fire alarm


s. SFP 2.15(2)

Making an emergency call by dialing 911 when a person knows no emergency exists


s. SFP 2.15(3)

Impersonating a police officer or peace officer


s. SFP 2.15(4)

Resisting or interfering with a police officer


s. SFP 2.15(5)

Assisting with an escape or attempted escape, or rescue or attempted rescue of a person in police custody


s. SFP 2.15(6)

Knowingly giving false information to a police officer


s. SFP 2.15(7)(a)

Obstructing emergency or rescue personnel


s. SFP 2.15(8)(a)

Escaping or attempting to escape from police custody


s. SFP 2.16(1)

Using or possessing a controlled substance


s. SFP 2.16(2)(a)

Using or possessing marijuana


s. SFP 2.16(3)(a)

Possessing, using, delivering or manufacturing with intent to deliver drug paraphernalia


s. SFP 2.16(4)(a)

Smelling or inhaling harmful substances


s. SFP 2.16(4)(b)

Possessing, buying, selling, transferring possession or receiving possession of any harmful substance


s. SFP 2.16(5)(a)

Inhaling toxic glues


s. SFP 2.16(5)(b)

Selling or transferring possession of toxic glues in violation of s. SFP 2.15(5)(b)


s. SFP 2.17(1)

Sale of alcoholic beverages in violation of s. SFP 2.17(1)


s. SFP 2.17(2)

Employing an underaged person to serve, sell or vend alcoholic beverages or failing to provide required supervision of an underaged person permitted by rule to serve, sell or vend alcoholic beverages.


s. SFP 2.17(3)

Selling alcoholic beverages to an underage person


s. SFP 2.17(4)

Permitting or failing to take action to prevent consumption of alcoholic beverages by an underaged person on premises leased by the alleged violator


s. SFP 2.18

Violating child labor laws


s. SFP 2.19

Conducting a lottery, any game, drawing, contest, sweepstakes or other promotion in violation of s. SFP 2.19


s. SFP 2.20(1)



s. SFP 2.21(1)

Operating or conducting a lottery, raffle, or game of chance


s. SFP 2.21(2)

Operating an amusement game without required signage


s. SFP 2.21(3)

Offering or awarding prizes in violation of s. SFP 2.21(3)


s. SFP 2.21(4)

Operating or conducting an amusement game in violation of s. SFP 2.21(4)


s. SFP 2.22(1)

Unauthorized duplicating of park key


s. SFP 2.22(2)

Unauthorized transfer or unauthorized possession of a park key


s. SFP 3.02(2)

Speeding 30 mph or less above the fixed speed limit


s. SFP 3.02(3)

Speeding more than 30 mph above the fixed speed limit


s. SFP 3.02(4)

Operating a vehicle in the park at an unreasonable or imprudent speed considering existing conditions


s. SFP 3.02(5)

Operating a vehicle in the park at a speed too fast for conditions


s. SFP 3.02(6)

Operating a vehicle on the race track without authorization


s. SFP 3.02(7)

Driving through a safety zone


s. SFP 3.02(8)

Failure to stop or improper stop at a stop sign


s. SFP 3.02(9)

Failure to obey traffic officer


s. SFP 3.02(10)

Failure to obey traffic sign or signal


s. SFP 3.02(11)(a)

Driving a vehicle and permitting a person who is not an employee engaged in activities necessary to perform the employee's assigned duties to ride in or on any portion of the vehicle which was not designed or intended for the use of passengers


s. SFP 3.02(11)(b)

Riding in or upon any portion of a vehicle not intended for passengers unless the person is an employee engaged in performing the person's assigned duties


s. SFP 3.02(12)

Drinking alcoholic beverages in a motor vehicle or possessing any opened receptacle containing alcoholic beverages in a motor vehicle


s. SFP 3.03(1)

Unauthorized operating of non-licensed vehicle


s. SFP 3.03(2)

Unauthorized operating of a vehicle in a designated restricted area


s. SFP 3.03(3)

Abandoning a motor vehicle in the park


s. SFP 3.03(4)

Unauthorized overnight parking in the park


s. SFP 3.03(5)(a)

Parking in a loading zone in violation of s. SFP 3.03(5)(a)


s. SFP 3.02(5)(b)

Parking in an alley or driveway in violation of s. SFP 3.03(5)(b)


s. SFP 3.03(5)(c)

Parking within 10 feet of a fire hydrant or in a fire zone in violation of s. SFP 3.03(5)(c)


s. SFP 3.03(5)(d)

Parking within 4 feet of the entrance to an alley, a private road or driveway in violation of s. SFP 3.03(5)(d)


s. SFP 3.03(5)(e)

Parking within 15 feet of a crosswalk in violation of s. SFP 3.03(5)(e)


s. SFP 3.03(5)(f)

Parking in an intersection in violation of s. SFP 3.03(5)(f)


s. SFP 3.03(5)(g)

Parking on a sidewalk or sidewalk area in violation of s. SFP 3.03(5)(g)


s. SFP 3.03(5)(h)

Parking in an area reserved for handicap parking in violation of s. SFP 3.03(5)(h)


s. SFP 3.05(5)(i)

Parking in an area at a time when parking is prohibited, limited or restricted by an official sign or marking in violation of s. SFP 3.03(5)(i)


s. SFP 3.03(5)(j)

Unauthorized parking in a posted reserved parking area in violation of s. SFP 3.03(5) Cj)


s. SFP 3.03(7)

Parking in an area temporarily restricted by an order of the director or chief of police.


s. SFP 3.03(10)

Leaving the ignition key in the ignition of any non-commercial motor vehicle while the vehicle is parked in the park


s. SFP 3.04

Unauthorized deliveries between 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday or between 11:00 and 12 mid-night Friday or Saturday


s. SFP 4.01(1)

Distributing commercial advertising material outside an assigned space authorized by the director


s. SFP 4.02(1)

Posting or passing out any advertising material having a gummed or adhesive backing


s. SFP 4.02(2)

Unauthorized erecting, posting or attaching in or on any building, fence or other park property of any material having a gummed or adhesive backing


s. SFP 4.02(3)

Placing or throwing any flyer, circular or pamphlet in or on any vehicle


s. SFP 4.03

Unauthorized operating of a vehicle equipped with a public address system


s. SFP 4.04

Distributing non-commercial handbills, picketing or demonstrating in the park without complying with s. SFP 4.04


s. SFP 4.05

Soliciting contributions or sales outside the confines of an area leased by the park to the individual


s. SFP 5.01

Entering state fair park during the state fair or any other time when an outside gate admission is charged for an event given by or under the auspices of the state fair park without paying the daily entrance fee


s. SFP 5.02

Reselling a ticket to a state fair park sponsored event within 48 hours of the event or for a price higher than the price printed on the face of the ticket


s. SFP 6.01(2)

Obstructing a fire inspector's inspection of any park property


s. SFP 6.02

Failing to comply with a fire inspector's order to remove or neutralize a dangerous or hazardous condition


s. SFP 6.03(1)

Burning or causing to be burned, on park premises, any combustible material without a permit from the chief of police


s. SFP 6.03(2)

Smoking in any area where a "No Smoking" sign is posted


Wis. Admin. Code State Fair Park Board SFP 7.02

Cr. Register, June, 1998, No. 510, eff. 7-1-98.