Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services SPS 192.17

Current through September 30, 2024
Section SPS 192.17 - Promoter duties

All promoters that have been issued a permit by the department to conduct an unarmed combat sports event shall comply with all of the following:

(1) Have proof of complying with s. 444.035, Stats., and s. SPS 192.03, to ensure payment of the expenses incurred in conducting an event including, in order of priority, the department, contestants, and the officials.
(2) Have a current license as a promoter.
(3) Submit to the department the bout agreement executed between a promoter and a contestant on a form provided by the department that includes the name and address of the contestant. No bout agreement may provide that a professional or amateur contestant shall fight exclusively for one promoter or that an amateur contestant shall fight at the option of the promoter.

Note: Forms are available from the Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Professional Credentialing, 1400 E. Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 8935, Madison, Wisconsin 53708, or from the department's website at: http://dsps.wi.gov.

(4) Submit to the department an event application that complies with s. SPS 192.14 and ss. 444.02(3), 444.035, 444.095(2) (c) and (d), and 444.18, Stats.
(5) Submit all contestants' names to the official record keeper designated by the Association of Boxing Commissions and the commissioner or department representative for approval.
(6) Issue tickets that comply with all ticket and tax rules as defined in s. 444.02(3) (b) and (c), Stats., and have all of the following:
(a) Price and date of the event.
(b) Seat, row, and section number, if applicable.
(c) The word "complimentary" in a prominent manner for all such tickets.
(7) Have a certified invoice from the ticket printer that indicates the total number of tickets printed in each price range, including the number of complimentary tickets.
(8) Have medical and life insurance for each contestant competing in the event, in accordance with s. 444.18, Stats. No promoter may allow a contestant to waive insurance coverage or provide any deductible payments.

Note: Under section 444.18 of the Statutes, a promoter "...shall insure each contestant participating for hospital, nursing, and medication expenses and physician's and surgeon's services according to an equitable fee schedule, not to exceed in the aggregate $25,000, to be paid to, or for the use of, any contestant to compensate for injuries sustained in any such contest; and shall insure each contestant for not less than $25,000 to be paid to the contestant's estate in the event of the contestant's death as the result of participation in such professional contest or amateur unarmed combat sports contest."

(9) Submit to the department, no later than 4 days prior to the event, verification that medical and life insurance have been obtained for each contestant.
(10) No promoter may begin conducting an event without the presence of at least one licensed referee, at least 3 licensed judges, at least one licensed physician, or more at the discretion of the department, one licensed timekeeper, an ambulance, emergency medical personnel, and security personnel on site pursuant to s. 444.095(2), Stats.
(11) Have disposable garbage bags in each dressing room and at cage side or ringside.
(12) Provide cleaning solution to be used for cleaning blood and debris in the cage or ring. A solution of 10% bleach and 90% water is an acceptable solution.
(a) Except as provided in par. (b), provide at least 4 cage side or ringside police or private security personnel for the protection of the public, contestants, and officials.
(b) Less than 4 ringside police or private security personnel may be provided if the promoter provides alternate means of protection approved by the department. Alternate means of protection includes a department-approved divider between the cage or ring and spectators.
(14) Begin the event at the time designated on the event permit issued by the department. Failure to begin an event at the designated time may result in disciplinary action by the department.
(15) No promoter may exhibit nor allow any contestant to exhibit any type of entrance theme that includes music, video, or any type of physical display which contains any profanity or derogatory ethnic remarks. Failure to comply may subject the promoter or contestant to disciplinary action by the department.
(16) No promoter may allow a round-card carrier, or allow any of the promoter's agents to use any language, including profanity or derogatory ethnic remarks, or exhibit any conduct or performance that the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find appeals to the prurient interest; describes or shows sexual conduct in a patently offensive way; or lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational or scientific value, in accordance with s. 944.21(2) (d), Stats. Any promoter violating this subsection will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including being suspended for up to 6 months and be subject to criminal prosecution in accordance with s. 944.21(3) (b) and (5), Stats.
(17) Submit a written report, verified by the promoter, to the department within 2 business days of conducting an event. Failure to timely file a complete and accurate report shall result in disciplinary action by the department pursuant to s. 444.04, Stats., and may cause the department to examine the books and records of the promoter as described in s. 444.15, Stats. The report shall include all of the following:
(a) Number of tickets sold, including the number of complimentary tickets.
(b) Total amount of gross proceeds.
(c) All unsold tickets with the stubs attached.
(18) Provide emergency medical personnel and equipment for the contest and for evacuating a seriously injured contestant to a hospital; and submit the name of the promoter or designated representative responsible for evacuating an injured contestant, a description of the method of removal from the venue and the means of transportation to the hospital, and the name of the nearest hospital, pursuant to s. SPS 192.14(1) (g) and s. 444.095(2) (c) and (d), Stats.
(19) Pay for pregnancy testing and drug testing of contestants.
(20) Compensate all officials and contestants.
(21) If requested by the commissioner, inspector, or department representative, place at least 2 video screens that meet the approval of the commissioner, inspector, or department representative and that will allow patrons to view action inside the cage.
(22) Pay the department the event and gate fee specified in s. 444.02(3), Stats., within 2 business days of the event and upon determination by the inspector of the gross admission receipts.
(23) Comply with all rules and regulations relating to promoting events.
(24) Provide department-approved sound devices for the timekeeper.
(25) Unless otherwise approved by the commissioner or department representative, a promoter may not schedule more than 2 intermissions of 10 minutes or less in duration each. The ring announcer shall begin the bout following an intermission at the time directed by the department representative.
(26) Supply the contestants' gloves and red and blue duct tape for sealing the wrist portion of the contestants' gloves. Gloves shall be approved by the inspector or department representative prior to the contestants' pre-bout rule meeting. New gloves never previously worn shall be supplied for both contestants for all title bouts, including state title bouts.
(27) Provide buckets and clean towels at cage side or ringside for all bouts.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Safety and Professional Services SPS 192.17

Adopted by, CR 17-016: cr. Register November 2017 No. 743, eff. 12/1/2017