Wis. Admin. Code SPS § SPS 382.40

Current through December 30, 2024
Section SPS 382.40 - Water supply systems
(1) SCOPE. The provisions of this section set forth the requirements for the design and installation of water supply systems.

Note: Chapter NR 811 governs the design and construction of community water systems or waterworks.

(2) MATERIALS. All water supply systems shall be constructed of approved materials in accordance with ch. SPS 384.
(a)Water quality.
1. Every outlet providing water shall be provided with water of the quality as specified under s. SPS 382.70 (3) for the intended use.
2. Nonpotable water may be supplied to water treatment devices or systems designed to treat water for compliance with Table 382.70-1.
(b)Hot water required. Except as provided in subds. 1. and 2., hot water shall be provided to all plumbing fixtures, appliances, and equipment used for personal washing, culinary purposes, or laundering, and sinks used for building maintenance in a public building.
1. Tempered water.
a. Tempered water or hot water shall be provided to lavatories, wash fountains and shower heads which are not located in dwelling units or living units.
b. Tempered water supplied to serve multiple lavatories, wash fountains and shower heads shall be provided by means of temperature-actuated mixing valves that comply with ASSE 1017.
2. Lavatories located in park shelters and bath houses which are not open during the period from November 15 to March 15 and which are not places of employment shall not be required to be provided with hot water.
3. Lavatories located in waysides which are not places of employment shall not be required to be provided with hot water.

Note: The exception of providing hot water under subds. 1. to 3. does not supersede the requirements of other state agencies for providing hot water.

1. Pursuant to s. NR 811.07 the interconnection of 2 or more water supply systems, one system served by a public supply source and the other system served by another supply source is prohibited, unless approved in writing by the department of natural resources.
2. A water supply system shall be designed and installed in accordance with s. SPS 382.41 and maintained to prevent nonpotable liquids, solids or gases from being introduced into the potable water supply system through cross connections.
a. Except as provided in subd. 3. b., when a connection between 2 water supply systems exists, one system having a higher degree of hazard than the other system as specified in s. SPS 382.41, the water supply system with a lower degree of hazard shall be protected as specified in s. SPS 382.41.
b. When a water treatment device is provided to lower the concentration of a health-related contaminant, cross connection control shall not be required to protect the water supply system downstream of the treatment device from the upstream contaminated source.
4. The water supply system shall be protected from thermal expansion when a closed system is created.
1. Where buildings or facilities contain water supply systems where the water supply systems have different degrees of hazard, then those water supply systems shall be labeled in accordance with this section.
a. Aboveground piping supplying water other than potable shall be labeled by tags or colored bands according to Table 382.40-1a.

Note: When identifying potable water piping or valves with tags or bands, label according to Table 382.40-1a.

b. Valves supplying other than potable water shall be identified by tags according to Table 382.40-1a.
c. The tags or colored bands shall be placed at intervals of not more than 25 feet. Where piping passes through a wall, floor or roof, the piping shall be so identified on each side of the wall and within each compartment.
d. The colored bands shall be at least 3 inches wide and shall bear text identifying the water or the specific use.
e. Tags used to identify water outlets, valves and piping shall be of metal or plastic in the shape specified in Table 382.40-1a.
f. The lettering on the triangular and circular tags shall be at least 1/2 inch in height.
g. A hose bibb intended to discharge water that does not meet drinking water quality as specified in s. SPS 382.70, shall be labeled as nonpotable or so identified for the specific use or uses, and shall be equipped with a removable handle.
2. Piping downstream of cross connection control assemblies as listed in Table 382.22-1 shall be labeled with bands or tags as specified in subd. 1.a. to f.
3. Where a building or a structure is served by 2 distribution systems, one system supplied by a public water supply and the other system supplied by a private well, each water distribution system shall be identified to indicate the supply source.
4. The installation of each reduced pressure principle backflow preventer, double check backflow prevention assembly, spill resistant vacuum breaker and pressure vacuum breaker shall display a department assigned identification number.
a. The method to display the department assigned identification number shall be a weather-resistant tag, securely attached to the cross connection control assembly.
b. The tag shall contain at least the following information.

Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services

Identification/Object Number _________

Cross Connection Control Assembly

Do Not Remove This Tag

c. The department assigned identification number shall be printed in the blank area with a permanent, waterproof marker or similar indelible method.

Note: To obtain a Department-assigned identification number for a cross connection control assembly, contact the Department's Division of Industry Services at P.O. Box 7162, Madison, WI 53707-7162; or at telephone (608) 266-2112 or (877) 617-1565 or 711 (Telecommunications Relay); or at fax (608) 267-9723; or at the Division's Web site at http://dsps.wi.gov/programs/industry-services.

(e)Multipurpose piping system.
1. A multipurpose piping system shall be designed and installed in accordance with this section and NFPA 13D and materials must be acceptable under the NFPA 13D standard and s. SPS 384.30, with the following exceptions:
a. A partial or single sprinkler may be installed in a dwelling unit not required to be sprinklered under NFPA 13D.
b. Limited purpose or limited area sprinklers may be installed in areas not required to be sprinklered.

Note: See s. SPS 321.095 of the Dwelling Code and s. SPS 362.0903 (10) of the Commercial Building Code as to fire protection provisions for multipurpose piping systems.

2. Fire department connections are prohibited in a multipurpose piping system.
3. Materials for multipurpose piping systems shall be acceptable under NFPA 13D and s. SPS 384.30 (4) (e) and (5).
4. Five gpm shall be added onto the multipurpose calculations for each dwelling connected to a common water supply system.
5. A flow test shall be performed at the controlling sprinkler before the system is put into operation.
(a)Private water mains. Private water mains shall be provided with control valves as specified in this subsection.
1. 'Corporation cocks.'
a. If a private water main 2" or less in diameter connects to a public water main, a corporation cock shall be installed at the connection to the public water main.
b. If a private water main 2-1/2" or larger in diameter connects to a public water main, a corporation cock shall be installed not more than 8 feet from the connection to the public water main.
2. 'Curb stops.'
a. Except as provided in subd. 2. b., if a private water main connects to public water main, a curb stop shall be installed in the private water main between the corporation cock and the property line.
b. If a private water main 2-1/2" or larger in diameter connects to a public water main, one control valve may serve as the corporation cock and the curb stop. The control valve shall be located not more than 8 feet from the connection to the public water main and shall be accessible for operation.

