Wis. Admin. Code SPS § SPS 382.70

Current through December 30, 2024
Section SPS 382.70 - Plumbing treatment standards
(1) PURPOSE. The purpose of this section is to establish plumbing treatment standards for plumbing systems that supply water to outlets based on the intended use.
(2) SCOPE. The provisions of this section apply to plumbing systems that supply water to outlets.

Note: For requirements and specifications for POWTS, refer to ch. SPS 383.

Note: The department of natural resources requires WPDES permits for point source discharges under ch. 283, Stats.

(3) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. A plumbing system shall supply water that is of a quality that will protect public health and the waters of the state and be suitable for the intended use.

Note: Refer to s. SPS 382.34 for requirements for wastewater reuse.

(a) Except as provided under par. (b), a plumbing system shall supply a quality of water at the outlet or at the termination of the plumbing system that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements as specified in Table 382.70-1.
(b) For an outlet other than a plumbing fixture, appliance or appurtenance, there may be more stringent requirements assigned by a municipality, governmental unit, state agency or the owner of the plumbing system.

Table 382.70-1

Plumbing Treatment Standards

Intended Use

Plumbing Treatment Standardsf

1. Drinking, cooking, food processing, preparation and cleaning, pharmaceutical processing, and medical uses

NR 811 and 812 approved sources

2. Personal hygiene, bathing, and showering

NR 811 and 812 approved sources

3. Automatic fire protection systems

As acceptable by local authority

4. Swimming pool makeup water

NR 811 and 812 approved sources

5. Swimming pool fill water

DHS 172 requirements

6. Cooling water b

pH 6 - 9 b

< 50 mg/L BOD5

< 30 mg/L TSS

Free chlorine residual 1.0 - 10.0 mg/Lb

7. Subsurface infiltration and irrigation, using reuse as the source c

< 15 mg/L oil and grease

< 30 mg/L BOD5

< 35 mg/L TSS

< 200 fecal coliform cfu/100 mL d

8. Subsurface irrigation, using stormwater as the source c

< 15 mg/L oil and grease <60 mg/L TSS

9. Surface or spray irrigation using stormwater and clearwater as the source c

< 10 mg/L BOD5

< 5 mg/L TSS

10. Surface irrigation except food crops, vehicle washing, clothes washing, air conditioning, soil compaction, dust control, washing aggregate, and making concrete a, c

pH 6 - 9 b

< 10 mg/L BOD5

< 5 mg/L TSS

Free chlorine residual 1.0 - 10.0 mg/Lb

11. Toilet and urinal flushing

pH 6 - 9 b

200 mg/L BOD5

< 5 mg/L TSS

Free chlorine residual .1 mg/

L - 4.0 mg/L b

12. Uses not specifically listed above

Contact department for standards

a Refer to the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection for commercial use.

b Applies only to wastewater treatment devices for reuse systems. Other equivalent disinfection methods may be approved by the department.

c These requirements do not apply to the treatment of industrial waste- water or other wastewater discharges that are subject to a WPDES permit issued by the department of natural resources.

d A 12-inch minimum separation of medium sand or finer material above high groundwater or bedrock.

f For stormwater, the plumbing treatment standards are based on an annual average. Evaluation of research to prove compliance with this table is based on the geometric mean of the data acceptable to the department or an equivalent method

(5) NONPOTABLE WATER TREATMENT DEVICES AND SYSTEMS. Devices or equipment used to treat nonpotable water for the uses specified in Table 382.70-1 shall be listed under NSF/ANSI 350 or NSF/ANSI 350-1 by an ANSI accredited, third-party, listing agency acceptable to the department; or be approved by the department in accordance with s. SPS 384.50.
(a)Design and installation. The design and installation of nonpotable water treatment devices and systems shall conform to s. SPS 382.34 (3) (a) and include:
1. 'Maintenance and inspection.' A maintenance log shall be created and kept by the system owner and remain onsite. The maintenance log shall be available for inspection upon request and contain the following minimum information:


Service Interval

Inspect, clean, and replace filters


Inspect and verify treatment components and systems are operational and maintaining minimum treatment standards.

In accordance with the manufacturer's and department's instructions.

Inspect and verify pump operation

At start-up and [LESS THSN EQUAL TO] 12 months thereafter

Inspect and verify valve operation

At start-up and [LESS THSN EQUAL TO] 12 months thereafter

Inspect and verify pressure tank operation

At start-up and [LESS THSN EQUAL TO] 12 months thereafter

Clean storage tanks, inspect and verify locking devices

At start-up and [LESS THSN EQUAL TO] 12 months thereafter

Inspect precautionary label-ing/marking

At start-up and [LESS THSN EQUAL TO] 12 months thereafter

Inspect and verify integrity of mulch basins

As required to prevent ponding, runoff and maintain mulch depth

Cross connection control inspection and test

At start-up and [LESS THSN EQUAL TO] 12 months thereafter

2. 'Manual.' An installation, operation, and maintenance manual shall be provided to the system owner and remain onsite. The manual shall contain the following minimum information:
a. A detailed diagram of the system showing the location of critical system components.
b. Complete operation and maintenance instructions.
c. Instructions on deactivating the system for maintenance or repair.
d. Complete manufacturer's contact information
e. Model number.
f. Representative sources of supply for expendable system components.
3. 'Labeling.' Non-potable water systems shall be indelibly labeled in accordance with NSF 350 or NSF 350-1. The labeling shall be plainly visible after installation.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services § SPS 382.70

CR 02-002: cr. Register April 2003 No. 568, eff. 5-1-03; CR 04-035: am. Table 82.70-1 Register November 2004 No. 587, eff. 12-1-04; CR 08-055: am. Table 82.70-1 Register February 2009 No. 638, eff. 3-1-09; CR 10-064: am. Table 82.70-1 Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11; correction in (4) (a) made under s. 13.92(4) (b) 7, Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672.
Amended by, CR 23-006: am. Table 382.70-1, cr. (5) Register September 2023 No. 813, eff. 10-1-23; correction in (5) (a) 1. made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register September 2023 No. 813, eff. 10/1/2023