Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services SPS 321.40

Current through December 30, 2024
Section SPS 321.40 - Installation standards
(a)Adoption of standards. The federal Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards, 24 CFR part 3285, as in effect on December 1, 2014, is hereby incorporated by reference into this chapter.

Note: A copy of this edition of 24 CFR 3285 is on file in the offices of the Department and the Legislative Reference Bureau. Copies of 24 CFR 3285 are available at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/granule/CFR2013title24vol5/CFR2013title24vol5part3285.

Note: Section 24 CFR 3285.1(a)(1) reads as follows: "States that choose to operate an installation program for manufactured homes in lieu of the federal program must implement installation standards that provide protection to its residents that equals or exceeds the protection provided by these Model Installation Standards."

1. A manufactured home produced on or after April 1, 2007, shall be installed in accordance with 24 CFR part 3285 except as otherwise provided by this subsection.

Note: As provided under 24 CFR 3285.1(a) (intro.), "The manufacturer's installation instructions, including specific methods for performing a specific operation or assembly, will be deemed to comply with these Model Installation Standards, provided they meet or exceed the minimum requirements of these Model Installation Standards and do not take the home out of compliance with the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards ( 24 CFR part 3280)."

2. If a requirement of this code applies to a manufactured home or to an attachment to a manufactured home, the manufactured home owner shall comply with that requirement. If the manufactured home is located in a manufactured home community, the manufactured home community operator is not responsible for compliance with that requirement unless the manufactured home community operator is the manufactured home owner.
(c)Additional definitions.These are department definitions in addition to the definitions in 24 CFR 3285.5:
1. "Department" means the department of safety and professional services.
2. "HUD" means the federal department of housing and urban development.
2m. "Manufactured home owner" has the meaning given in s. 101.652(1) (d), Stats.

Note: Section 101.652(1)(d), Stats. reads as follows: "Manufactured home owner" does not include a person that leases a manufactured home from another.

3. "Manufactured home section" means a portion of a manufactured home which when installed does not provide all the facilities for year-round residential occupancy.
4. "Manufactured home unit" means a complete manufactured home which when installed provides all the facilities for year-round residential occupancy.
(d)Substituted definitions.Substitute the following definitions and informational note for the corresponding definitions in 24 CRF 3285.5:
1. "Approved" means acceptable to the department.
2. "Base flood elevation" means the elevation of the base flood, including wave height, relative to the datum specified on a county's flood hazard map.
3. "Flood hazard area" means the greater of either of the following:
a. The special flood hazard area shown on the flood insurance rate map.
b. The area subject to flooding during the design flood and shown on a county's flood hazard map, or otherwise legally designated.
4. "Flood hazard map" means a map delineating the flood hazard area and adopted by a county.
5. "Local authority having jurisdiction (LAHJ)" means the department; except where it is used in conjunction with "flood hazard map," in which case it means the county.
6. "Manufactured home" has the meaning given in s. 101.91(2), Stats.

Note: Section 101.91(2) of the Statutes is reprinted in a Note under s. SPS 320.07(52m).

(e)Fire separation. Substitute the following wording for the requirements in 24 CFR 3285.101: Fire separation distances shall be provided in accordance with the distances specified in s. SPS 326.12.
(f)Flood hazard. Substitute the following wording and informational note for the requirements in 24 CFR 3285.102(c): Prior to the initial installation of a new manufactured home, the owner or permit applicant is responsible to determine whether the home site lies wholly or partly within a special flood hazard area as shown on the county's flood insurance rate map, flood boundary and floodway map, or flood hazard boundary map. If so located, the map and supporting studies adopted by the county may be used to determine the flood hazard zone and base flood elevation at the site.

Note: The department of natural resources and the federal emergency management agency may also have regulations that apply to construction in flood hazard areas.

(g)Wind loads. This is a department informational note to be used under 24 CFR 3285.103(a):

Note: The HUD-required wind loads for Wisconsin, Zone 1, are not less than 15 psf horizontal and not less than 9 psf uplift.

