Note: A factor of safety of no less than 5 means that the maximum dynamic load possible for a jumper to exert on a bungee cord configuration is no greater than 20 percent of that cord configuration's minimum breaking strength.
Note: As the bungee cord stretches over the course of its jump life, the dynamic load required to extend the bungee to 4 times its unloaded length will reduce.
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services SPS 334.62
The performance criteria and system requirements contained in this section are for 2 types of bungee cords: Cotton or nylon sheathed cords and synthetic or natural rubber cords. Cotton or nylon sheathed bungee cords, called "preloaded" style cords, are rubber cords originally developed for military use. These cords are made in conformance with military specifications and are often referred to as "Mil. Spec." However, some nonmilitary specification cords currently in use meet the specifications contained in this section and are considered an approved variation. Synthetic or natural rubber bungee cords, called "New Zealand" style cords, are made with continuous loops of strands of natural or synthetic rubber.