Wis. Admin. Code Department of Public Instruction PI 34.022

Current through December 30, 2024
Section PI 34.022 - Statutory requirements

The conceptual framework shall identify how students meet the requirements under s. 118.19, Stats., and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of all of the following:

(1) COOPERATIVES. Cooperative marketing and consumer cooperatives for licenses in agriculture, economics, and social studies.
(2) ENVIRONMENT. Environmental education, including the conservation of natural resources, for licenses in early childhood regular education, elementary and middle school regular education, science, and social studies.
(3) EQUITY. Minority group relations, including all of the following:
(a) The history, culture, and tribal sovereignty of American Indian tribes and bands located in Wisconsin.
(b) The history, culture, and contributions of women and various racial, cultural, language, and economic groups in the United States.
(c) The philosophical and psychological bases of attitude development and change.
(d) The psychological and social implications of discrimination, especially racism and sexism in the United States.
(e) Evaluation and assessment of the forces of discrimination, especially racism and sexism on administrators, teachers, pupils, assessment, curriculum, and instruction in schools.
(f) Minority group relations through direct involvement with various racial, cultural, language, and economic groups in the United States.
(4) CONFLICT RESOLUTION. Conflict resolution, including all of the following:
(a) Resolving conflicts between pupils and between pupils and school staff.
(b) Assisting pupils in learning methods of resolving conflicts between pupils, including training in the use of peer mediation, and between pupils and school staff.
(c) Addressing crises, including violent, disruptive, potentially violent, or potentially disruptive situations that may arise in a school or during activities supervised by school staff.
(5) TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES. For teacher licenses, the role and responsibility of a teacher through a student teaching experience that meets all of the requirements under s. PI 34.023.
(6) READING AND LANGUAGE arts. Instruction for teaching science-based reading and language arts in early childhood and elementary and middle school. In this paragraph, science-based instruction, as defined in s. 118.015 (1c) (b), Stats., shall include all of the following:
(a) Phonological awareness, including word awareness, rhyme recognition, repetition and creation of alliteration, syllable counting or identification, onset, and rime manipulation.
(b) Phonemic awareness, including phoneme identification, isolation, blending, segmentation, addition, substitution, and deletion.
(c) Phonics, as defined in s. 118.015 (1c) (a), Stats.
(d) Building background knowledge.
(e) Oral language development.
(f) Vocabulary building to develop lexical and morphological knowledge.
(g) Instruction in writing.
(h) Instruction in comprehension.
(i) Reading fluency.
(7) CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES. Procedures used for identifying, assessing, and providing education for children with disabilities, including the roles and responsibilities of regular and special education providers and curriculum modifications.
(8) PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES. Professional ethics and responsibilities, including mandatory reporting requirements under s. 48.981, Stats.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Public Instruction PI 34.022

Cr. Register, April, 2000, No. 532, eff. 5-1-00; CR 10-083: am. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10.
Adopted by, CR 17-093: cr. Register July 2018 No. 751, eff. 8/1/2018
Amended by, EmR1909: emerg. am. (5), eff. 1-14-19; CR 19-034: am. (5) Register February 2020 No. 770, eff. 3/1/2020
Amended by, CR 24-011: renum. (6) to (6) (intro.) and am. (6), cr. (6) (a) to (i) Register July 29 No. 823, eff. 8/1/2024