(h)Roof loads. This is a department informational note to be used under 24 CFR 3285.103(b):

Note: See ch. SPS 325 Appendix A for a reprint of HUD's roof-load zone map.

(i)Thermal zone. This is a department informational note to be used under 24 CFR 3285.103(c):

Note: The HUD-required thermal zone for Wisconsin is Zone 3, for an overall maximum coefficient of heat transmission not to exceed 0.079 Btu/(hr.)(sq. ft.)(°F).

(j)Soil test. This is a department requirement in addition to the requirements in 24 CFR 3285.202(a): Where a community-wide soil test does not exist and a soil test is required by this chapter, such as for a proposed frost-free-foundation design, the test shall be conducted to determine the soils in the entire community rather than at an individual site.
(k)Footings and foundations. This is a department requirement in addition to the requirements in 24 CFR 3285.301: Footings and foundations may be designed in accordance with subchs. IV and V, which include a frost depth of at least 48 inches.
(l)Caps. Substitute the following wording for the requirements in 24 CFR 3285.304(b)(2): A combination of up to two 4-inch-thick solid-concrete blocks and no more than one 2-inch-thick piece of hardwood lumber shall be permitted as cap material. Lumber used as cap and gap filler material may be of 2-inch nominal lumber at least equal to No. 2 spruce/pine/fir having a minimum fiber bending stress rating of 1200 psi. All lumber used as cap and gap filler shall be the same species of wood. Lumber used to fill a gap in the pier may only be placed at the top of the pier.
(m)Gaps. This is a department informational note to be used under 24 CFR 3285.304(c)(1):

Note: See lumber specifications under par. (L).

(n)Additional blocking. Substitute the following wording for the requirements in 24 CFR 3285.304(c)(3): If a pier is provided with a cap block of 4-inch concrete or 2-inch lumber, another 4-inch concrete block may be placed anywhere in the pier but may not be placed directly upon the footing.
(o)Illustration. This is a department figure to be used under 24 CFR 3285.304:

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(p)Footings and foundations.This is a department requirement in addition to the requirements in 24 CFR 3285.312: Footings and foundations may be designed in accordance with any of the following:
1. Subchs. IV and V.
2. The department-approved slab design that is shown in the figure and limitations at the end of this paragraph.
3. Other proprietary designs approved by the department.

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1. Minimum 3,000 psi concrete. [24 CFR 3285.312(a)(1)(ii)]
2. Rebar and mesh at least grade 40.
3. Soil bearing capacity at least 2,000 psf. [SPS 321.40 (2) (b) 2.]
4. Placed on undisturbed soil. May not be placed on unprepared fill material, organic soil, alluvial soil, mud, or frozen soil. [SPS 321.40 (2) (b) 1. and 24 CFR 3285.312(a)]
5. 8 to 10" of clean, graded sand, gravel, or crushed stone base in clay soils. [SPS 321.20 (2) with added thickness to resist frost.] Compaction of sand, etc., should be 95% of modified Proctor.
6. 6 mil vapor retarder overlapped 12 inches and sealed. [24 CFR 3285.204]
7. Maximum pier spacing of 7 feet with max. load per pier of 5,300 lbs. when placed on 6" thick slab. [SPS 321.40 (2) (b) 10. and 24 CFR 3285.310]
8. Maximum load per pier of 11,900 lbs. at mating line when centered on the 20" W. X 10" D. thickened slab, Section B-B, reinforced with 2 - #4 bars. Individual pier footings at mating line meeting sizing requirements in 24 CFR 3285 Table to 3285.312 may be used in lieu of continuous thickened slab. [24 CFR 3285.312(c)]
9. Site shall drain away from the home per SPS 321.12. Ensure drainage of sand fill zone so that any clay does not cause water to pool under the slab.
10. The water table may not be above the frost penetration depth, i.e. at least 4 feet below grade. [SPS 321.16 (1) (a)]
11. Saw cut joints in slab so that sections are approximately square. (Example: 16' by 76' slab = 4 segments.)
(q)Anchors and tie-down straps. This is a department requirement in addition to the requirements in 24 CFR 3285.402(b)(1) and (2): Ground anchors and tie-down straps may be of painted steel to provide the weather-deterioration protection required by this section.
(r)Severe climate. Substitute the following wording for the requirements in 24 CFR 3285.404: In frost-susceptible soil locations, ground-anchor augers shall be installed to the design depth of the anchor but not less than 30 inches, unless the foundation system is frost-protected to prevent the effects of frost heave, in accordance with acceptable engineering practice and ss. 24 CFR 3280.306 and 3285.312.
(s)Ventilation openings. Substitute the following wording for the requirements in 24 CFR 3285.505(d): Ventilation openings shall be covered for their full height and width with a perforated corrosion- and weather-resistant covering that is designed to prevent entry of rodents.
(t)Plumbing. This is a department informational note to be used under 24 CFR 3285.601:

Note: The Department's rules relating to registration and licensing of plumbers are in ch. SPS 305. The Department's rules relating to pipe supports; pitch of sanitary drainage piping, storm water or clear water piping, and water supply piping; and plumbing specific to manufactured homes and manufactured home communities are in chapter SPS 382.

(u)Access for a transporter. Substitute the following wording for the recommended requirements in 24 CFR 3285.902(a): Before attempting to move a home, ensure that the transportation equipment and home can be routed to the installation site and that all special transportation permits required by the department of transportation have been obtained.
(v)Drainage structures. Substitute the following wording for the recommended requirements in 24 CFR 3285.902(b): The use of ditches and culverts to drain surface runoff is subject to local and state regulations and shall be included and considered in the overall site preparation.
(w)Local permits. Substitute the following wording and informational note for the recommended requirements in 24 CFR 3285.903(a): All locally required permits shall be obtained and all corresponding fees shall be paid.

Note: See s. SPS 320.08 for the Department's requirements for obtaining a Wisconsin uniform building permit prior to each installation.

(x)Local plan approval. Substitute the following wording for the recommended requirements in 24 CFR 3285.903(b): Prior to alteration of a home's pier blocking, the local municipality shall be contacted to determine if plan approval and permits are required.
(y)Accessory buildings and structures. Substitute the following wording for the recommended requirements in 24 CFR 3285.903(c): Each accessory building and structure is designed to support all of its own live and dead loads, unless the structure, including any attached garage, carport, deck, or porch, is attached to the manufactured home and is otherwise included in the installation instructions.
(z)Contacting the utility providers. Substitute the following wording for the recommended requirements in 24 CFR 3285.904(a): The utility providers shall be consulted before connecting the manufactured home to any utilities.
(za)Conversion of gas appliances. Substitute the following wording for the recommended requirements in 24 CFR 3285.904(d)(1): A service person acceptable to the utility provider shall convert the appliance from one type of gas to another, following instructions by the manufacturer of each appliance.
(zb)Gas appliance startup procedures. Substitute the following wording for the recommended requirements in 24 CFR 3285.904(d)(4) (intro.): When required by the utility provider, the installer shall perform the following procedures:
(zc)Heating oil systems.T his is a department informational note to be used under 24 CFR 3285.905:

Note: See ch. ATCP 93 for additional requirements relating to installation of heating oil systems.