Note: See ch. SPS 382 Appendix A-382.40 (4) for further explanatory material.

(b)Water services. Water services shall be provided with control valves as specified in this subsection.
1. 'Corporation cocks.'
a. If a water service 2" or less in diameter connects to a public water main, a corporation cock shall be installed at the connection to the public water main.
b. If a water service 2-1/2" or larger in diameter connects to a public water main, a corporation cock shall be installed not more than 8 feet from the connection to the public water main.
2. 'Curb stops.'
a. Except for water services serving farm buildings and farm houses, a curb stop shall be installed in each water service which connects to a private water main. The curb stop shall be located outside the building served by the water service.
b. Except as provided in subd. 2. c., a curb stop shall be installed in each water service which connects to a public water main. The curb stop shall be located between the corporation cock and the property line.
c. If a water service 2-1/2" or larger in diameter connects to a public water main, one control valve may serve as the corporation cock and the curb stop. The control valve shall be located not more than 8 feet from the connection to a public water main and shall be accessible for operation.
3. 'Building control valves.' If a water service serves a building, a building control valve shall be provided in the water service as specified in this subsection.
a. If the water service connects to a public water supply or to a private water supply which has an external pressure tank, the building control valve shall be installed inside the building and located within 3 feet of developed length from the point where the water service first enters the building. If a water meter is provided, the building control valve shall be located upstream of the water meter.
b. If a private water supply includes an internal pressure tank, the building control valve shall be installed inside the building and located within 3 feet of developed length downstream from the internal pressure tank.

Note: See ch. SPS 382 Appendix for further explanatory material.

(c)Water distribution systems.
1. Control valves shall be installed in water distribution systems serving public buildings as specified in this subdivision.
a. If a water meter is provided, a control valve shall be installed within 3 feet of developed length downstream from the outlet of the water meter. If bypass piping is provided around a water meter, a control valve shall be installed in the bypass piping.

Note: See sub. (8) (d) 3. for the requirements relating to the bypassing of water meters.

b. A control valve shall be installed in the supply piping to each water heater and water treatment device and in the fixture supply to each plumbing fixture, plumbing appliance and piece of equipment. The control valve may be part of the bypass piping or an internal part of a water treatment device. When the valve is an internal part of the water treatment device, the device shall be removable for service.
c. If a hot water circulation system is provided, a control valve shall be installed on both the inlet and outlet piping to the circulation pump. If a hot water circulation system has 2 or more return pipe lines, a balancing control valve shall be installed in each return piping line.
d. The water distribution system for buildings with more than 4 dwelling units or living units shall be provided with control valves in such numbers and at such locations so that the water supplied to all the units within the building can be isolated into groups of 4 of less units.

Note: See sub. (8) (g) for the valve requirements for water temperature control.

2. Control valves shall be installed in water distribution systems serving one- and 2-family dwellings as specified in this subdivision.
a. If a water meter is provided, a control valve shall be installed within 3 feet of developed length downstream from the outlet of the water meter. If bypass piping is provided around a water meter, a control valve shall be installed in the bypass piping.

Note: See sub. (8) (d) 3. for the requirements relating to the bypassing of water meters.

b. A control valve shall be installed in the supply piping to each water heater and water treatment device and in the fixture supply to each water closet, exterior hose bibb, plumbing appliance and piece of equipment. When the valve is an internal part of the water treatment device, the device shall be removable for service.
c. If a hot water circulation system is provided, a control valve shall be installed on both the inlet and outlet piping to the circulation pump. If a hot water circulation system has 2 or more return pipe lines, a balancing control valve shall be installed in each return piping line.
(a)General. Water heating systems shall be sized to provide sufficient hot water to supply peak demand, except for a tankless type water heater that meets the requirements of par. (am).
(am)Tankless type water heaters. All tankless type water heaters shall have minimum flow rate as specified in this paragraph.
1. The minimum flow rate of a tankless type water heater may be obtained by multiplying 0.65 by the calculated hot water gallons per minute demand, as determined by Tables 382.40-1t and 382.40-3, provided the heater will achieve a water temperature of 110°F at the terminal fitting or faucet.
2. The sizing method in subd. 1. may not be used for sizing a water heater serving a high-flow fixture, a hose bibb, a hydrant, or a fixture that is required to have a supply line with a diameter larger than 1/2 inch.
3. For the purposes of subd. 2, "high-flow fixture" means a fixture with a flow rate of more than 4 gallons per minute, at 80 pounds per square inch, and a water velocity not exceeding 8 feet per second.
(b)Temperature maintenance. Except as provided in par. (bm), the developed length of hot water distribution piping from the source of the hot water supply to a plumbing fixture or appliance exceeds 100 feet, a circulation system or self-regulating electric heating cable shall be provided to maintain the temperature of the hot water within the distribution piping.
1. If a circulation system is used to maintain the temperature, no uncirculated hot water distribution piping may exceed 25 feet in developed length.
2. If a self-regulating electric heating cable is used to maintain the temperature, the cable shall extend to within 25 feet of each fixture or the appliance.
3. Water distribution piping conveying circulated water or served by a self-regulating electric heating cable shall be insulated to limit the heat loss at the external surface of the pipe insulation to a maximum of 25 BTUs per hour per square foot for aboveground piping and 35 BTUs per hour per square foot for underground piping. The maximum heat loss shall be determined at a temperature differential, T, equal to the maximum water temperature minus a design ambient temperature no higher than 65° F.
4. Water distribution piping served by self-regulating electric heating cable shall be identified as being electrically traced in accordance with ch. SPS 316.
5. The installation of self-regulating electric heating cable may be subcontracted by a plumber to another trade.
6. All hot water circulation system connections shall be made downstream of the control valve serving the water heating device.
7. Hot water circulation piping and tubing may not exceed the maximum velocity requirements specified per the manufacturer.

