Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services SPS 301.21

Current through August 26, 2024
Section SPS 301.21 - Environmental assessments
(a) An environmental assessment shall be prepared in two steps, consisting of a preliminary environmental assessment and a final environmental assessment.
(b) If, during the preparation of a preliminary or final environmental assessment, the department determines that a proposed action would have a significant impact on the human environment, the department shall discontinue preparing the environmental assessment and issue a notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
(c) The department shall consider a preliminary environmental assessment as a final environmental assessment without further public notice under s. SPS 301.20, provided there are no revisions or supplements made to the preliminary environmental assessment.
(a) An environmental assessment shall address the significant environmental issues relevant to a proposed action.
(b) An environmental assessment shall address all of the following:
1. A description of the proposed action, including the purpose or need for the action.
2. A description of reasonable alternative actions to the proposed action, including the alternative of taking no action.
3. A description of the possible environmental impacts of the proposed action and alternatives.
4. Identification of persons and agencies consulted relative to the preparation of the environmental assessment.
5. A preliminary recommendation on whether or not the proposed action warrants the preparation of an environmental impact statement.
(a) The department shall decide whether the evidence in an environmental assessment indicates that a proposed action may have a significant impact on the human environment.
1. If the department determines that the action will have no significant impact on the human environment, the department shall prepare a finding of no significant impact.
2. A finding of no significant impact shall include a summary of the reasons for the finding.
3. A finding of no significant impact shall be filed with the secretary or his or her designee and shall be accompanied by:
a. A copy of the environmental assessment; and
b. A summary of public comments received, if any, relative to the environmental assessment.
(c) If the department determines that the action may have a significant impact on the human environment, the department shall provide public notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement in accordance with s. SPS 301.20.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services SPS 301.21

Cr. Register, September, 1999, No. 525, eff. 10-1-99; correction in (1) (c), (3) (c) made under s. 13.92(4) (b) 7, Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672.