Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 16.35

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 16.35 - Exhibition of captive wild animals
(1) APPLICABILITY. This section applies to exhibition of live captive wild animals under the authority of a captive wild animal farm license provided in s. 169.15, Stats.; nonprofit educational exhibiting license provided in s. 169.25, Stats.; and nonresident temporary exhibiting license provided in s. 169.27, Stats.
(a)Pen size. All captive wild animals shall be confined at all times to pens meeting the specifications and requirements of s. NR 16.30 except as otherwise provided by this chapter.
(b)Proper care. All captive wild animals held in captivity shall be provided proper care meeting the environmental enrichment requirements of s. NR 16.30(7), and the animal health and husbandry requirements of s. NR 16.30(8).
(a)Waste. Excreta and food waste shall be removed from primary enclosures and from under primary enclosures as often as necessary to prevent an excessive accumulation.
(b)Cleaning. Primary enclosures and food and water receptacles shall be cleaned and sanitized at least once every 2 weeks and more often if necessary to prevent an accumulation of dirt, debris, food waste, excreta and other disease hazards. Pens, runs and outdoor housing areas using materials that may not be sanitized, such as gravel, sand, grass, earth or absorbent bedding, shall be sanitized by removing the contaminated material as necessary to prevent odors, diseases, pests, insects and vermin infestation.
(4) TRAVELING WILDLIFE EXHIBITS. Except as allowed under sub. (7), all captive wild animals being exhibited shall be confined at all times to pens meeting the specifications of s. NR 16.38.
(5) DISPLAY OF LICENSE. Any person who is authorized to exhibit captive wild animals shall publicly display a copy of the license at the place of the exhibit.
(6) LABELS. Each pen shall be labeled for the information of the public with the proper common name, in English, of the captive wild animals confined in the pen.
(7) EXCEPTIONS TO PEN REQUIREMENTS. Captive wild animals, except large captive wild animals subject to s. NR 16.30(4) (a) that are greater then 3 months of age and venomous snakes, may be used in interactive sessions outside of the enclosure provided:
(a)Compliance with federal regulations. The licensee, unless exempt under 9 CFR 2.1, is licensed by United States department of agriculture under 9 CFR 2.1 to exhibit animals.
(b)Handling of animals during interactive sessions. The licensee follows all of the requirements identified in 9 CFR 2.131.
(8) GUARD RAILS. Pens containing animals listed in s. NR 16.30(4) shall be surrounded on the side or sides where the public may approach them by substantial guard rails not less than 3 feet in height. Guard rails shall be well supported and fully enclosed with not greater than 6 inch square fencing and shall be erected not less than 3 feet from the pens in which the captive wild animals are confined. Pens, guard rails and fencing shall be kept in good repair at all times and all gates and doors shall be kept securely locked.
(9) HARMFUL WILD ANIMALS. Harmful wild animal as defined in s. NR 16.11, shall only be exhibited at the location authorized on the license. Any exhibition of a harmful wild animal at an alternate location requires special written approval from the department.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 16.35

CR 03-030: cr. Register October 2003 No. 574, eff. 11-1-03.