Note: See A-382.40 (5) for pipe insulation requirements.

(bm)Temperature maintenance; public buildings. Except as required in par. (b) all public lavatories in public buildings shall comply with the provisions of sub. (5) (b), except that allowable hot water supply distances for any fixture shall be calculated from the nearest source of hot water using the method in subd. 1. For public lavatories the allowable supply distance shall comply with the method in either subd. 1 or 2. of this section. In this section hot water sources shall include water heaters, circulating water systems, and self-regulating heat trace temperature maintenance systems.
1. Maximum allowable pipe length method: Under this method the distance from a hot water supply to a fixture, public lavatory, or appliance may not exceed the distances in Table 382.40-1d. Fixture fittings, fixture supply connectors, and faucets may not be part of this calculation.
2. Maximum allowable volume method: Under this method the maximum allowable volume of water between a hot water source and a public lavatory may not exceed 8 ounces. The allowable volume shall be the sum of the internal volume of all pipe, but may not include volume contained within fixture shutoff valves, within flexible water supply connectors to a fixture fitting, or within a fixture fitting. Pipe volume shall be calculated using the values in Table 382.40-1h.

Note: Insulation requirements for these systems are found in s. SPS 322.44 (2) and chs. SPS 361 to 366.

(c)Water heaters. All water heaters and safety devices shall be designed and constructed in accordance with s. SPS 384.20 (5) (p).

Note: Water heaters are to be installed in accordance with the requirements specified in chs. SPS 361 to 366 and chs. SPS 320 to 325 with respect to energy efficiency, enclosures and venting.

(d)Safety devices. Water heaters shall be equipped with safety devices as specified in this paragraph.
1. All pressurized storage-type water heaters and unfired hot water storage tanks shall be equipped with one or more combination temperature and pressure relief valves. The temperature steam rating of a combination temperature and pressure relief valve or valves shall equal or exceed the energy input rating in BTU per hour of the water heater. No shut off valve or other restricting device may be installed between the water heater or storage tank and the combination temperature and pressure relief valve.

Note: The temperature steam rating of a combination temperature and pressure relief valve is commonly referred to as the AGA temperature steam rating.

2. All pressurized non-storage type water heaters shall be provided with a pressure relief valve installed at the hot water outlet with no shut off valve between the heater and the relief valve.
3. Temperature and pressure relief valves shall be installed so that the sensing element of the valve extends into the heater or tank and monitors the temperature in the top 6" of the heater or tank.
4. A vacuum relief valve shall be installed in each water heater and hot water storage tank which, when measured from the bottom of the heater or tank, is located more than 20 feet above any faucet or outlet served by the heater or tank.
5. Every relief valve which is designed to discharge water or steam shall be connected to a discharge pipe.
a. The discharge pipe and fittings shall be made of a material acceptable for water distribution piping in accordance with s. SPS 384.30 (4) (e) 1.
b. The discharge pipe and fittings shall have a diameter not less than the diameter of the relief valve outlet.
c. The discharge pipe may not be trapped.
d. No valve may be installed in the discharge pipe.
e. The discharge pipe shall be installed to drain by gravity flow to a floor served by a floor drain or to a receptor in accordance with s. SPS 382.33 (8). The outlet of the discharge pipe shall terminate within 6" over the floor or receptor, but not less than a distance equal to twice the diameter of the outlet pipe. The outlet of the discharge pipe may not be threaded.
f. The discharge pipe for a water heater shall terminate within the same room or enclosure within which the water heater or hot water storage tank is located.
1. All hot water supply systems shall be equipped with automatic temperature controls capable of adjustments from the lowest to the highest acceptable temperature settings for the intended use.
2. A separate means shall be provided to terminate the energy supplied to each water heater and each hot water circulation system.
(a)Intermittent flow fixtures. The load factor for intermittent flow fixtures on water supply piping shall be computed in terms of water supply fixture units as specified in Tables 382.40-1t and 382.40-2 for the corresponding fixture and use. Water supply fixture units may be converted to gallons per minute in accordance with Table 382.40-3 or 382.40-3e.
(b)Continuous flow devices. The load factor for equipment which demands a continuous flow of water shall be computed on the basis of anticipated flow rate in terms of gallons per minute.

Table 382.40-1a

Distribution and Service


Tag and Band Color

Tag Shape

Tag Size

Tag Legenda




3" diameter

Safe Water




4" sides

Nonpotable Water or Not Safe for Drinking

Reuse (Nonpotable)



4" sides

Nonpotable Water or Not Safe for Drinking or Specific Useb

Device Specificc



4" sides

Specific Useb

aAll nonpotable water outlets shall be identified at the point of use for each outlet with the following legends or as otherwise approved by the department.

b Tag should reflect the intended use.

cServing an individual or similar plumbing fixtures or appliances.

Table 382.40-1b

Water Supply Fixture Units for Nonpublic Use Fixtures

Type of Fixturea

Water Supply Fixture Units (wsfu)




Automatic Clothes Washer




Bar Sink




Bathtub, with or without Shower Head








Dishwashing Machine



Glass Filler



Hose Bibb:

1/2" diameter

3/4" diameter





Kitchen Sink




Laundry Tray, 1 or 2 Compartment








Manufactured Home




Shower, Per Head




Water Closet, Flushometer Type



Water Closet, Gravity Type Flush Tank



Bathroom Groups:

Bathtub, Lavatory and Water Closet-FMb




Bathtub, Lavatory and Water Closet-FTc




Shower Stall, Lavatory and Water Closet-FM




Shower Stall, Lavatory and Water Closet-FT




a For fixtures not listed, factors may be assumed by comparing the fixture to a listed fixture which uses water in similar quantities and at similar rates.

b FM means flushometer type.

c FT means flush tank type.

