Wis. Admin. Code Higher Educational Aids Board HEA 15.03

Current through December 30, 2024
Section HEA 15.03 - Designation of scholar
(1) To be designated as a Wisconsin Covenant scholar by the office for the purpose of grant eligibility, a student must do all of the following:
(a) Enroll in the Wisconsin Covenant Scholars Program by submitting the appropriate paperwork to the office by September 30th of the student's freshman year in high school.
(b) Meet all of the following eligibility requirements:
1. Receive a diploma from a Wisconsin high school.
2. Maintain approximately a B average while in high school. The approximate B average shall be calculated in one of the following ways:
a. The student has a career cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.85 or higher on a 4.0 scale; or
b. The student earned a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale for at least 5 semesters and never earned less than a 2.0 in any semester; or
c. The student earned a GPA of 3.25 or higher on a 4.0 scale during the first semester of senior year and has shown consistent improvement since the beginning of high school.
3. Complete course Credit that shall prepare the student for the college or university the student intends to attend, which shall be shown in one of the following ways:
a. The student shows admission to at least one eligible institution; or
b. The student lists 3 eligible institutions at which the student intends to apply and confirms that the student's coursework meets or exceeds the course requirements for the colleges or universities listed.
4. Demonstrate good citizenship and engage in activities that support the community. To show that the student has demonstrated good citizenship and engaged in activities that support the community, the student shall meet both of the following requirements:
a. The student must not have been convicted of a felony or serious misdemeanor and, if the student was suspended during high school, the student must provide two letters of recommendation which show substantial personal growth following the suspension from school faculty or other community members; and
b. The student was involved in one of the following activities extra curricular activities that contain an element of community service and can document at least 30 hours of service; or a school sponsored service learning experience that meets a high school graduation requirement; or a service learning experience that was designed by the student, and the results of which were shared with the student's teachers.
5. Show that the student submitted a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on or before April 1 of the student's senior year of high school. Extensions for extenuating circumstances may be made solely at the discretion of the office.
6. Apply and do all that is necessary to gain admission to an eligible institution, which shall be shown in one of the following ways:
a. Has been admitted to at least one eligible institution; or
b. Plans to apply to at least 3 eligible institutions and meets those institutions' admission guidelines.
(c) Complete the Wisconsin Covenant scholar verification form, consistent with the Wisconsin Covenant scholar verification instructions, and submit the form to the office by April 1 of the student's senior year of high school. The form must be signed by the school principal or the principal's designee to be considered valid.
(2) By April 30th of each year, the office shall submit to the board a list of scholars eligible for grant consideration.
(a) The current Wisconsin Covenant scholar verification instructions and form shall be available on the office's website www.wisconsincovenant.wi.gov by November 1 of each year and must be completed and sent to the office by April 1 of the following year. In addition, the current Wisconsin Covenant scholar verification instructions and form shall be mailed to students who have enrolled in the Wisconsin Covenant Scholars program under sub. (1) (a) by December 31 of their senior year of high school.

Wis. Admin. Code Higher Educational Aids Board HEA 15.03

CR 10-027: Cr. Register September 2010 No. 657, eff. 10-1-10.