Note: Pursuant to s. A-E 2.02(4) and (5) read:
"A-E 2.02 (4) Each sheet of plans, drawings, documents, specifications and reports for architectural, landscape architectural, professional geological, professional engineering, design or land surveying practice shall be signed, sealed and dated by the registrant or permit holder who prepared, or directed and controlled preparation of, the written material, except as specified in sub. (5).
"(5) If more than one sheet is bound together in a volume, the registrant or permit holder who prepared or directed and controlled the preparation of the volume, may sign, seal and date only the title or index sheet if the signed sheet identifies clearly all other sheets comprising the bound volume and if any other sheets which are prepared by or under the direction and control of another registrant or permit holder are signed, sealed and dated by the other registrant or permit holder."
Note [2]: Nothing in chs. SPS 361 to 366 is intended to prohibit the submission and acceptance of plans and construction documents in an electronic or digital media.
Note: Plans for a multipurpose piping system must be submitted under s. SPS 382.20 to determine compliance for the non-fire protection aspects of the system.
Note: The Department forms required in this chapter are available at the Department's website at through links to Division of Industry Services forms.
Note: Under s. 145.195, Stats., "No county, city, town or village may issue a building permit for construction of any structure requiring connection to a private domestic sewage treatment and disposal system unless a system satisfying all applicable regulations already exists to serve the proposed structure or all permits necessary to install such a system have been obtained." See ch. SPS 383 for applicable regulations.
Note: The plan examination and approval by the department does not constitute an approval to proceed with construction prior to obtaining any permits or approvals that are required by a local unit of government.
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services SPS 361.31