Table 382.40-1d

Piping Volume and Maximum Piping Length

Nominal Pipe Size (in inches)

Volume (liquid ounces per foot length)

Maximum Pipe Length (in feet)

Public lavatory faucets

Other fixtures and appliances

































1 1/4




1 1/2




2 or larger




Table 382.40-1h

Ounces of Water per Foot of Tube

Nominal Size (inches)

Copper Type M

Copper Type L

Copper Type K





Composite ASTM F1281
































(c)Water heating sizing alternate approval. The load factor for an individual water heater serving an individual residence, apartment, living unit of a hotel or motel, and similar places where plumbing fixtures are intended for use by an individual or family, to the exclusion of all others, may be calculated as follows:
1. The minimum flow rate of a water heater may be obtained by multiplying the hot water demand calculated in accordance with Table 382.40-1b by a factor of 0.65.
2. The flow rate for a storage tank type water heater may be calculated based on a 70% usable storage plus the recovery rate and a 10 minimum draw time.
3. The flow rate for tankless type water heaters shall be based on a temperature increase that will provide 110°F at the most remote terminus.
4. This alternate sizing method may not be applied to any of the following:
a. Water heaters serving high flow fixtures, hose bibs, hydrants or fixtures requiring 1/2 inch supply piping. High flow fixtures are fixtures with flow rates greater than 4 gpm at 80 psig and a water velocity less than or equal to 8 feet per second.
b. Sizing hot water distribution piping.

Note: See appendix for further explanatory information and examples.

Table 382.40-2

Water Supply Fixture Units for Public Use Fixtures

Type of Fixturea

Water Supply Fixture Units (wsfu)




Automatic Clothes Washer, Individual Commercial Type




Automatic Clothes Washer, Large Capacity Commercial Type




Automatic Clothes Washer, Individual Residential Type




Autopsy Table




Bathtub, With or Without Shower Head







Dishwasher, Commercial




Drink Dispenser



Drinking Fountain



Glass Filler



Health Care Fixtures:

Clinic sink




Exam/treatment sink




Sitz bath




Surgeon washup




Hose Bibb:

1/2" diameter



3/4" diameter










Shower, Per Head





Bar and Fountain




Barber and Shampoo







Flushing Rim



Kitchen and Food Preparation per faucet








Service sink





Syphon Jet






Wall Hydrant, Hot and Cold Mix:

1/2" diameter




3/4" diameter




Wash Fountain:









Water Closet:




Gravity Type Flush Tank



a For fixtures not listed, factors may be assumed by comparing the fixture to a listed fixture which uses water in similar quantities and at similar rates.

b Load factors in gallons per minute, gpm, based on manufacturer's requirements.

Table 382.40-3

Conversion of Water Supply Fixture Units to Gallons Per Minute

Water Supply Fixture Units

Gallons per Minute

Predominately Flush-ometer Type Water Closets or Syphon Jet Urinals

Predominately Flush Tank Type Water Closets or Washdown Urinals


































































































































Note: Values not specified in the table may be calculated by interpolation.

Table 382.40-3e

Conversion of Water Supply Fixture Units to Gallons Per Minute for Water Treatment Devicesa Serving an Individual Dwellingb

Water Supply Fixture Units (WSFUs)

Gallons Per Minute (GPM)























a Treatment devices providing treatment for compliance with Table 382.70-1 shall use Table 382.40-3 for conversion.

b Table shall not be used for converting hose bibb, high flow fixture or hydrant wsfu.

(7) SIZING OF WATER SUPPLY PIPING. The sizing of the water supply system shall be based on the empirical method and limitations outlined in this subsection, an approved alternate standard per s. SPS 381.20 (2), or an analysis provided by a Wisconsin registered architect, registered professional engineer or permitted designer of engineering systems - plumbing.

Note: See appendix for details for alternative methods for sizing of the water supply piping of one- and 2-family and apartment buildings.

(a)Methodology. The determination of minimum pipe sizes shall take into account the pressure losses which occur throughout the entire water supply system and the flow velocities within the water distribution system. Calculations for sizing a water distribution system shall include:
1. The load factor in water supply fixture units or gallons per minute on the piping;
2. The minimum pressure available from the water main or pressure tank;
3. The pressure loss due to the differences in elevation from the:
a. Water main or pressure tank to the building control valve; and
b. Building control valve to the controlling plumbing fixture;
4. The pressure losses due to flow through water heaters, water treatment devices, water meters and backflow preventers;
5. The minimum flow pressure needed at the controlling plumbing fixture; and
6. The pressure losses due to flow friction through piping, fittings, valves and other plumbing appurtenances. This pressure loss may be calculated in terms of equivalent lengths of piping. The equivalent length of piping to a controlling plumbing fixture, including fittings, valves and other appurtenances, may be obtained by multiplying the developed length by 1.5.

Note: See ch. SPS 382 Appendix for further explanatory material.

(b)Private water mains and water services. Private water mains and water services shall be designed to supply water to the water distribution systems to maintain the minimum flow pressures specified in par. (d), but shall not be less than 3/4 " in diameter.

Note: See ch. SPS 382 Appendix for further explanatory material.

