A water circulation system consisting of pumps, piping return inlets and suction outlets, filters and other necessary equipment shall be provided that complies with all of the following requirements:
Note: See ch. SPS 390 Appendix for further information.
Table 390.14-1
Maximum Turnover Ratesa
Area/Basin Typeb | Maximum Turnover Rate (hours)c |
Swimming/Diving | 6 |
Activity | 2d |
Interactive Play Attraction | 0.5 |
Lap Lanes | 6 |
Leisure River | 2 |
Plunge | 1 |
Runout Slide | 1 |
Vortex | 1 |
Wave | 2 |
Cold Soak | 4 |
Wading Pool | 1 |
Whirlpool | 0.5 |
a Calculate an average turnover time for multi-sectional basins.
b For pool types not listed herein, contact the department.
c Based on flow and pressure drop with a clean filter condition.
d Or as otherwise approved by the department.
Table 390.14-2
Therapy/Exercise Turnover Times
Temperature in ºF | Loada (gals/person) | Maximum Turnover Time (hours) |
< 72 - 93 | >= 2,500 | 4 |
< 72 - 93 | >= 450 | 2 |
< 72 - 93 | <= 450 | 1 |
> 93 - 104 | N/A | 0.5 |
N/A Not applicable
a The number of persons is equal to the posted patron load.
Note: A therapy area within a multi-section pool having a temperature of < 93 oF is considered to be an activity pool.
Note: An example of an inlet installation constituting a hazard to a patron is an inlet installed on a racing lane cross.
Note: See ch. SPS 390 Appendix for inlet velocity information.
Note: See ch. SPS 390 Appendix for further explanatory material.
Note: For main drains installed in diving wells, see Figure 390.11-1 and Table 390.11-1.
Note: The maximum flow rate through skimmers is determined by the ANSI/NSF 50 rating.
Table 390.14-3
Acceptable Surface Skimming Systems
Pool Type | Acceptable Surface Skimming Systems |
Swimming, whirlpools | Gutters, auto skimmers |
Activity | Auto skimmers, zero-depth trench, gutters |
Leisure River | Single or multiple weirs, gutters, zero-depth trench or auto skimmers |
Plunge | Auto skimmers, zero-depth trench, gutters, weirs |
Vortex | Skimmers are not allowed in the side area |
Wave | Zero-depth trench, skimmers, gutters, perimeter devices |
Zero-Depth Entry | Zero-depth trench, skimmers, gutters, perimeter devices. |
Other | As approved by the department |
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services SPS 390.14