Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 13.38 - Modifications to administrative code relating to deer hunting(1) DEER SEASON. The deer season shall begin the day after Labor Day and continue through December 31.(2) TRIBAL ANTLERLESS DEER QUOTA. (a)Minimum antlerless deer harvest limit. The tribal antlerless deer quotas for each management unit located in part or whole within the ceded lands territory shall be at least 25 deer.(b)Maximum antlerless deer harvest limit. The maximum tribal harvest limit in forest zones established in s. NR 10.28(4) shall be calculated according to the following formula: The management unit deer harvest quota as calculated under s. NR x 10.104(7)50%.
(c)Tribal requests and past harvest performance. Tribal quotas for each deer management unit shall be based on annual requests from the Chippewa bands submitted to the department by June 15, the tribe's past harvest performance and may not exceed the maximum harvest limit specified in par. (b).(3) DEER HUNTING TAGS. (a)Requirements and issuance procedures. Prior to killing any deer, treaty rights participants shall obtain a numbered metal carcass tag from the department. No more than 2 carcass tags may be issued at a time to any individual treaty rights participant. Treaty rights participants may receive additional tags by presenting a registration form completed by a department registration station indicating that a tag has been used.(b)Tagging requirement. All deer regardless of sex shall be tagged with a valid metal carcass tag immediately upon killing and before field dressing or moving the deer. For a deer to be properly tagged, the tag shall be placed through the ear and locked. Failure to attach the tag in this manner renders possession of the deer illegal.(4) ANTLERLESS DEER. (a)Permit requirement. In addition to the tag requirement specified under sub. (3), treaty rights participants shall obtain an antlerless deer permit from the department prior to killing any antlerless deer.(b)Possession in field requirement. No treaty rights participant may shoot an antlerless deer without being in possession of a valid antlerless deer permit for the management unit where the deer is located at the time of shooting.(c)Permit validity. Antlerless deer permits shall be valid only in the management unit specified on the permit.(d)Issuance procedures. The antlerless deer permits will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis according to the following conditions: 1. Up to 2 antlerless deer permits may be issued to any treaty rights participant at any one time.2. Treaty rights participants may receive additional permits only by presenting a registration form completed by a department registration station indicating that an antlerless deer has been registered or upon presentation of an unused, expired permit.3. Any antlerless deer taken by bow or crossbow shall be counted against the tribal antlerless deer quota.4. The department shall issue antlerless deer permits in an amount sufficient to harvest the tribal quota for each management unit. The number of permits for each management unit shall be determined by using tribal hunter success data.5. Antlerless deer permits applicable to a management unit where 50% of the quota has not been harvested shall be valid only for 14 days, including the day of issuance, or until harvest of an antlerless deer.6. Antlerless deer permits applicable to a management unit where 50% of the quota has been reached shall be valid only for 7 days including the day of issuance or until harvest of an antlerless deer.7. No permit will be valid beyond December 31.8. An antlerless deer permit shall include the date of issuance and expiration and the applicable management unit.9. Each antlerless deer permit is valid for only one antlerless deer and expires upon the harvest of an antlerless deer.10. No more than 2 unused antlerless deer permits may be possessed by a treaty rights participant at any one time.11. Each antlerless deer permit shall bear a number corresponding to the number found on the carcass tag issued to a treaty rights participant.(5) DEPARTMENT HOURS. Tags and antlerless deer permits shall be issued during normal weekday working hours at department district or area offices within the ceded territory or at other designated department offices.(6) REGISTRATION. (a)Antlerless deer. Treaty rights participants shall register all antlerless deer at a department authorized registration station in the management unit where the deer is killed or in an adjoining unit provided the deer is transported directly to a station in that adjoining unit no later than 5:00 p.m. on the third working day after the deer is killed. Upon registration of an antlerless deer, the antlerless deer permit shall be retained by the registration station.(b)Antlered deer. Treaty rights participants shall register antlered deer at a department authorized registration station within the ceded territory by 5:00 p.m. on the third working day after the deer is killed.(7) DEER HUNTING IN STATE PARKS AND RECREATIONAL AREAS. Where deer hunting is permitted in a state park or recreational area, gun hunting by treaty rights participants is allowed during the state gun deer season through December 31.(8) TRIBAL IDENTIFICATION CARD. Each treaty rights participant shall possess a tribal identification card and a carcass tag while hunting deer.Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 13.38
Cr. Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90; am. (1), (2) (b), (4) (d) 7., Register, May, 1992, No. 437, eff. 6-1-92.Amended by, CR 13-071: am. (2) (b) Register July 2015 No. 715, eff.8/1/2015.