(c)Maximum loading. The calculated load on any portion of the water distribution system may not exceed the limits specified in Tables 382.40-4 to 382.40-9.
1. Except as provided in subd. 1. a. to c., water supply systems shall be designed to provide at least 8 psig of flow pressure at the outlets of all fixture supplies.
a. The flow pressure at the outlets of the fixture supplies serving siphonic type urinals, washdown type urinals and washdown type water closets, siphonic type flushometer water closets and campsite water supply hose connections shall be at least 15 psig.
b. The flow pressure at the outlets of the fixture supplies serving one piece tank type water closets, pressure balance mixing valves, manufactured homes, and thermostatic mixing valves shall be at least 20 psig.
c. The flow pressure at the outlets of the fixture supplies serving blowout type urinals and blowout type water closets shall be at least 25 psig.
d. The flow pressure at the outlets of the fixture supplies serving any other fixture shall be the minimum pressure required by the manufacturer for the fixture, appliance, or equipment to operate.
a. Except as provided in subd. 3., if the water pressure available from a water main or private water supply exceeds 80 psig, a pressure reducing valve and strainer, if a strainer is not a component of the valve, shall be installed in the water distribution system.
b. A pressure reducing valve required under subd. 2. a. shall be installed upstream from all plumbing fixtures and plumbing appliances and downstream from the water meter of an utility, if a meter is provided.
3. A pressure reducing valve shall not be required to be installed in a water distribution system which supplies water directly to a water pressure booster pump.
4. If the pressure or water supply volume available from the water main or private water supply is inadequate by calculation to provide the minimum pressures specified in subd. 1., a hydropneumatic pressure booster system or a water pressure booster pump shall be installed to increase the supply of water.
a. Each water pressure booster pump shall be provided with an automatic low pressure cut-off switch. The cut-off switch shall be located on the inlet side of the pump and shall be set to terminate the energy supplied to the pump when a positive pressure of less than 10 psig occurs. Pressure gauges shall be installed on the influent and effluent piping.
b. A vacuum relief valve not less than one-half inch in diameter shall be installed in each water pressure tank, if the bottom of the pressure tank is more than 20 feet above any water supply outlet served by the pressure tank.
(e)Maximum velocity. A water distribution system shall be designed so that the flow velocity does not exceed 8 feet per second except for combination sprinkler distribution piping as designed in sub. (3) (e).
(f)Minimum sizes.
1. Water distribution piping 1/2" in diameter serving 2 or more plumbing fixtures may not have a load of more than 2 water supply fixture units.
2. Water distribution piping 1/2" in diameter serving a shower which is not individually pressure balanced or individually thermostatically blended may not serve any additional fixtures.
(g)Minimum sizes for fixture supplies. Except as provided in subds. 1. to 3., the fixture supplies serving all plumbing fixtures, appliances and pieces of equipment shall be at least 1/2" in diameter.
1. Fixture supplies serving syphon jet type urinals shall be at least 3/4" in diameter.
2. Fixture supplies serving flushometer type water closets shall be at least one inch in diameter.
3. Fixture supplies serving emergency eye wash or shower outlets shall be not less than recommended by the manufacturer.
4. Water distribution piping less than 1/2 inch diameter shall have a minimum 1/4 inch diameter, serve one plumbing fixture, the served fixture shall have a maximum load factor of .5 water supply fixture units, and the developed length shall be 25 feet or less.
(h)Maximum lengths of fixture supply connectors.
a. Except as provided in subd. 1.b. and c., fixture supply connectors may not exceed more than 24" in developed length upstream from a plumbing fixture or the body of a faucet.
b. A fixture supply connector located downstream of a water cooler, water treatment device or water heater which individually serves a faucet or outlet may not exceed more than 10 feet in developed length.
c. A fixture supply connector located upstream of a water treatment device serving no more than 2 fixtures or outlets may not exceed 10 feet in developed length.
2. Fixture supply connectors may not extend more than 10 feet in developed length upstream of a plumbing appliance.
(a)Frost protection.
1. Adequate measures shall be taken to protect all portions of the water supply system from freezing. All private water mains and water services shall be installed below the predicted depths of frost specified in s. SPS 382.30 (11) (c) 2. d., Figure 382.30-1 and Table 382.30-6, unless other protective measures from freezing are taken.
2. A hose bibb or a hydrant that penetrates an exterior wall of a heated structure shall be a frost proof and self-draining type.

Note: See s. SPS 382.41 (4) (m) relative to cross connection control devices.

1. Exterior water supply piping may not be located in, under or above sanitary sewer manholes, or POWTS treatment, holding or dispersal components.
2. If a private water main or a water service crosses a sanitary sewer, the water piping within 5 feet of the point of crossing shall be installed in accordance with any of the following requirements:
a. The water piping shall be installed at least 12 inches above the top of the sewer.
b. The water piping shall be installed at least 18 inches below the bottom of the sewer.
c. The water or sewer piping shall be installed within a waterproof sleeve made of materials as specified for sanitary building sewers in s. SPS 384.30 (2).
3. Except as permitted in subds. 4 and 5., private water mains and water services shall be installed at least 5 feet horizontally from any sanitary sewer.

Note: The Department of Natural Resources has limitations for the separation of water mains and sanitary sewers.

4. Private water mains and water services may be installed less than 5 feet horizontally from a pressurized sanitary sewer if all of the following conditions are met:
a. The bottom of the water piping is installed at least 18 inches above the pressurized sewer.
b. The water piping is installed at least 3 feet horizontally from the pressurized sewer.
5. Private water mains and water services may be installed less than 5 feet horizontally from a non-pressurized sanitary sewer if any of the following conditions are met:
a. The bottom of the water piping is installed at least 12 inches above the sewer.
b. The sewer is constructed of materials listed in Table 384.30-2.
c. The water service is 2 inches or less in diameter and is located more than 24 inches from the sewer.
6. The portion of a private water main or water service within 5 feet of developed length from the point where the water service first enters the building may be less than 12 inches above the sewer and within 24 inches of the sewer.
7. No private water main or water service may be installed within 6 inches of a storm sewer.

Note: See ch. SPS 382 Appendix A-382.30 (11) (d) for setback distance from yard hydrant to well.

Note: See ch. SPS 383 Table 383.43-1 for setback distances to POWTS components.

9. No underground water supply storage tank shall be installed within 8 feet of a storage vessel containing a substance of a higher hazard than that contained in the water supply storage tank.
10. Private water mains shall be provided with provisions for flushing of the system at a minimum of 10 feet per second until clear.

Note: See ch. SPS 382 appendix for further explanatory information.