(a) Except as provided in par. (b), the installation of a manufactured home produced before April 1, 2007 shall be installed in conformance with the requirements in effect at the time the manufactured home was produced.
(b) The installation of a manufactured home produced before April 1, 2007 to be installed on piers shall conform to at least all of the following requirements:
1. No footing may be placed upon unprepared fill material, topsoil, alluvial soil or mud. All organic matter shall be removed from the area that will be beneath any footing.
2. The soil bearing capacity shall be determined through test by a pocket penetrometer or other means of analysis. If the soil bearing capacity under each intended pier location is less than 2000 pounds per square foot, piers shall be located in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
3. The home site shall be graded to permit water to drain from under the home and away from the home for a minimum of 5 feet from the home.
4. Every pier shall be supported by a footing. Each footing shall be no less than a nominal 16 inches by 16 inches.
5. Each footing shall consist of one of the following:
a. One nominal 4-inch by 16-inch by 16-inch solid concrete block or 2 nominal 4-inch by 8-inch by 16-inch solid concrete blocks. If a single block pier and 2 footing blocks are used, the 2 footing blocks shall be positioned with the joint parallel to the main frame. If a double block pier and 2 footing blocks are used, the 2 footing blocks shall be positioned with the joint either parallel or perpendicular to the main frame.
b. A 16-inch by 16-inch pad constructed of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) having a rated load bearing capacity of not less than 6000 pounds.
c. An 18-inch diameter hole bored to below the frost line or to unfractured bedrock and filled with poured concrete.
d. Any other materials and systems approved in advance by the department.
6. Piers shall be constructed of concrete blocks, manufactured steel stands or manufactured concrete stands. Manufactured stands shall be labeled for use as piers for manufactured homes.
7. Piers constructed of single stacked concrete blocks shall be limited to a height of 36 inches. Piers constructed of concrete blocks and exceeding 36 inches but less than 80 inches shall be constructed using double stacked blocks with each layer opposing the direction of the layer underneath it. Piers constructed of concrete blocks and exceeding 80 inches shall be constructed using double blocks laid in concrete mortar with each layer opposing the direction of the layer underneath it and with each core filled with concrete and a 1/2-inch steel reinforcing rod.
8. All concrete blocks shall be 2-core design, construction grade blocks having nominal dimensions of at least 8 inches by 8 inches by 16 inches. All concrete blocks shall be placed with the cores open vertically. The concrete block nearest the main frame of the manufactured home shall be perpendicular to the linear direction of the frame. None of these concrete blocks may contact the main frame of the home.
9. Alternative materials may be used for pier installations provided they are approved in advance by the department.
10. Piers shall be placed under the main frame of the chassis at intervals of not more than 7 feet on-center and no more than 3 feet from the exterior side of each end wall. The 7-foot spacing requirement may be varied as permitted by footing, spacing and soil capacity tables provided by the home manufacturer.
11. Piers shall be placed under the bearing points of clear-span openings of 4 feet or more in center mating walls.
12. Piers shall be plumb and centered under the contact area at the point of support.
a. Each pier shall be capped with a solid concrete block at least 4 inches thick or a solid wood block having a nominal thickness of at least 2 inches.
b. The cap shall be the same width and length as the top of the pier.
c. The cap shall consist of no more than 2 pieces.
d. Two-piece caps shall be positioned with the joint perpendicular to the main frame.
14. Where shims are utilized, wood shims shall be installed between the pier cap and the frame. Shims shall be driven from opposing sides and shall be no less than 4 inches by 8 inches.
15. Wood caps and shims shall be at least equal to No. 2 spruce pine fir having a minimum fiber bending stress rating of 1200 psi. All wood caps shall be the same species of wood, and all shims shall be the same species of wood.
16. The combination of a nominal 2-inch solid concrete block or a nominal 2-inch wood cap plus shims shall not exceed 3 1/2 inches.
17. A minimum clearance of 12 inches shall be maintained beneath the lowest point of the main frame in the area of any utility connection. A minimum clearance of 12 inches shall also be maintained under the home for at least 75% of the home. The remainder of the home may be less than 12 inches above the ground but may not touch the ground.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services SPS 321.40

CR 05-113: cr. Register December 2006 No. 612, eff. 4-1-07; CR 08-043: am. (2) (b) 13. Register March 2009 No. 639, eff. 4-1-09; CR 14-017: r. and recr. (1), cr. (2) (title), am. (2) (b) 8. Register August 2014 No. 704, eff. 9-1-14; correction in numbering in (1) (za) to (zc) made under s. 13.92(4) (b) 1, Stats., Register August 2014 No. 704; correction in (1) (p) (intro.) made under s. 13.92(4) (b) 7, Stats., Register August 2014 No. 704; corrections in (1) (g) to (i) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register August 2014 No. 704.
Amended by, CR 15-034: am. (1) (a) Register December 2015 No. 720, eff.1/1/2016
Amended by, CR 21-047: renum. (1) (b) to (1) (b) 1., cr. (1) (b) 2., (c) 2m. Register May 2022 No. 797, eff. 6/1/2022