Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 19.01

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 19.01 - Approval deadlines
(1) GENERAL. Upon receipt of an application for an approval required to conduct business activities under ch. 29, Stats., ss. 30.50 to 30.54, 350.12 and 350.125, Stats., the department shall review and issue a decision on the application within 10 business days unless a different period is otherwise provided in subs. (2) to (6) or other statutes or rules.
(2) SPECIFIC APPROVAL DEADLINES. The following approvals will be acted on as follows:




Commercial fishing licenses issued under s. 29.519, Stats.



Approvals for falconry, wildlife rehabilitation and chemical control of birds and animals under ss. 23.09, 29.053, 29.088 and 29.601, Stats.



Boat certificates of number and registration under s. 30.52, Stats.



Snowmobile registrations under ss. 350.12 and 350.125, Stats.


(2m) APPROVAL TO REMOVE WILD ANIMALS CAUSING DAMAGE. Permits to remove wild animals causing damage shall be issued within 48 hours of receipt of a written complaint. Permits may be granted orally, but shall be confirmed in writing by the department.
(3) STANDARDS AND CONDITIONS. If the department requires standards or conditions to be met or complied with prior to issuance of an approval, the time periods for issuing an approval do not begin to run until the applicant has met such standards or conditions as determined by the department.

Example: An applicant for a wildlife exhibit, game, bird and animal farm, or deer farm license is required to meet pen specifications or fencing requirements before the time system for issuance of approvals begins to apply.

(4) WILDLIFE SURVEYS. If a survey of wildlife on the property is required, the time periods for issuing an approval do not apply until completion of that survey. The survey shall be completed within 30 business days from the time of year that, in the opinion of a professional department wildlife manager, is optimum for determining accurate wildlife populations. At the time the application is received, the department shall inform the applicant of the date by which the survey will be completed.
(5) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. If an environmental analysis, environmental impact report or environmental impact statement is required under ss. 1.11 and 23.11(5), Stats., and ch. NR 150, the time periods for issuing an approval do not apply until ss. 1.11 and 23.11(5), Stats., and ch. NR 150 have been complied with.
(6) OTHER APPROVALS. The time for an approval for an activity under sub. (1) will not begin to run until other approvals for that activity are obtained.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 19.01

Cr. Register, August, 1985, No. 356, eff. 9-1-85; cr. (2) (l) and (m), Register, July, 1987, No. 379, eff. 8-1-87; emerg. cr. (2) (n), eff. 9-21-88; cr. (2) (n), Register, January, 1989, No. 397, eff. 2-1-89; emerg. r. (2) (l) to (o), cr. (2m), eff. 10-16-89; r. (2) (l) to (n), cr. (2m), Register, May, 1990, No. 413, eff. 6-1-90; CR 05-031: r. (2) (b) to (h), renum. (2) (i), (j) and (k) to be (b), (c) and (d) and am. (c) and (d) Register November 2005 No. 599, eff. 12-1-05; CR 13-022: am. (5) Register March 2014 No. 699, eff. 4-1-14.