(c)Limitations. No private water main or water service may pass through or under a building to serve another building unless one of the following conditions are met:
1. The private water main or water service serves farm buildings or farm houses, or both that are all located on one property.
2. The private water main or water service serves buildings that are located on the same property and a document which indicates that the piping and distribution arrangement for the property and buildings will be recorded with the register of deeds no later than 90 days after installation.
(d)Water distribution piping.
1. Water distribution piping shall be supported in accordance with s. SPS 382.60.
2. Provisions shall be made to evacuate all water out of the water distribution system.
a. Except where parallel water meters are installed, water distribution piping shall be provided to bypass a water meter 11/2 " or larger.
b. The minimum diameter of water distribution piping serving as a meter bypass shall be one nominal pipe size smaller than the meter. Water distribution piping serving as a meter bypass shall be of the same material and shall be equal to or one nominal pipe size smaller than the water distribution piping immediately downstream of the meter.
4. Except as provided in subds. 5. and 6., a bypass shall be provided to serve a water treatment device. The bypass piping may be an internal part of the water treatment device.
5. A bypass shall not be required when a water treatment device serves no more than 2 fixtures or outlets.
6. A bypass shall be prohibited for a water treatment device installed to reduce a contaminant in order to comply with the provisions in s. SPS 382.70 (3).
7. When water distribution piping larger than the code minimum is used the system shall be designed to allow effective flushing of the system at 8 feet per second.
8. Hygienic sampling valves shall be installed within 6 feet, upstream and downstream, of a chemical injection system or water treatment device installed to mitigate a contaminant regulated under ch. NR 809 or NR 140.

Note: For information on sample valve requirements see s. NR 812.34(2).

9. A water treatment device that consists of 2 or more treatment tanks shall also have a hygienic sampling valve between each treatment tank.
10. Any portion of the water distribution system terminating by means of a plug, cap, or closed fitting and dry downstream with no outlet may not exceed 6 pipe diameters.
1. All control valves installed in a water service, except a valve serving only as a corporation cock, shall be accessible.
2. Stop- and waste-type control valves may not be installed underground except in the following situations:
a. Fire hydrants intended for fire fighting.
b. Two-inch and larger diameter hydrants serving municipal wastewater treatment plants.
c. Emergency fixtures.
3. All control valves and fixture stop valves installed in a water distribution system shall be accessible. Control valves for the individual plumbing fixtures and appliances within dwelling units shall be accessible from within the dwelling unit.

Note: The installation of two water services or a private water main may require the installation of a check valve. Refer to ch. NR 811 for more information.

(f)Water hammer arrestors. All plumbing fixtures, appliances and appurtenances with 3/8" or larger inlet openings and with solenoid actuated quick closing valves shall be provided with water hammer arrestors. Water hammer arrestors shall be installed in the fixture supplies serving the fixtures, appliances or appurtenances. Water hammer arrestors shall be accessible.
(g)Temperature control. The water temperature to all showers in public buildings shall be controlled by thermostatic or combination thermostatic-pressure balanced mixing valves or by individually controlled pressure balanced mixing valves. A thermostatic or combination thermostatic-pressure balanced mixing valve may not be bypassed.
(h)Fittings and connections. The drilling and tapping of water supply piping shall be prohibited except for:
1. Corporation cocks for a water service or a private water main; and
2. Self-tapping valves which serve individual plumbing appliances.
(i)Flushing and disinfection of potable water supply systems.
a. Before a newly constructed water supply system is to be put into use, the piping of the system shall be flushed with water and disinfected. Each water outlet shall be flushed beginning with the outlet closest to the building control valve and then each successive outlet in the system. The flushing at each water outlet shall continue for at least 1 minute and until the water appears clear and with no trace of disinfectant at the outlet.
b. Each portion of a water supply system which is altered or repaired shall be flushed for at least one minute and until the water appears clear.
2. New private water mains and extensions to private water mains shall be disinfected prior to use in accordance with AWWA C651 or the following method:
a. The pipe system shall be flushed with clean water until no dirty water appears at the points of outlet.
b. The system or part thereof shall be filled with a solution of water and chlorine containing at least 50 parts per million of chlorine and the system or part thereof shall be valved off and allowed to stand for 24 hours or the system or part thereof shall be filled with a solution of water and chlorine containing at least 200 parts per million of chlorine and allowed to stand for 3 hours.
c. Following the allowed standing time, the system shall be flushed with clean potable water.
d. The procedures shall be repeated if it is shown by a bacteriological examination that contamination still exists in the system.
3. The department may require a water quality analysis to be done for a new or repaired water supply system. The analysis shall be performed in accordance with acceptable nationally recognized laboratory practices. If the water supply system has been disinfected, water samples for the analysis may not be taken sooner than 24 hours after disinfection.

Note: See s. SPS 384.30 (1) regarding the bending of pipe and protection from puncture.

