Current through December 30, 2024
Section SFP 2.07 - Destruction or defacing of property; signs(1) SIGNS. No person may willfully mark, deface, disfigure or injure any property, nor deface or remove any sign.(2) POSSESSION OF SPRAY PAINT BY MINOR. No person under 17 years of age shall carry, possess, receive possession or transfer possession of paint in a spray can, at a time or manner not usual for law abiding individuals under circumstances that warrant alarm for the safety of property. A police officer shall afford the person an opportunity to dispel any alarm by requesting the person to explain any reason for possessing paint in a spray can.(3) SALE OF SPRAY PAINT TO MINORS. No person may sell paint in spray cans to any person under 17 years of age. Lessee selling paint in spray cans shall have a sign conspicuously displayed stating. "It is unlawful to sell spray paint to persons under 17 years of age." The requirements of this subsection with respect to sales to minors shall not apply when the seller records sales, date, purchaser's name and paint purchased on a form and forwards a copy of the form to the police department.Wis. Admin. Code State Fair Park Board SFP 2.07
Renum. from SFP 2.01(7) and am., cr. (2) and (3), Register, September, 1996, No. 489, eff. 10-1-96; emerg. am. (3), eff. 8-1-97; am. (2) and (3), Register, June, 1998, No. 510, eff. 7-1-98.