Note: Pursuant to s. 101.11(2) (a), Stats., no employer or owner, or other person shall hereafter construct or occupy or maintain any place of employment, or public building, that is not safe, nor prepare plans which shall fail to provide for making the same safe.
Note: Section 101.12(3) (h), Stats., prohibits local issuance of permits or licenses for construction or use of public buildings or places of employment until required drawings and calculations have been examined and approved by the department.
Note: Section 145.195(1), Stats., prohibits local issuance of a building permit for construction of any structure requiring connection to a private onsite wastewater treatment system unless a system satisfying all applicable regulations already exists to serve the proposed structure or all permits necessary to install such a system have been obtained.
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services SPS 361.20