4. New or repaired combination water services or combination private water mains shall be flushed and disinfected prior to use in accordance with NFPA 24.
(j)Water softeners. Ion exchange water softeners used primarily for water hardness reduction that, during regeneration, discharge a brine solution shall be of a demand initiated regeneration type equipped with a water meter or a sensor unless a wastewater treatment system downstream of the water softener specifically documents the reduction of chlorides.
(jm)Water tanks. Water tanks for public, potable use shall meet all of the following criteria:
1. 'Pneumatic pressure tanks.' Pneumatic pressure tanks shall conform to all of the following:
a. Tanks shall conform to ch. SPS 384.
b. Tanks shall be served by a pressure relief valve.
c. Tanks shall be able to be isolated for maintenance, repair, or replacement and equipped with a drain valve by means of a control valve.
d. Water calculations incorporating the size of a pneumatic pressure tank may use a 5-minute peak flow in gallons per minute for the water supply system. The system shall be designed to minimize stagnation.
e. Tanks shall be stamped or labeled showing the manufacturer's name, model number, the tank volume, year manufactured, and the allowable working pressure.
2. 'Storage tanks.'
a. Storage tanks shall conform to ch. SPS 384.
b. All water storage tanks and structures shall be watertight and exclude water, rain, snow, birds, animals, insects, and dust.
c. Exterior translucent tanks shall be shielded from direct sunlight.
3. 'Separation.' Potable water may not be stored in a tank or compartment adjacent to non-potable water when the two compartments are separated by a single wall.
4. 'Locks.' Locks shall be provided on access manholes, inspection covers, fill pipe, fences, ladder cage bottoms, and any other locations deemed necessary to prevent trespassing, vandalism, and sabotage.
5. 'Drain piping' Piping used to drain a storage tank or structure shall discharge to the ground surface through an air gap. The drain may discharge over a drainage inlet receptor, splash pad, or rip rap.
6. 'Overflow.'
a. Tanks or reservoirs shall be provided with overflow piping. The pipe shall open downward between 6 and 12 inches over a drainage inlet, splash pad, or rip rap. Interior tanks within the building structure shall provide overflow piping discharging to an approved clearwater receptor or as approved by the department.
b. The overflow outlet pipe shall be provided with a 4-mesh non-corrodible screen.
c. The overflow outlet pipe shall be of approved material in accordance with Table 384.30-8.
d. The overflow outlet pipe shall be sized to permit discharge flow in excess of the maximum fill rate of the inlet pipe flow.
e. Overflow piping shall be visible at the discharge location.
f. For storage tanks or reservoirs with more than one compartment and where each compartment can be isolated from the other compartments each compartment shall be provided with its own overflow pipe.
7. 'Inlet and outlet piping.'
a. Inlet and outlet piping from a tank or storage structure shall be sized in accordance with s. SPS 382.40 (7).
b. Piping shall be of approved material in accordance with Table 384.30-8 for locations within the building, above floor, Table 384.30-7 for locations below grade and outside of the building foundation parameters.
8. 'Access.'
a. Water tanks or structures shall have convenient access for cleaning and maintenance.
b. Manhole openings shall be fitted with a solid watertight cover which overlaps the framed opening and extends down around the opening frame a minimum of 2 inches. A watertight gasket shall be attached to the bottom side of the manhole cover.
c. Manhole covers for buried tanks or structures shall be no less than 24 inches above a sloped finished grade.
d. Inspection covers shall be watertight and locked securely to prevent unauthorized access.
e. Interior paints or coatings shall conform to NSF/ANSI Standard 61.
9. 'Bypass piping.' Bypass piping shall be provided allowing the tank or reservoir to be taken out of service for maintenance and inspection purposes when directly connected to a well or municipal water supply.
10. 'Vents.'
a. Storage tanks shall be vented to the atmosphere. The overflow pipe may not be considered a vent.
b. Vents shall be constructed of water distribution materials as per Table 384.30-8, or as approved by the department.
c. Vents shall terminate above the top of the tank in a U-bend or vent cap with the opening 24 to 36 inches above grade and covered with a 24-mesh stainless steel screen at a location that is secured.
d. Minimum vent size shall allow an air flow consistent with water inflow and outflow rates and shall be not less than 2 inches.
11. 'Location.'
a. Exterior tanks may not be located within a flood plain or floodway or within 2 feet above the regional flood elevation.
b. The area surrounding a storage tank shall be graded to prevent standing surface water within 50 feet of the tank.
c. Storage tanks shall be located in an area that is accessible year-round.
d. Tanks shall be separated from potential contamination sources by the applicable separation distances contained in chs. NR 811 and 812 or as otherwise approved by the department of natural resources or as approved by the department.

Note: See ch. SPS 382 Appendix for further explanatory material. Section NR 812.08 may require additional setbacks.

e. The top roof of an exterior tank may not be less than 2 feet above grade level.
12. 'Controls.'
a. Atmospheric pressure tanks shall have a means for maintaining pressure within the building water distribution system. A hydro-pneumatic tank, pump facilities, or other reliable methods shall be provided to maintain system pressure.
b. Manual valves shall be installed in the water distribution system to isolate tank and pump equipment from the water distribution system.
c. Valves designated for operation of the storage tank shall be visibly recognized as being open or closed. Solenoid valves shall have a control system panel that will have indicators showing visual valve open or closed status.
d. Drain valves shall be provided to allow access to the storage tank for maintenance purposes.
e. A high water fill valve or float valve shall maintain the storage tank levels to the minimum water storage required for use. A bypass to the fill valve shall be provided.
f. Tank water levels shall be observable by means of a sight level indicator.
g. A pressure gauge shall be installed downstream of the storage tank and booster pumps.
h. A thermometer or sensor shall be installed on the storage tank for water temperature monitoring purposes.
13. 'Water supply.'
a. The influent water supply to the storage tank shall be from an approved source and controlled to maintain the minimum and maximum water levels.
b. The influent water supply shall terminate a minimum of 6 inches above the highwater level.
c. The influent water supply piping shall be provided with a control valve.
14. 'Pumps.' Pumps shall be installed according to the manufacturer specifications and s. SPS382.40 (7) (d) 4. Pump piping shall have required check valves, pressure gauge, isolation valves, and sampling faucet installed on the system.
15. 'Disinfection.' Continuous water treatment is required for all storage tanks through a constant water flow through the potable water storage tank. All of the water tank volume shall be turned over every 24 hours.
16. 'Labeling.' All piping and control valves serving the storage tank water system shall be labeled in accordance with Table 382.40-1a for specific use.
17. 'Storage tank inspections.'
a. The interior and exterior of water storage facilities shall be regularly inspected and maintained in accordance with s. NR 810.14.
b. Inspections of storage facilities 10,000 gallons or greater shall be by a professional tank inspection firm or by a registered professional engineer.
c. Maintenance shall include removal of sedimentation and biofilm and repairs as necessary to maintain good working condition.
d. All storage facilities shall be inspected at least once every 5 years, unless otherwise approved by the department.
e. Inspections of vent and overflow screens and hatches shall be conducted at least once per year.
18. 'Records.'
a. Records shall be kept of dates of cleaning, relining, and replacement of components or parts.
b. Department representatives shall be provided access to the water storage system records upon request.
(k)Locating requirements.
1. A means to locate buried non-metallic water services and private water mains connected to municipal supply systems shall be provided in accordance with the options under s. SPS 382.30 (11) (h), except as provided in subds. 2. and 3.
2. Tracer wire insulation color for non-metallic, potable water pipe shall be blue.
3. Tracer wire insulation color for non-metallic, non-potable water pipe shall be purple.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services § SPS 382.40

1-2-56; r. and recr. Register, November, 1972, No. 203, eff. 12-1-72; r. and recr. Register, February, 1979, No. 278, eff. 3-1-79; renum. from H 62.13, Register, July, 1983, No. 331, eff. 8-1-83; renum. from ILHR 82.13 and r. and recr. (2) (b) and (4) (d) 1., am. (4) (c) 3. and (6) (a) (intro.), cr. (6) (b), Register, February, 1985, No. 350, eff. 3-1-85; r. and recr. Register, May, 1988, No. 389, eff. 6-1-88; am. (5) (d) 5. a., r. and recr. (7) (h) 1. and (8) (c), renum. (8) (c) 2. to 6. to be (8) (b) 4. to 8. and am. (8) (b) 4. c., Register, August, 1991, No. 428, eff. 9-1-91; am. (8) (b) 1. and 2., Register, April, 1992, No. 436, eff. 5-1-92; renum. (3) (c) and (8) (a) to be (3) (c) 2. and (8) (a) 1. and am. (8) (a) 1., cr. (3) (c) 1., (e), (8) (a) 2. and Table 82.40-9, am. (7) (c), r. (3) (b) 1. b. and c., Register, February, 1994, No. 458, eff. 3-1-94; r. (5) (b) 3., renum. (5) (b) 4., 5. to be (5) (b) 3., 4., Register, December, 1996, No. 480, eff. 4-1-96; correction in (5) (b) 3., made under s. 13.93(2m) (b) 7, Stats., Register, October, 1996, No. 490; r. and recr. (5) (b), Register, February, 1997, No. 494, eff. 4-1-97; reprinted to restore dropped copy, Register, April, 1997, No. 496; am. (3) (e) and (8) (b) 1. and 2., r. (8) (b) 3. and cr. (3) (f) and (8) (j), Register, April, 2000, No. 532, eff. 7-1-00; except (3) (f) eff. 5-1-00; cr. (3) (d) 3., am. (8) (g) and (i) 2., Register, December, 2000, No. 540, eff. 1-1-01; except (3) (d) 3., eff. 9-1-01; CR 02-002: r. and recr. (3) (a), (d) 1. (intro.) to b., (7) (h), (8) (c) and Tables 82.40 -4 to 11, cr. (3) (a) 2., (c) 3. and (d) 1. h., am. (3) (b) 1., (4) (c) 1. b. and 2. b., (7) (d) 1. a. and b., (8) (d) 4., (g), and Tables 82.40 -1 and 2, r. (3) (e), renum. (3) (f) and (8) (b) 4. to 8. to be (3) (e) and (8) (b) 3. to 7., Register April 2003 No. 568, eff. 5-1-03; CR 02-129: am. (4) (c) 1. b. Register January 2004 No. 577, eff. 2-1-04, correction in (8) (b) 5. made under s. 13.93(2m) b 7, Stats., Register January 2004 No. 577; CR 04-035: r. (3) (e) 2. c., r. and recr. Table 82.40-9, cr. (8) (i) 4. Register November 2004 No. 587, eff. 12-1-04; CR 06-120: r. and recr. (3) (e) 2. b., cr. (3) (e) 2. c. Register February 2008 No. 626, eff. 3-1-08; CR 07-069: cr. (8) (k) Register February 2008 No. 626, eff. 3-1-08; CR 07-100: am. (8) (b) 2. Register September 2008 No. 633, eff. 10-1-08; CR 08-055: am. (3) (b) 1. b., (d) 3. (intro.), (5) (c), (6) (a), (7) (d) 1. b., (8) (b) 2., (j), Tables 82.40 -1 and 82.40-2, r. and recr. (3) (e), (8) (e) 2., cr. (8) (b) 8., (d) 3. b. and Table 82.40-3e, renum. (8) (d) 3. to be (8) (d) 3. a. Register February 2009 No. 638, eff. 3-1-09; CR 10-064: am. (3) (a) (title), (c) 1., (5) (a), (6) (a), (8) (b) 3. to 6.,Table 82.40-8 (title) and Table 82.40-10 (title), r. and recr. (3) (d) 1., renum. (3) (d) 2., 3. and Table 82.40-1 to be (3) (d) 3., 4. and Table 82.40-1b, cr. (3) (d) 2., (8) (b) 9., Table 82.40-1a, r. (9) Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11; CR 10-103: r. (3) (e) 2. b. to 2. d., renum. (3) (e) 2. a. to (3) (e) 2., Register August 2011 No. 668, eff. 9-1-11; correction in (2), (3) (a) 1., 2., (c) 2., 3. a., (d) 1. a., b., e., g., 2., 4. b., (5) (b) 4., (c), (d) 5. a., e., (6) (a), (7) (c), (8) (a) 1., (b) 3. c., 5. b., (d) 1., 6., (k) 1., Table 382.40-3e made under s. 13.92(4) (b) 6, 7., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672; CR 11-031: r. (8) (b) 2., 8., renum. (8) (b) 3., 4. to (8) (b) 2., 3., am. (8) (b) 3., cr. (8) (b) 4., am. (8) (b) 5. (intro.), 7. Register June 2013 No. 690, eff. 7-1-13; CR 13-046: am. (6) (a) Register December 2013 No. 696, eff. 1-1-14.
Amended by, correction in (5) (Note) made under s. 13.92(4) (b) 7, Stats., Register December 2015 No. 720, eff.1/1/2016
Amended by, CR 23-006: am. (3) (b) (intro.), cr. (3) (c) 4., am. (3) (d) 4., renum. (3) (e) 1. to (3) (e) 1. (intro.) and am., cr. (3) (e) 1. a., b., 3. to 5., am. (5) (a), cr. (5) (am), am. (5) (b) (intro.), cr. (5) (b) 6., 7., (bm), am. (6) (a), cr. Table 382.40-1d, 382.40-1h, (6) (c), am. Table 382.40-2, am. (7) (intro.), cr. (7) (d) 1. d., am. (7) (d) 4. (intro.), a., (e), cr. (7) (g) 4., (8) (b) 10., r. and recr. (8) (d) 3. b., cr. (8) (d) 7. to 10., am. (8) (i) 1. a., cr. (8) (jm), am. Tables 382.40-8 (title), 382.40-9 (title), cr. Tables 382.40-12 to 382.40-15 Register September 2023 No. 813, eff. 10-1-23; correction in (3) (b) (intro.), (3) (e), (5) (am) 2., (bm), (8) (d) 8., (i) 1. a. made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register September 2023 No. 813, eff. 10/1/2023